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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. Exactly. I don't see what's so hard to understand about this.
  2. I'm quite sure PLL is capable of looking after herself. Stick to what you're best at, ie attaching pictures to your completely inane posts in a futile attempt at humour, and of course rimming everyone on the Livi Lions forum.
  3. Creating a pointless, toys-out-the-pram poll of anyone who has had the temerity to criticise Livi won't help much in that regard. Although it might score you a few points in the den of fuckwittery that is Livi Lions.
  4. Hmmm perhaps i haven't worded it clearly. Initial SFL meeting: Agreed to lodge bond. Told they are therefore staying in First. Second Meeting: Cannot now guarantee fixtures via bond - therefore demoted. This raises a few questions about the consortium IMO. Why promise to fulfil fixtures one week, then change their minds a week later? Do they have the money to see Livi through a season or not? Also, the initial meeting was told the Business Plan was based only on First Division football. Then as if by magic a week later, they've got a plan for both divisions. Quite frankly they're fucking at it, and i'm glad to see the SFL growing a pair.
  5. Yeah but my point was that if they hadn't fucked about over the bond, they WOULD be in Division One. It's the reason the punishment was increased. Even if that wasn't the reason. a bond for 3rd Division football would have been a fraction of the amount.
  6. The Bond The bond isn't a large cheque that the consortium had to write in order to be allowed to play out the season. It's simply a document they require to sign to guarantee they are able to fulfil their fixtures, and should they fail to do so, the consortium are responsible for paying a sum of money as compensation to the SFL on a pro-rata basis. The fact that McGruther stated last week he could not guarantee the fulfilment of fixtures is the most likely reason the punishment was increased to demotion, and justifiably so. Administration Livi are currently in Interim Administration, which is still a breach of SFL rules. Yes, there is a fair argument that the SFL's rulebook isn't exactly crystal clear. But it's worked fine for X number of years until now, and it's the same rulebook Livi agreed to abide by in being league members. This situation is 100% the fault of Livingston FC, and no amount of kicking, screaming and spitting of Livi and their fans that it's the "big bad SFL's" fault is going to cut any ice.
  7. Nope. McGruther has apparently stated that whatever the outcome of Thursday's hearing, that'll be the end of the matter and they'll just get on with it.
  8. I already have a headache thanks Seriously though, I know you're not impressed with the rules, but in fairness, by being members of the SFL, Livi surely agreed to abide by these by their very membership. Do you not accept that the brinksmanship tactics by McGruther/Consortium and the "First Division Only" pish they spouted might be a little bit to blame here? There are 0898 numbers for that sort of nonsense you know
  9. Have you actually created this bloody thing yet? I'd love to vote for myself.
  10. You won't be getting expelled. For one thing the SFL clubs in Division 3 aren't going to take a course of action that will reduce their income. I'd reckon there will most likely be a 10 point deduction and a suspended fine.
  11. Indeed. They don't seem to realise just how pointless this course of action is. It's time for them to suck it up and try to get out of Division Three. To be fair there are a handful of Livi posters on LL that feel this is the way to go. The rest need to get their heads out of their arses though.
  12. Yup i'd say that would be a fair punishment considering everything that's happened. Also, if the previously mentioned quote from Brown McMaster is true then relegation to the 3rd is totally justified. Gretna couldn't guarantee fulfilling their fixtures and suffered demotion, and if McMaster's quote is to be believed, neither could McGruther.
  13. I think you're over-generalising here. When Stranraer and Morton, in fact even Dundee were in bother, there wasn't a huge amount of grave-dancing. Up until a couple of weeks ago i'd say that bar the usual wind-up merchants, the only posters who were getting tore into Livi had genuine reasons for doing so. Duncan Freemason for example was done out of money by them the last time they went into Admin. However, Livi and indeed the attitude of some of their fans since the initial meeting seemed to preserve Div one status, and the subsequent "blame everyone else" behaviour since the demotion decision, coupled with refusal to fulfil a fixture has probably tipped the balance hugely against them. Indeed i had some sympathy for them until several Livi fans on this thread started the "GIRFUY" shite after the initial SFL meeting. Since the weekend's events i have absolutely none.
  14. Check the last page! It's probably only fair that we start one for the "Most Delusional" poster on Livi Lions. Narrowing them down might prove somewhat tricky though.
  15. Did you mean this one? OK, whining is a bit strong. But the Council should be helping the club more than it should. There should be banners in the shopping center promoting the Club. If you advertise it right, then people will sit up and take notice. The Council should have invested more in promoting (or even done a partial investment in the club). If it had, other businesses may have got involved, and thus brought in revenue, not only for the club, but for the community and other businesses in general. I think the Council missed a huge opportunity here. I mean, there is not one sports shop in that center selling Livingston products. There's not even one shop !!! So, when I mean is that when they are 'whining' for 280K, it feels like they could have done so much, much more for the Club, and the Town in general. Turbo100s posts really are a source of comedy gold WLC should also consider "gifting" Livi the stadium. Fantastic stuff.
  16. Here's a topper... Especially hilarious bits in bold 8th August 2009, 11:33 AM LIVIFOREVER 1st Team regular Good post and shows how fans of all teams can be reasonable, however the Airdrie manager and Chairman have both made statements that have attacked Livi, that's how Airdrie have been seen as enemies of Livi, it's only natural that an attack on your club is met with such a view. We all know who to direct our anger at though, the SFL, as it is them that's created this situation, Airdrie are just looking after their self interest, which is natural.
  17. Not really been following this today, but i'm guessing that failure to provide insurance is the club's fault. Are they going to suffer a penalty along the lines of that which Accies received?
  18. :bairn The whole point of your entire debate is that i'm a "fucking bitch"? Wow that's profound. As i and numerous others have said, you lot acted the c**t when other clubs were in trouble. Now it's your turn. Suck it up and stop fucking whining.
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