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Posts posted by nsr

  1. 2 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Great debate today made a  boring Monday afternoon go in quicker, if it's all the same to you though, I think l'll take the word of the native American and Canadian tribes, rather than that of a Dumbarton supporter.😀 Or any of the other P&B experts.

    Thank you.

    I thought you said you had scientists.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    The guy that did the suits/make up for the planet of the apes film released a year later in 1968, said it was that good he couldn't have made it, and he was probably the best in the world at ape costumes.

    How can he conclude that from a few seconds of pixelated pish?

  3. 27 minutes ago, robbie1872 said:

    😂 i support the same club i have always have, there is no absolute need to belive anything and no debate, its been confirmed by every credible source that we are the same club and there is absolutely no credible evidence backing up the new club nonsense

    You let the old club die and you're quite content for the new club to go the same way. I don't think you can claim to "support" them in any meaningful sense.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Swello said:

    Scottish Football received wisdom is that if you are Scottish and have played at some point in the last ten years for Rangers, Celtic, Aberdeen, Hibs or Hearts - then a call-up is in the post, nae bother. The tier below those clubs - which over the past decade has really been Motherwell, Killie and St Johnstone - hasn't really existed in the eyes of successive Scotland managers. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

    People who take phone calls on the train are in this category. The latest guy has taken a call from Pauline bout memberships for some club. Oh here’s his second call coming now and he’s only been on the train since Aberdour. We’re outside Inverkeithing now. He’s taking a call from his wife about where the WiFi code is. What did these hopeless c***s do before mobile phones?

    This could possibly be a PTTGONYN but I despise c***s who take phone calls on the train. Just bump it and call them back when you get off the train.

    I hate slow trains where I have to spend an extended period with my fellow passengers. 

    I utterly despise people who have clearly just finished work for the day and are on the way home, but pull out the phone to carry on having meetings or whatnot. The minute I'm out the door work couldn't be further from my mind. They'd have to threaten my firstborn son to get me to chip in outside of my contracted hours.

  6. 12 hours ago, Cerberus said:

    I do the absolute bare minimum at work.

    When asked how long a task will take, say it will take 1hr, I double that to 2hrs to account for things that might go wrong, then double it again to 4hrs because I'm a lazy arsehole. I then spend 1 hr doing the task, 2hrs arsing around on P&B etc, then take credit for being an hour ahead of schedule. Win all round.

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