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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. Just now, stressball said:

    And there’s a Hibs player ahead of him…


    Scales is doing Scales things again.

    I’ve done the Newell/Scales yellow card double, the Newell/Taylor yellow card double and the Newell/Boyle yellow card double. He literally never lets me down, although it’s not always this early. 

    Btw has Joe Newell ever played one of the Old Firm and not got booked? There must be guys out there making a full time living from the earnings made off a Joe Newell yellow card against them. 

  2. 11 hours ago, jonty said:

    How do you spell “paisley is a shithole”?

    I had the misfortune of living and working in Aberdeen for 6 months, and can conclude that Paisley is like the French Riviera compared to Aberdeen, genuinely the most miserable city I’ve spent any length of time in. It had the cheek to charge extortionate rent prices, the roads in and out of the place are hellish, and worst of all the naan breads from Indian takeaways are round and about 10cm in diameter, not the big elephant ear shaped ones you get from West coast takeaways. Only thing it had going for it was white pudding suppers and easy access to a couple of good golf courses. 

  3. 45 minutes ago, GAD said:

    The Olusanya to start thing is interesting, he and Scott changed the game coming off the bench, but would they have been as effective if they'd been on from the beginning? Would they have done more to stop Brann's rhythm or would it just have been the same game but with Mandron and Ayunga trying to rescue it at the end? Who knows, the only real solution is to clone Olusanya and have two of them.

    Christ, imagine this debate even being considered a year and a half ago.

    Fair point, but what I would say is Olusanya on from the start would have given the Brann defence more of a headache than Ayunga or Mandron did. He would have made runs in behind that force the defensive line to drop back, and with his speed he has the ability to get control of aimless balls into the corner that look like the defender is favourite to deal with. He has an amazing ability to get his body in between the defender and the ball and come out on top in contests where he looks second favourite. 

    The guy beside me kept shouting ‘close them down, put some pressure on them, press them higher up’… and I was thinking to myself can you not see how easily the Brann players are popping it around our team. First half especially, their passing was as slick as anything I’ve seen from a team in Paisley. Never a wasted ball, their centre backs we’re comfortable passing into midfield, their midfielders were playing one touch and move stuff that had us chasing shadows, we were relying on excellent goalkeeping and last ditch blocks, and as quick as we won the ball back on the edge of our 18 yard line we had given it away again because neither Mandron or Ayunga could take the ball and hold on to it for long enough to get the team up the park. Adeniran in place of Boyd Munce and Olusanya for Mandron would have been my selection from the start, I think those 2 changes would have given us more out balls, but as I said who am I to question Robinson when he has got us in to this position. There could be legitimate reasons why they never started we don’t know if guys are carrying knocks etc., but I trust him to make the right changes in Bergen after seeing what kind of team we are going to be up against, they are not unbeatable. 

  4. On 09/08/2024 at 09:18, RagaRocker said:

    I'd say the cheating went both ways. St. Mirren got free kicks from dives/semi dives/smartness the 1st half and even the Norwegian commentator Henning Berg (ex Man Utd/Blackburn) pointed out that your goalie most likely went down to allow the rest of the team a tactical chat. He can't be sure though, but every team does that when in trouble nowadays.

    Have to say the Brann fans you hear or read post match are the ones with the loudest voice or caps lock on. Most Brann fans are pissed off with goalie Dyngeland naively/cynically choosing to kick the ball out of play. He shouldve at least smashed if 50 meters further up the pitch, because he got really nice long pass skills.

    I love our coach. He is extremely on fire during the matches, but he didnt want to talk about fair play post match. It happened. Next match please. Players are quite the same so they sent director Christian Kalvenes (ex Dundee Utd) instead.

    I don't understand why Brann stopped playing on 1-0. They were so good. I think they might be a bit obsessed with learning how to act cynical in European games when in the lead away from home. This style of play has reached the Norwegian league as well and they have lost matches when they have surprisingly been down 0-1 and the opponent have started to waste time.

    It all started with Brann - Fredrikstad 0-2 when 13 (!) minutes was added in the 2nd half because of time wasting. Fredrikstad needed on-pitch treatment no less than 13 times in that match. In the next away match FFK needed treatment 14 times.

    After that, I think Brann have tried to learn how to control and slow down games when needed. Didnt need that yesterday though. 



    Very fair post. Throwing the ball out at the 18 yard line when your player was sitting down knowing he was about to be subbed is most definitely, in hindsight, a silly mistake… although if an opposing team had done the same against St Mirren I think I would be just as upset as some of the Brann fans seem to be. What was the most surprising to me was that Brann didn’t press for a second goal in the 15 minutes that remained, especially at a time when St Mirren were pressing forward and potentially leaving themselves exposed at the back.

    The slickness of Brann’s passing from the outset was superior to anything I’ve seen from teams in the SPFL, Old Firm included, and they really had us chasing shadows all over the pitch. Mandron and Ayunga tried their best but it was evident from the first whistle that their players were a level above anything we had seen before, and they passed it round it us with a quality that actually made some of our players look like juniors. Smyth and Boyd-Munce were completely dominated by the Brann midfield, not once in the first half did they manage to show a bit of composure on the ball, and I couldn’t believe Adeniran wasn’t introduced at half time. Never going to dispute Robinsons decisions but every fan and their granny could see Smyth and CBM were getting properly bullied, the ball was getting pinged by them before they even had a chance to get close enough to tackle, and I could count on one hand how many times they found a saints player with a pass in that first half, in the limited times they had control of the ball. It was only Olusanya coming on combined with the shithousery of Rooney that began to rattle the Brann team, and we should take some confidence from the fact that their defence really didn’t seem to like that kind of battle in the last few minutes.


    Brann most certainly going to be favourites on Thursday but I’m looking forward to see what tactic Robinson deploys. Olusanya absolutely has to start, he won’t give their defence a minutes peace, and Adeniran has got to replace one of the CM’s… he is head and shoulders above both that started at home quality wise, and he’s got that bit of aggression that’s needed when going away to teams that are going to have most of the ball; Would be astounded if both Olusanya and Adeniran don’t start on Thursday. Hopefully the Brann team have the same mentality as some of their fans on twitter thinking the game is already won due to how poor St Mirren were in the first leg, if we change a couple of the personnel along with a solid tactical display there is no reason we can’t steal a 0-1. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, TPAFKA Jersey 2 said:

    That was my understanding too.

    Wikipedia has been known to be wrong mind. 

    That’s true, but looking at the calibre of the teams that enter at the play-off stage along with the teams that drop down as losing at the Europa League third qualifying stage, I can’t see a way that either ourselves or Brann could be seeded. 

    Just another word on the performance last night and to highlight how well we played, at the game I was raving to my Dad about how well Adeniran was playing in midfield, first half especially, and obviously O’ Hara had an absolute stormer too. But talking to my pals today I’ve heard Balcombe, Brown, Idowu, Olusanya, Rooney and Taylor all getting singled out for praise from different people. It really was a proper performance last night, still buzzing about the whole occasion and the team delivered when it mattered most. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

    I believe the winner of our tie will be seeded and will therefore avoid Chelsea.

    According to Wikipedia we will be unseeded for the play off round if we win this tie. I was also under the impression that we would take the seed of Brann if we won, but our potential opponents in the final qualifying round are teams like Fiorentina, Chelsea and Betis. 

  7. 44 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

    Have a look at Tuesday night Glasgow flight and a wee overnight in travellodge

    That did cross my mind but having looked at the flight times I think we are aiming for the flight that lands in Bergen at 11.40 on the day of the game. A couple of the guys I’m planning to travel with are pushing their luck with regards to time off work so it’s going to have to be a flying visit.  

  8. 26 minutes ago, Jersey Bud said:


    Me and the other Jersey poster on here were straight onto that after the game last night.

    Norwegian Airways Gatwick to Bergen Wed-Fri only £210 each return.

    The flight times from Gatwick to Bergen are perfect but trying to marry that up with Glasgow to Gatwick flights is not so easy. Might need to be a train job into Euston then on to Gatwick. 

  9. Just now, djchapsticks said:

    I think the first half in particular it did go quiet at times to be honest. There was an awful lot of nervous tension in the air and although W7 carried on their singing and drumming as usual, the rest of the ground was very quiet by our standards, even the W4 section where I sit that usually gets apologised on behalf of.

    Think once that second goal went in though and supporters realised that we weren't going to go full St. Mirren, it got a lot noisier, the last 20 minutes was as loud as I've heard in a long time, even though I stole a march and had mtly head down as I was booking 8 flights to Bergen right there in the ground 😅

    I was in W5 and thought the atmosphere was the best I’ve seen at the new ground, second half especially as you say. Even had the middle of the West Bank starting chants with W7 joining in which doesn’t usually happen. Was surprised to see a few people on here say it sounded flat but as RandomGuy says it doesn’t really matter to anyone that wasn’t there. 

  10. Brann don’t look in particularly great form at the minute, last nights result excepted. They are away to a mid table team this weekend before travelling to Paisley, and although it’s undoubtedly a pretty significant step up in quality from Valur I don’t think we should be too pessimistic about our chances. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Lex said:

    Had a nice throw back in the Conference League against Valur tonight.

    Our (vital) second goal was a good yard offside, and I think most Saints fans in the West Stand knew it. However, the linesman made a howler and gave it. 
    if we were playing in the league there’d barely have been a celebration as we’d all be waiting for the inevitable intervention from big brother. There was that brief pause before we realised that actually, this mistake wasn’t going to be corrected, and the celebrations went into full swing.

    Ah the good old days, when clearly illegal goals were allowed to stand.

    Take me back!

    Throwback to the glory days of having a quick look to see if the linesman has his flag up before throwing yourself into a celebration. VAR really has robbed the fans of that genuine, immediate and unbridled joy that goes along with a goal, especially in games of significance. 

    At one of the goals earlier tonight the referee motioned with his arm back to the centre circle to signal the goal had been given almost as soon as the ball hit the back of the net, and it took my VAR-trained brain a few milliseconds to comprehend that once he had done that there was no danger of it being disallowed. If that was in the league you could watch the referee make the same signal and at the back of your mind know that in 60 seconds time he is going to be standing with his hand to his ear for a ridiculously extended period of time, and wether the goal is given or not the emotions of that moment have been dampened. Mental that VAR has been almost forced upon us from the powers above, and when you get to attend a game like that earlier that doesn’t have VAR the spectacle is far, far more enjoyable as a result of it’s absence. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Coooombe said:


    Incredible support tonight. I've had the time of my life the past few days. Was pretty emotional when the teams came out tonight, would never have thought I'd get to experience something like that with my dad and my mates. Disappointed in the result but wouldn't trade the time I've had here for anything. 

    What a travelling support 👏 noticed more than a few St Mirren fans around me with their phones out checking the latest score in Belgium and hoping to see Killie get a result. Disappointed to see you narrowly defeated but by all accounts gave a good account of yourselves against a team that probably just have that bit more quality in their team. 

    Just noticed they closed the bottom tier and housed yous all in the top :lol: was the Rugby Park match commander in charge of that decision. It’s poor from them after you allowed their fans into the bottom tier last week, they obviously didn’t realise that luxury isn’t usually afforded to Scottish supports of a similar size. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, AberdeenBud said:

    O'Hara was absolute class.  Strong, committed, drove us forward, and what a goal.  

    Delighted he's still with us but always imagined it would be a short stay,  easily good enough to play at a higher level.  


    Bergen is looking pricey,  even with direct flights from ABZ. 😑

    Direct from Gatwick looks the cheapest option, even taking into account travel to London. 

  14. 20 minutes ago, ulysses said:

    Well, that was pleasantly straightforward.

    Still can’t get over the turnaround in Toyosi over the past couple of years. What a difference maker he is for us.

    What a nuisance he must be to play against. His hold up play for a smaller guy is excellent as well, always manages to get his body in between the ball and the defender and looks strong even against big centre halves that tower over him. 

    What a great day that was today, walking from the town centre and soaking in the atmosphere outside the stadium for an hour or so before the game. Stood at the grass just behind the newsagents on Greenhill Road and it was such a good vibe; families standing getting pictures taken, watching guys bump into old friends they hadn’t seen in yonks, and the police laughing and joking with fans that, although openly drinking, were evidently there for a good time with no hint of misbehaviour. Loved it. 

  15. 49 minutes ago, HoBNob said:



    Sorry but we'll never agree on this. 

    On the first quoted post Gilmour would've been pressing Kroos? Whit? And Gilmour would've stopped us passed around in midfield? People are just making stuff up. 

    To be fair I didn’t say Gilmour would have been the one pressing Kroos, but what he could have done was play the role he normally plays for Scotland and find space to take the ball off the defence and pick a pass that gets us into the opponents half. Last night we had McGinn and McGregor trying to play from the edge of the 18 yard box and by the time they had attempted 2 or 3 passes Germany had the ball back. 

  16. Don’t tend to listen to Roy Keane when he’s on Sky because I think he’s a bit of a dick, but just seen this on Twitter and agree with every word. Robertson and McGinn coming out and saying they had a game plan… I would love someone to ask them if they could be more specific and tell us what the game plan actually was, because I didn’t see one. We didn’t rough them up, we didn’t press them high, we didn’t try to counter and win second balls off Adams? No clue. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Provincial clubs as you put it, couldn't play at Ibrox or Parkhead because neither of these places are in the capital of the country.

    Happy to help, just don't do it again.

    Didn’t know that. Replace the word provincial with ‘wee teams’ in my original post. 

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