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Everything posted by thisal

  1. Think that's bad. The next guy along was beside a Celtic fan AND a Rangers fan.
  2. Twitter/ blog you're still reading/ quoting / publicising him.
  3. Who's the nutter? The boy whose object is to get as many hits as possible on his blog, so he keeps it controversial or the the boys who read it just to get upset?
  4. I think a lot of you should add the Philpy to your PTTGOYN. He's got a lot of you wound up like an army of toy soldiers.
  5. It's from long before Derren it's an old 1950's Barras scam.
  6. Pick a race with a small number of runners, say 5. Fill 50 envelopes with the name of horse number 1,with a note saying when this horse wins meet me tomorrow at 1pm and I'll sell you another tip. 50 with horse No2 meet me at 2pm etc.Go to a busy location and hand out as many sealed envelopes as you can. Next day you will have 50 eager customers ready to buy your tips.
  7. You'd be better waiting to see who Archie replaces him with, he'll be a better player. It's the Archiegod way.
  8. Scottish football tip site knows FA about Scottish football. I'll need to head there before I put my next line on.
  9. Top trolling by the met office. I wonder how many extra hits their website got just by giving a wet Thursday a name.
  10. One less than Aberdeen. Just thought I'd point that out. Carry on.
  11. Might also be a good idea to send some of our coaches to Portugal, Belgium etc for some new ideas.
  12. Also in a line of traffic. If you can see 30 cars in front what makes you think the guy right behind can't see you?
  13. Is that a pair of slippers made to look like trainers?
  14. In this time of stress its good of a Morton supporter to come on and remind us of what we could have won.
  15. Is the one in the middle the winner of the guess their weight competition?
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