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Everything posted by thisal

  1. Well if they found a body why are we still looking 7 years later?
  2. They are trained to find bodies. They didn't find a body.
  3. How would you know it wasn't his I'M ECSTATIC GIF.
  4. Or you not being serious either or are you really from Liverpool.
  5. I'm getting a warning not to flash at cars with no headlights on. Apparently if I do I will be chased and shot by the Bloods. You can't move for they bams in Baillieston.
  6. They're not putting The Rengers into the Premiership already are they?
  7. Held up for 20 mins on Gt Western Rd this morning. One lane in front of the new flats near Park Road was coned off. Thought it was so they could unload material no turns out it was just so some site manager type c**t could park his car. What a selfish inconsiderate p***k.
  8. I suppose getting humped by Forfar is quite emotional.
  9. You really should have gone into the toilet to do that.
  10. Woman can't judge distances because men tell them this | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | is 9 inches.
  11. Aye thats what she told you. Are you not wondereing why you've been having beans and sausages so much recently.
  12. Why does it always have to be about you?
  13. Even better take a red bottle and a green bottle and you won't have to buy the 3d glasses either. Win win
  14. A handfull of dead maggots in the lunchtime buffet should liven it up.
  15. To all you spam mailers trying to sell me your wares, this is not Black Friday. It is neither Friday the 13th or the F'ing US of A.
  16. That's the Arctic circle, 'course its snowing.
  17. I was at the 1976 cup final at Hampden. It was meant to be all ticket. But the East terrace hadn't sold out. So it was made pay at the gate. It turned out to be a sunny day. So the combination of a big crowd and cash turnstyles meant there was a still a massive crowd outside at kickoff. We got in just before kick off and it was already mobbed so we were at the top of the terrace and could see the turnstyles. Rangers scored in the first minute and the people outside were getting restless so someone opened a gate and thousands of people rushed in up the stairs I'm 6'3 and my feet were lifted off the ground and when it settled the 4 of us were 30 feet apart. Despite that only being 5 years after Ibrox it didn't even rate a mention. No one saw it as unusual.
  18. The people at the back behaved no differently to commuters getting on a busy bus or train, The Police opened the gates to send them in. The Police had CCTV and radios. The supporters couldn't see what was ahead. I would imagine if I was there at that time I would be thinking it was just the usual bottleneck of people entering at not moving further down the terrace as happened at every big match I was at in that era.
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