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Scotty Tunbridge

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Everything posted by Scotty Tunbridge

  1. Lincoln Hearts is OFTW with dots, but I’d say yet again he’s came out of this one like the time against Christophe looking the lesser of 2 evils. Dindy has lost it,
  2. How can you get a DQ in a cell match?
  3. File this under things that never happened for me. He was abysmal against Livi and will have rightly been left out because of that and to accommodate going to 1 up top which he will never be able to do. That was actually a pretty reasonable post from you until you spat out this absolute drivel.
  4. May as well call Goodwillie up also if we are going down the scumbag criminal route.
  5. For anyone who hasn’t been in the Barclays thread what actually happened was everyone congratulating Lolverpool for winning the league and Rab was outed as Rab D Racist.
  6. Well done on the winning the league lolverpool. Absolute tin pot 1 horse race league not like the Scottish prem.
  7. High chance of this being a cricket score with the Sellick result.
  8. Much better episode this week. The bit where Winnie the Pooh made his first appearance in the jail got an actual lol.
  9. The old firm in Europe is usually good for a laugh. Hopefully Celtic can deliver as well.
  10. Accies1874 is very interested in coming on to discuss all things Hamilton. Slide into his DMs to discuss.
  11. Wow Rab has definitely broken if that’s true. A couple more Lolverpool posts and he’ll be tracking people down on social media.
  12. Awful player. I’m very shocked he’s probably going to be out the door before Moyo.
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