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dirty dingus

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Posts posted by dirty dingus

  1. 38 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    I caught some recent footage of Biden last night.  Is it just me or does he look as if he's aged ten years in the last month ?

    Biden dropping dead would be the perfect pre election boost for the democrats. Sympathy vote and someone who's not a doddering gaff making pensioner. 

  2. For one of the so called global derbies it was very limp and passive which was mainly down to Man U standing around the 18 yard box trying to block crosses and shots rather than throwing in a few tasty challenges to try get Man City out their comfort zone.

  3. Where does he sit in Parliament?  "can I just place my fedora and cigar cutter here chief"  SNP- Anti Indy -bolt.   Labour - Hamas supporter - bolt.  DUP - Irish unification supporter - bolt. Tories - I despises the prime minister - bolt. Lib Dems - Hello George, hope you enjoy crochet, homemade jam on Scones and harping back to an England only found in Ray Davies lyrics. I think he should be made to sit on Hoyle's knee whilst in the chamber. they 2 c***s deserve each other. 

  4. 1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

    George Galloway has admitted ordering an intermediary in Pakistan to dig out the marriage certificate of his Labour rival in order to try to prove she had been 16, not 15, when she claims to have been forced into marriage.


    well that makes it much better

    FFS the gyu investigating supposedly kidded on he was her father to get the info. Sleazy lowdown c**t.

  5. 10 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

    BBC reporting of this was shocking, I thought.

    They're really trying to push the MP's were all going to get killed by mad muslims if they didn't support an all out ceasfire rather than we have all backed genocidal Netanyahu and let the (useful for getting shot of Corbyn)Jewish lobby wag the dog.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Highlandmagar said:

    Flynn is going down a dangerous road. 

    Why? Hoyle has shown nothing but contempt for the SNP from chastising them for clapping throwing Ian Blackford out and letting the government and labour constantly use  the derogatory Scottish Nationalist Party line. He's a Royalist Yoon w****r that's as socialist as Steve Baker.

  7. A couple of my mates have went to Cambodia for treatments( from Scotland and Australia) like getting crowns and root canal treatments. The dentists they've used are really modern and they saved a fortune and got a holiday into the bargain.

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