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Posts posted by Todders

  1. The people organising this poll say they'll pull Catalonia out of Spain two days after a Yes vote which they're guaranteed as No voters won't be taking part. Most people in Catalonia want to stay in Spain. Erdogan is certainly a c**t.

    If "most people in Catalonia want to stay in Spain" why does Madrid not just let the vote go ahead and encourage No voters to get to the polls?

    The way they are acting suggests that they know they would lose the vote.
  2. An ESPN host name Jamele Hill has caused a bit of controversy by calling Trump a "white supremacist." Her bosses talked to her, but there was no punishment. ESPN has made a recent habit of firing or suspending conservative hosts who offer controversial political opinions. 

    There's nothing controversial about calling Trump a white supremacist.
  3. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/antifa-domestic-terrorists-us-security-agencies-homeland-security-fbi-a7927881.html

    "US security officials have classified the left-wing group Antifa as "domestic terrorists", confidential documents have revealed."

    There's no such group so what they're essentially saying is that its now illegal to protest against fascist ideaology.

    God bless the Trump Reich.
  4. How we got to this situation was political correctness. If normal politicians were actually allowed to debate immigration and it's effects on native people in our society we wouldn't have had only a bombthrower to turn to. Shutting down debate of issues you don't like can often have negative consequences for the objectives of the side trying to shut down debate.

    Do you really want to open up a debate on the effect of white immigration to North America had on the native population or are you one of these idiots that believe whites are native?
  5. There is a "queue" for membership as several countries have already started the application process. The EU Commission has limited resources and existing applicants take priority. I also said, however, that some countries can close certain chapters of the acquis than others and thereby "move up" the queue.
    Without an independent currency and central bank, an independent Scotland could not complete the application process. There are chapters that would take a long time to close. That's why Single Market/EEA membership, the Norwegian model, is a more realistic option.
    It's the EUphiles who are completely dishonest about Scotland being to join to the EU almost immediately.

    If different parties move at different paces then it is by its very definition NOT a queue ffs.
  6. Dugdale said "With Scottish Labour, you do not have to make a decision between a hard Tory Brexit and independence" 

    Please explain this to me someone ...



    You wont have to make a decision because you wont even be asked the question. Best to just be told what to do.
  7. Went to see them in Sydney over the weekend. 40 degrees in the shade for most of the evening but it was fucking ace. Got a bit of a bargain with the tickets. $180 for diamond standing area ( right behind VIP section)





  8. Whether there are 30 or 40 is immaterial, you say yourself that there are more in Local Government, (Education FE/HE are the same), only such a complex and unwieldy system would exist in the public sector.

    It's good that you're at least attempting to think for yourself though, most encouraging.

    Its only complex if you're an idiot who can't count tbf.
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