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Posts posted by nsr

  1. Last night I dreamed that my wife and I were at some posh public event whereupon Prince Andrew unexpectedly appeared and took an irrational amount of offence at an offhand comment my wife had made. I tried in vain to calm the situation down after she showed him the finger.

  2. That is one thing that makes me wonder about vegans. What do they think will happen to all the lovely cows and sheep if we stop eating burgers and wearing wool? Are they going to enjoy a nice long retirement on the farm before passing away of old age? The cows and sheep, I mean, not the vegans. They'll die young due to malnutrition.

  3. 12 hours ago, FalkirkBairn93 said:

    Another BMW today, cut up the jnside and tried to force his was in. Then pulled up beside me at red lights asking what’s wrong. I told him are you fucking stupid you almost crashed into the door my daughter is sitting at and you endangered her safety you fucking idiot.

    His response, aye well I didn’t crash into you get out the fucking car.

    My response, no chance I’m not going to act like a moron In front of my bairn.

    Who exactly is it that BMW drivers feel this constant need to impress?

  4. I don't think it's possible to eat anything without sentient life being harmed somewhere along the line. Presumably whatever vegan delights he purchases were grown on farms that kill insects and so on, and were delivered to the shop by some form of motorised vehicular conveyance.

    My sister is a vegan. I now address her as Gary McSwegan.

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