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Posts posted by *PeTeH-FiFeR*

  1. That's what I said. Kurt Angle always said he was the one wanting time off, when it was the other way about. Which is why Angle even gave up a LOAD of money to go straight to TNA and break his no-compete clause, just so he could continue to keep going and keep going.

    He was a liability and that's why he was let go. You only have to look at the history books and people in the same situation who took the time off. The Undertaker, Steve Austin and even Kurt Angle himself did so. All of these guys could have competed and listened to their boss.

    :huh::huh: but you tryed to prove to me earlier if you look up in an earlier post that he refused time off .... read up ^^^

    and wwe were rumoured to be ready to offer Kurt a new contract as soon as poss.

  2. Kurt Angle near the end was around the time of John Cena, who has been Vince's biggest money maker since he hit the main event scene, but Kurt Angle was definately up there with him and hanging on. The only problem was that he was in major danger of injuring himself beyond repair and Vinny didn't want that. So he offered him time off which he never wanted and so Angle went bye bye.

    Sorry but i aint heard anything about Angle not wanting time off, what ive heard is a complete switch from that, in that he needed time off and he was trying to get his appearences to a minimum.

  3. He was close to being the biggest draw at a couple of points in his stint - but there was always at least one or two ahead of him.

    I'll give you that John Cena was always up there, as was Kurt Angle.

    Both of them were fighting at the top most weeks for top spot in the buisness.

    So it was practically they 2 for a while, on ability it was Kurt Angle who was top of the tree in the WWE. But for being a good guy and all the littles kiddies loving him, Cena was also up there.

  4. I wouldn't think Angle was anywhere near Vince's biggest money maker, someone more knowledgeable may correct may soon though.

    Nah trust me he was his biggest money maker for a point nearer the end of his WWE career, since am knowledgeable i just corrected you.

    :huh: getting a bit touchy are we, didnt think this was much of a topic in need of abuse :lol:

  5. Since when did being a great wrestler ever matter anyways ? Some of the biggest matches in wrestling history have included mediocre - shite wrestlers.

    I have to disagree with Randy Orton being one of the most entertaining. He certainly has something about him, but he still isn't quite there. The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, John Morrison are all ahead of him and that's just off the top of my head.

    I never said being a great wrestler really matters, infact i said he will always be around the number 1 contendership, i only stated that i cant watch a Batista match really as i dont like them that much ...... :huh::huh: not that hard to understand to be honest.

    And i agree that Jericho,Bourne and Morrison are good entertainers also, Mysterio is going downhill and his matches seem to be very repetative and Undertaker also is a good entertainer but nowhere near as entertaining as Shawn Michaels.

    Randy Orton is the next HUGE thing even though he is big at the moment, hes only gonna get better.

  6. Vince won't bring Angle back to WWE. If it ever got to the point that Angle was in the same shape as he was in the end of his WWE stint, he wouldn't take time off. Vince is quite right not to want to see someone die on his shift, so wouldn't take Angle back if you paid him.

    Eh ?! think you need to watch some of Angles interviews.

    Vince was willing to release Kurt Angle without pay and wanted to see him return after 6 months of rest, not knowing that Angle already wanted to go to TNA under better personal terms.

    Angle was Vince's biggest money maker in the WWE, and Angle was pissed of the fact that Shawn Michaels was getting paid a part of his wages through the 4 years that he was injurned and Vince wasnt willing to give Angle time of with Pay.

    Angle has refused to never say never about the WWE again but is happier than hes ever been under TNA, better the fact that they are looking to give WWE a run for there money in the near future as ratings are picking up greatly since Angle went to TNA.

  7. Does anyone else hate watching Batista wrestle, as he cant ?!

    Yeah hes a beast of a man and that alone should put him around the number one contendership most of the time but his matches are total crap.

    Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton are the best Entertainers, Santino is class on the mic, and the WWE have to bring back Kurt Angle, as hes the best performer of all time along side Shawn Michaels.

  8. The wwe has gone vastly downhill ever since wcw went down the drain, after the takeover from the alliance and all that crap its seemed like the script writers dont need to write the best script possilbe every single week as they now dont have a competator for top spot.

    With 3 world title belts, it doesnt seem as important anymore to win one of them and titles are changeing hands whenever to whoever, when back then you practically had to be the best and to get beat by the best to win the only world title, not anymore, with people like CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, JBL etc etc having held a World Title.

    But one big mistake they made was makeing different wrestlers on smackdown and raw and bringing back ecw.

    When it was the same wrestlers on both smackdown and raw everyweek with great scripts and that one big world title, the wwe was a class act.

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