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Posts posted by nsr

  1. At least my clients have the decency to close over Christmas so today and tomorrow I have the choice between time off (unpaid as I'm a contractor) or sitting in the office earning my daily rate while doing bugger all but avoiding the wife and kids.

  2. 3 hours ago, GordonD said:

    Never understood how these things work. Will the charity refuse any donations from people who didn't wear a Christmas jumper?

    Same with charity walks. Before I realised how stupid they were I used to do the Evening News one. I'd go round my office looking for sponsors, and most of the people would give me the money up front. When I pointed out I hadn't actually done the walk yet, they would say "Oh, I'm sure you'll manage it!" Which got me wondering why I had to do the fucking walk at all. I'd have raised just as much by simply going round asking for donations and not had to walk twelve miles in the pissing rain.

    Indeed, I've often thought the same. If I needed to know that a person has skateboarded off a bridge or something in order to motivate me to stump up a couple of quid for some worthy cause, I'd be a low quality human being.

  3. 2 hours ago, MJC said:

    Well each to their own. Personally I value supporting my own team more than I do hating/obsessing about Rangers/Sevco and a win for us would be about a win for us, not for Scottish football and to please all the Rangers obsessed moonhowlers who hate Rangers more than they love their own clubs. But as I said, each to their own.

    Are you projecting ever so slightly?

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