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Posts posted by FreddieDaquin.

  1. I’m currently sitting with 1 solo win, managed to get it one night when I came home steaming, what a buzz!

    Mainly play duo’s or squads with mates, I have 16 duo and 26 squad wins which you might think is alright.. But played 290 duo games and 490 squad haha.

    Funny enough we had that same idea last night, stick on default outfit and people will think we’re jobby - turns out we actually are!

  2. In all seriousness though, fucking delighted for Hendry. If anyone deserved a move like that it was him, been class this season and a reported club record fee plus add ons isn’t too shabby for a 22 year old we’ve had for 6 months.

    No matter how much I tried to brace myself for the news I still ended up absolutely raging earlier, having calmed down a little and thought about it I feel we’re actually still okay defensively (until O’Dea resumes business as usual on Saturday) with Waddell/Meekings and having Julen come back in against St. J after a long time out and not put a foot wrong. Also got another option in Gadzhalov who’s just sitting rotting away, pretty sure NM would prefer to play El Bak centre half instead of Gadz if it came down to it.

  3. 2 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Randy Wolters latest article for a Dutch paper seems to suggest he's having trouble fitting in and not enjoying it at Dundee.

    His Instagram stories suggest different, he was walking through the City Centre the other night singing along to a junkie playing the guitar - terrific viewing.

  4. My point was I wouldn't of put odea back in. Same defence that won during the week. Waddell confidence after United win would of been on a high. Comes on when down to 2-0.

    Strike force is awful

    Positive Waddell was carrying an injury against Utd midweek after the County game, I had a feeling McCann's selection today would have been down to that and giving young Kerr a rest if so.
  5. Dundee United; get that fucking right round you.
    There's not a peep from the b*****ds tonight and that'll close Lorraine Kelly's mouth for a bit aswell - at least until she shovels 55 rashings of bacon and a field of eggs down her fat b*****d throat in the morning.
    Get in there Dundee. If United had of sneaked a win in that 2nd half i would've been disappointed, but not angry. We played exactly as i'd hope and there's not much more you can ask for from the players.
    Cammy Kerr is a fucking legend. f**k all these popstar c***s down in England who swan about like they're gods gift. This c**t loves his club and plays like any of us would on that pitch. An honest player who has more passion than Granny Danger does for a Kebab. By the way Danger get that right round you, you baldy ferret!
    Haber was outstanding and i've been his biggest critic. Fucking dominated the pussywiped at the back of the Dayglo's defence. Your not up againt Championship pish tonight lads and you got shown up. The Edge? Better off with that c**t who plays the harmonica in town at the back.
    McKinnon saying it was an even game at the end. There wasn't much between the teams? Who are you kidding you absolute fucking simpleton f**k. Comical to see. 
    Next stop is a victory against the pathetic Academicals. Fucking enjoy it Dees. Fucking taste the air of domination within the city.
    Thank you.

    Absolute poetry, that needs to be shone into the sky above dens like the fucking bat signal and read out over the tannoy before every match.
  6. I'd say I was one of Holt's biggest critics in his first season with us - used to get roasted from Ludo for how bad I would tear into him, but I would say definitely since then he has somewhat improved. Last season in particular as Harry said he was getting forward, taking free kicks and even scored a few goals and I would say he had a bit more support defensively from the midfield compared to when he had Greg Stewart in front of him.


    Anyway on to tonight, how the f**k do you kick this nervous feeling before a derby? No matter the importance I always feel sick. A few pints after work should do the trick but at the moment I'm sitting in work like a DAB wife waiting on their man getting home after a defeat to Dumbarton.

  7. Can anyone tell me how the gate receipts are split in the League Cup games ? 2 home Derbies must be worth a lot, especially when you consider how we have performed in the cups in the previous few years. A long cup run would be better, but surely these 2 games must give us an unexpected boost..time for a new signing ?

    15% of the gate is deducted from the overall figure by the home club then whatever is left gets split evenly between the two teams. This next derby will surely bring another little added boost considering it's on BT again.

    Also, seen a tweet earlier saying Nelms was apparently speaking to a few people in the Main stand yesterday about a new signing to be announced this week as well.
  8. 9 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

    I think we all share the guilt here. We've failed as a species.

    "He's one of your own, he's one of your own! fifeunited, he's one of your own!"

    In all seriousness, get him to f**k. Think every club has their fair share of minters but he has to be one of the worst I've seen on here, tragic stuff.

  9. Mate you don't even know who was left back today - I suggest you stay off the glue.

    Kevin "the left footed left back" Holt, maybe? [emoji23]

    I was simply pointing out, and seen my point was backed up by a few other posters that in our "entire squad of players with no left foot" Randy does seem to prefer his left foot.
  10. Yes McCann did say we were poor but gave pass marks to McGowan. He gave the ball away twice. Also we have an entire squad of players with no left foot - including our left footed left back. If anybody should be singled out it should be him. He is murder.

    You on glue? Bet you a tenner Randy the Badger could put you in hospital with his left foot.
  11. Can't understand McCann's logic with playing wide and firing crosses in to the smallest man on the park. Haber would've scored about 5 today with that service from out wide, too many balls flew in and FEB or Moussa were just unable to reach it. However, we don't know what goes on behind closed doors but rumour is our friendly neighbourhood Canadian is a lazy caaant.

  12. Wouldn't say we were desperate for another CH unless we were to get rid of one we have, personal preference being Julen. I would say we're fine in that position having O'Dea, Hendry and Gadz the Relegator, and it's clear that McCann wants young Waddell to have some involvement as well. Then that just leaves McPake but I don't think he will ever play again since his knee resembles a hungover looking Willo Flood.

  13. Lads, it's about time I got a new profile picture as I know a few of you are against my Hartley pic. [emoji20] Want one of a player that doesn't get much love but is invaluable... was thinking Gadz, but he's too popular. Haber? Moussa? Any suggestions?

    Nicky Low, underrated as f**k IMO! Deserves it alone for getting Demel sent off.

    Or big man Roarie Deacs, poor man's Freddie but he's already shown glimpses of being the talented, lightning quick, skilful winger we once had.
  14. 2 ICT guys there too with a wee rumour of them wanting Williams or Vincent or possibly both back.

    Me and my mate were thinking the same thing about the ICT guys - they do however kick off their cup campaign against Brechin on Saturday so could've been there to do a wee bit of homework on them.
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