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Status Replies posted by 1320Lichtie

  1. Imagine moaning at someone for handing over a fiver for a fare worth £2. Gtfo, bus conductor.

    1. 1320Lichtie


      Moany arseholes, once kept my £10 note on a Monday morning as they had no change and told me to go to the fucking bus station to get my change on a Saturday!! f**k em

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Christmas is a load of balls. What a waste of fucking money.

    1. 1320Lichtie


      Best day of the year, only day families spend proper time with each other!! Cheer up eh :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Great weekend of sport ahead. #Rangers #Formula1

  4. I knew when I lost my debit card in town it had the potential to be a sh*te day!....

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