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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. 1 minute ago, 54_and_counting said:

    Disagree that the leeway should go to the attacker, defenders nowadays have it so much more against them with the handball rule and how easy it is for an attacker to get a penalty (especially the attackers that initiate contact with the defender first) if a defender plays the offside trap and catch a striked by millimetres, then they have done their job and shouldn't be punished because we give "leeway" to the attacker

    I can understand that point but the aim of the game in football is scoring goals, not deploying an offside trap to leave an attacker quarter of an inch offside. Nobody is going to be speaking about legendary offside traps in years to come, but with the current laws and the way VAR is being used in Scotland, there’s a good chance that legendary goals could be ruled out for offside because the VAR official used the wrong frame to determine when the ball was played forward.

    In the Champions League the ball has a sensor that can give accurate data to the VAR officials and allows them to pinpoint the exact frame to use as the ball is played forward. That technology doesn’t exist in Scotland, and if you have a defender rushing out at speed combined with an attacker going forward, finding the exact moment the ball is played is extremely important, when one frame could have the attacker level and the next frame could have the attacker a yard offside. Drawing lines and ruling goals out because that certain still image shows a player a few millimetres offside is laughable when you aren’t going to be accurate in finding out when the ball was played forward. 

  2. 10 hours ago, The Master said:

    Two parallel lines will always appear to converge in a still image. The effect is amplified the tighter the angle you view it from. 

    I understand that parallel lines will always converge to a point the further they travel, but should that really be the case over a distance of 70 odd yards? A train track disappearing into the distance over the space of a mile or so, sure. But a noticeable difference from one side of a football pitch to the other? Nah. Surely the amount of convergence would be negligible, especially when viewing the lines from the angle shown in the screenshot from Fir Park.

    I’m not saying that the cut of the grass should be taken as any kind of authority when deciding offside decisions, but to my eye the line drawn by the VAR officials from the back of Goldson along to Johnston looked a little bit iffy. As I said I think it was extremely tight, and the Primary School graphics drawn by the officials had Johnston just onside, which I think was the correct decision when there’s literally a few millimetres in it either way. The cameras used by VAR don’t have a frame rate that even allows them to accurately determine the exact moment the ball is played forward, which makes the prolonged offside decisions and drawing of lines to rule out a goal where the attackers knee is a quarter of an inch infront of the second last defender a bit of a joke. Far more leeway should be given to the attacking team in order to compensate for the undeniable fact that the VAR officials are working with technology that isn’t up to the job of calling such tight and important decisions that can change depending on which frame they decide use. 

  3. 10 hours ago, AJF said:


    They are fair points to be honest and I hadn’t really considered the “wonky grass lines” angle. I’d have thought any cuts of the grass would start from the goal-line so just assumed they’d be uniform all the way up the pitch if they start off square.

    Still though, the variance in distance between the near side and far side either mean the grass is cut terribly or the VAR lines are placed terribly.

    I thought the same as you on first viewing, and I still think it’s incredibly tight no matter what arbitrary lines are drawn by the VAR team, probably using Microsoft Paint on Windows XP, but no matter what team scores a goal from an offside decision as tight as that I wouldn’t like to see it ruled out when the available camera angles don’t make it obvious. 

  4. Listen it’s not a penalty in a month of Sundays, how VAR hasn’t overruled that decision after having the luxury of multiple replays is baffling. We’re not exactly short on examples of Scottish officials using VAR horrendously, but this is another one to add to the list. St. Mirren have had their fair share of ridiculous penalty decisions against them as I’m sure Dundee United have too, but it’s still no excuse. The most surprising thing for me is that a foul was given in favour of Curtis Main, most weeks it takes serious assault charges to be issued by the Procurator Fiscal for him to get a free kick on the half way line, so it was a shock to see him getting awarded a decision as soft as that in the box.  

  5. On 14/03/2023 at 07:38, Boghead ranter said:

    They did really well getting an actress for Ellie's mum that looked really like her. I wasn't sure at first whether that opening scene was a flashback or a flashforward.

    There was a point when I was watching that I genuinely thought they had taken Bella Ramseys face and used SFX to create the actress that played her mum, using some AI technology that I didn’t know about. What a weird coincidence that she was the voice of Ellie in the games long before Ramsey was cast for the TV show. 

    I’ve really enjoyed the show, having never even heard of the game until I got a couple of episodes in. I must admit I was quite disappointed with the ending as I was looking for more of a rounded conclusion, although after speaking to a couple of guys in work who have played the games they said the first chapter ends in exactly the same way, so it didn’t come as much as a disappointment to them as it did to me. I understand it sets up the next season quite nicely but after investing my time in 9 episodes worth the ending seemed a bit flat on the face of it. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

    They have a goalkeeper they paid £5m for, who is out on loan because they don't think he's good enough.

    For some reason, that really upsets me this season...

    To be fair I think you’re better off with Birighitti after seeing some of Barkas’ displays. 

    Neil Lennon and his scouting team really dropped the ball on that transfer. £5M quid for a goalkeeper that was so bad he got replaced by Scott Bain :lol: 

  7. 42 minutes ago, 'WellDel said:

    Keevins' output is like the shite your granda would spout about fitba when you took him down the pub for a couple of pints on a Sunday afternoon, only he's given a mainstream platform to do it. Utterly dated and predictable nonsense he's churned out for years.

    I'm guessing it's just that no one has the heart to put the doddery auld c**t out to pasture.

    He’s an absolute dinosaur who is best ignored. I try my best to avoid reading the opinions of guys like him and the rest of his superscore board chums, but that article popped up on my Twitter feed earlier on. There’s no doubt that Rangers and Celtic will be favourites to make the final if they avoid each other in the semi-final, but no matter what two team make the final it will most certainly still have a title ‘worthy of the name’. If anything an Old Firm final devalues it, it highlights how far ahead they are of every other team and makes the competition look like somewhat of a procession that’s came to its natural conclusion with the two largest and biggest spending teams predictably meeting in the final. 

    The fawning over Postecoglu in that article also misses out one extremely important point; that he is working with a budget many, many multiples of every other team in the league besides Rangers. Yes he’s done a good job I cant deny that, he has his team playing good football and he seems like a very good manager. But let’s not pretend that a team like Celtic and a team like St Mirren are competing on anything like the same playing field. £7M on both Carter-Vickers and Jota, £5M on Bernabei, £3M on each of Johnston and Haksabanovic. Those transfer fees alone would come close to paying the wages of every non-OF team in the league for a full season. They spend about another £20M a year on wages which is about 6 times as much as the team with the 3rd highest budget. They were made to look very ordinary in the Champions League which doesn’t get much of a mention these days, but it doesn’t stop pundits like Keevins spunking their pants after they put 4 or 5 past teams like St Mirren, Aberdeen and St Johnstone. 

  8. 23 minutes ago, Rodhull said:

    Season 1 covers game 1 only. They've obviously not finalised everything for season 2 yet but the makers have said they think there's enough content in game 2 to cover more than one season of TV. 👍

    I see. Do you think we will get to a time when the show needs to start producing original content that hasn’t came from the video game? The show seems to be extremely popular and there’s a lot of hype around it so you would think HBO would like to get more than 2 seasons from it. 

  9. On 10/03/2023 at 21:48, Renfrewblue said:

    Met Super Ally once when he was buying a tumble dryer. I was buying one too and thought he was lifting mine when the lad brought it through from the storeroom. 

    Think I’ve told this story before on here where I took my pal up to my golf course one Friday morning. McCoist is a member of the same club and as we were taking our clubs out the boot McCoist drove in to the car park in his big black Audi A8. My pal is a big Rangers fan and was asking me if it would be alright to go over and ask for a picture. Before we had even finished that conversation McCoist was right beside us, asking how we were, when we were teeing off, making small talk about the weather etc. My pal got a picture with him at the end up and couldn’t believe it was him that actually approached us :lol:  

    Derek McInnes is a member of the same club but he doesn’t say much when you see him around. McCoist is absolutely sound though, literally goes out his way to come over and have a chat.  

  10. For anyone who has played the game, will season 1 cover everything that has happened in the games so far? Will season 2 be new material or lifting from the original storyline as Season 1 has? 

    I’ve really enjoyed the series so far, but the only thing that has slightly annoyed me is the amount of spoilers I’ve encountered, obviously due to the storyline already being out there. Some of the scenes that were meant to shock me have came as no surprise as I already knew the way the story was going due to Twitter, YouTube etc.


  11. 8 minutes ago, houston_bud said:

    Some of the older interviews he did were quite good. The likes of Jim Jeffries, Yogi Hughes, the Steven Thomspon one was good too. Guys that had been around a bit and had some stories. It started going down hill when they were putting up 2 hour interviews with the likes of Kyle Lafferty. 

    There's obviously a market for it so good luck to them and they all seem decent enough guys.

    Aye there was a few early ones that I enjoyed I must admit. The Barry Robson one was a good listen where he was telling stories from the Celtic dressing room with Strachan, Boruc, McGeady etc., and I quite liked his interview with Bobby Madden. The stuff he does on the podcast with Kyle, Halliday, Ferguson, Slane et al., is utter tripe though. Hearing them attempt to speak about teams like St. Mirren, Motherwell etc is an extremely hard listen. Kevin Kyle especially. 

    As you say he has done very well for himself, Im sure he’s making a good living off it and enough people enjoy it. Not for me anymore though, I’m not particularly interested in hearing more analysis of the OF when it’s getting forced down your throat from multiple other sources. 

  12. 3 hours ago, djchapsticks said:


    Literally the only Stephen Robinson to Aberdeen stories. All based on the Simon Ferry podcast.

    Ahh, Simon Ferry’s Open Goal podcast, the calling card of people with a single figure IQ. Almost exclusively watched by OF fans, and it’s hard to criticise Ferry for that to be fair. The fact that he has managed to assemble a panel where he is by far the most intelligent person is quite an accomplishment given how fucking stupid he is. Kevin Kyle and Paul Slane would make the Paisley Panda look like Nostradamus. 

  13. On 05/02/2023 at 18:30, sergie's no1 fan said:


    With that one boy converting, it's worth it. There must be more like him too.


    I was sitting in the main stand at the recent home game against Celtic, and I got talking to the two fellows sitting beside me before the game started. One of them told me he was the father of the West Stand side linesman for that game, and going by his reaction to the second half Celtic comeback it was clear that he was not upset by the final score line. I made sure to celebrate O’Hara’s penalty as close to him as I could while he sat with his face tripping him. That’s not to cast aspersions on his son’s abilities to officiate the game fairly I should add, and makes no difference to the point I’m about to make. 

    About 5 minutes into the game he pointed towards the family stand (we were in section M7) and made comment about how many empty seats there was, and how it would look better for television if that stand was fully occupied. He said he had seen Celtic fans outside the ground looking for tickets and it wasn’t right that they were unable to attend the game when there was so many empty seats. He didn’t actually make this comment towards me but I was sitting directly to his left, and couldn’t let it pass without retorting. I told him that Celtic receive the same allocation as every other team in the league, and St Mirren fans overwhelmingly voted to keep our Family Stand for St Mirren fans only, a stand made up of mostly young season ticket holders worth much more to the club than Celtic fans that turn up once or twice a year. He replied by saying that selling the stand to Celtic fans was ‘worth 2 or 3 extra players for St Mirren’. I quickly realised I was dealing with a genuinely simple mind and just aimed a smile combined with a slight nod in his direction, unable to find anything to say back to him when faced with such close range idiocy. 

    My friends kids have had tickets for the family stand a couple of times this season from their schools, and that along with seeing the picture posted above should ensure we never return to handing over that stand to the Old Firm. If we continue looking after our young fans, hopefully enticing them back to St Mirren Park by playing good football and getting good results, then that will stand us in good stead in the future as far as attendances are concerned, and will bring in multiple times the money of a fleeting Old Firm sell out. The entitlement of OF fans in thinking that they somehow deserve to have every available seat in their opponents stadium will never fail to baffle me, although when teams like Livingston and St Johnstone are handing over 3 sides to them it’s no wonder they think the way they do. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Merkland Red said:

    He wouldn't start for the two teams at the top of the league.

    Nkunku joins in the summer, I think.

    You’re possibly right he wouldn’t be a starter for Man City, but he’s definitely good enough to be used in the rotation. Kalvin Philips gets a game for Man City semi regularly. 

    Arsenal don’t play a system that suits his position so it’s hard to gauge, plus Odegaard is playing well at the minute, but I don’t think there’s a team out there that wouldn’t have him in their sqaud, especially at the age he is and the potential sell on value. 


  15. 2 hours ago, Drooper said:

    Lasley looks to have been an inspired appointment. He talks a language that resonates with the support, but also seems to have a keen business sense.

    I hope he is around for a good few years, but his progress, like that of the manager, won't have gone unnoticed. That said, both are developments to be celebrated.

    Lasley is a massive asset for our club, arguably a more important appointment than the manager imo. Tony undoubtedly had his heart in the right place but I got the feeling that some of the things he spoke about doing he struggled to implement, whereas Lasley has the experience with Motherwell alongside a more professional way of working. Tony was, and continues to be, a great ambassador for our club. 

    Reading that Herald article it’s clear to see that Lasley knows exactly how a club like ours should work within the community. Compare that to how the St Johnstone board treated their fans before the recent cup game and it highlights just how well the cutting of the OF allocations was handled by the club. On course for another 7k+ attendance today as well by all accounts. 

  16. 28 minutes ago, Mr Zo said:

    Rory Loy = Shuggie Murray at Forthbank against Stirling Albion for the younger fans amongst our support.

    That 5 months Jack Ross really lit a fire under our support and has started a really terrific connection between fans and players since.

    Those were a special 18 months under Jack Ross.

    I also wonder how it would have panned out if Steven McGinn hadnt scored that screamer against the Welsh team in the Challenge Cup? We were 1-0 down and getting outplayed by a part time outfit until that goal went in, and from that moment forward the team seemed to gain a confidence and a connection with the fans that lasted the rest of the season. We went and beat Ayr at Somerset next game and didn’t lose many after that. 

    Just thinking back there was some terrific displays that season. The Stelios game at home to Hibs, the John Hughes 5-0 game against Raith, 4-1 away to Morton on a Friday night and probably more I’ve forgotten about. We should never have been in the position we were in, but the train home from Edinburgh after the last game was brilliant. Celebrating in relief more than achievement, but still a great memory I have from that season. 

  17. 25 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

    3 of those 4 won it as starters 2 years ago.

    Fair enough you are right, although I still don’t think those 3 players are of the quality a team like Chelsea would be aiming for if winning the Champions League in the next few years was an ambition for them. 

  18. 6 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Mount is genuinely one of the most over-rated English players (bar Declan Rice) - anyone who gets owned by S O'D can't be that brilliant.

    Every couple of months or so he will do something brilliant i.e. skin 3 players and stick the ball in the top corner. In between these flashes of quality he plays like he belongs in the Championship. Can’t be bothered to look but going by what I see of him he must be one of the most dispossessed players in the league, defenders can read him like a book when he tries to go past them. 

  19. 5 hours ago, Torfason said:

    I first started supporting Saints in 86, so I never saw Fergie’s Furies and shared the good times some of our ………er……………more mature fans have seen but it hit me when I saw RC had signed a pretty decent winger and my initial thought was f**k…………here we go……..then I remembered that we were 4th and relegation wasn’t our problem this season.

    This has been pretty normal for some clubs but for those of us experiencing it for the first time…………..it’s brilliant.

    Top 4 Tony………..why not 🐼🍻

    It hammers home how important that 5 months in the Championship under Jack Ross really was. If we hadn’t managed to avoid relegation that season, there is a good chance we would be talking about trips to Dunfermline and Falkirk and not a top 6 finish in the Premiership. I went to nearly every game during that spell and they were some of the best times I’ve had supporting St Mirren, but probably didn’t realise at the time how vital those wins were. Ayr United away and, of course, Hibs on the last day of the season were the highlights for me. We really do have a lot to thank Rory Loy for :lol: 

  20. 9 hours ago, The Golden God said:

    Can’t say I’d heard or any of the Chelsea signings except for Mudryk and that’s just cause he played well against Celtic. Genuine question though, if Fernandez signed for Rangers, do they win the league? Is he man of the match every game and is he running rings round everyone? For 100 million quid that’s what you’d expect. The transfer market down there has been going mad down there for years but this January has been completely ridiculous. 

    He’s a 22 year old that’s just played a pivotal part in winning the World Cup for his country, and would most likely start for any team on the planet. £100 million might look cheap in a few years depending on how he gets on. 

    I like Potter as a manager and I thought he deserved his chance at a bigger club, but him and Chelsea just don’t seem to suit. It’s not his fault that the club has went out and spent a quarter of a billion quid, but if he doesn’t start winning games with these players then it’s going to really harm his reputation at the top level. 

    I might have dreamt this but did they not sign Nkunku from Liepzig too? I was sure I seen confirmation but not heard anything since. Might be an idea to start signing some defenders. Silva can’t have many years left in him and guys like Cucurella and Azpilecueta are nowhere near the calibre of player required to win the league or UCL, and you could add Gallagher, Mount, Chilwell and Havertz to that list as well. How can a club spend a quarter of a billion pounds and still end up with a midfield including Mount and Gallagher :lol: 

  21. I only watched the first episode because it was being so heavily pushed by Sky on their planner, and I was looking for something to watch. I was gripped from the word go and the episode flew by despite being well over an hour long. It’s very rare that a television series will get my attention so quickly, I think the only other programme that has had me so invested from the first episode has been Game of Thrones. 

    I also had no idea the television series had been adapted from a game until I watched a YouTube video about the opening episode. Going by the reviews from people who have played the game the team behind the show have done an amazing job. Pedro Pascal is brilliant in everything I’ve seen him in, but for some reason Bella Ramsey reminds me of Mhairi Black, the SNP MP, and that can be off putting. 

  22. 12 hours ago, pozbaird said:

    Straight to the EPL eh? Why does my heart say ‘well done son, all the best’, but my head says ‘Palace send Dylan Reid on loan to Oxford United to get game time experience….Palace youngster Dylan Reid set to sign for Hibernian to get career back on track’…. The Daily Ranger, sometime in 2025.

    Spot on, but if Dylan Reid was my son and had the chance to go to Crystal Palace, earn a good few thousands pounds a week for the next 3 years with the possibility of playing Premier League football at the end of it, there wouldn’t be much to think about. There is Championship players in England that are multi-millionaires and have set up their families for life. I know the amount of money flying about the English lower leagues is to the detriment of Scottish clubs, but for the players it’s a gold mine and I don’t think anyone will be critical of Reid’s choice if he does decide to go. 

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