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stevenston saint

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Status Updates posted by stevenston saint

  1. No you don't follow,i was talking about the poster who commented below me.

  2. He's living in a box,he's living in a cardboard box.

  3. LOL at Championserect

  4. Crazy StMirren1877

  5. Why does sweenzo want to make you a bunnet,its still summer

  6. Burger king is shit, McDonalds is far better.

  7. Alphabetti spaghetti!!

  8. How's it going stranger? I'm in Cupar tomorrow.Will i find you in the bookies?

  9. Aberdeen game??Is that the one when most of our team had a virus?Aberdeen,is that the team thats dropping like a stone.Division 1 football for the Mutley Crew!!

  10. f**k sake DJP,what's the script with Swindon? Championship football for them next season.Pity you'll be following Northampton Town.lol

  11. Fucking outrageous you got a two day ban for the cake jibe. Keep it up mate.lol

  12. Why did Bravo copy DJP's comment,darkie?Very strange.

  13. Out of 2 cups in a week big man FFS,poor show.

  14. FFS will you stop changing your name you tart,it's not big and it's not clever !

  15. Transformers-Interesting!!

    Does she run about in the buff??

  16. Nice profile pic and avatar, likey likey.

    Who is that big titted bitch???

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