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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. What, didn't you go to your club's most important game of 2005? If you had you'd know what i was talking about. You coming on here and acting the victim is fucking pathetic. My personal attack, as you put it, was weak, mainly because you're barely worth the fucking effort. There's an old saying about being nice to people on the way up, because you'll almost inevitably meet them again on the way down. As VT and others have said, Karma's a fucking bitch, isn't it?
  2. Tough fucking shit. Waving fivers at Morton fans when they were in the shit? Waving fivers at Dundee fans in 2005 and gleefully singing "Dundee till July"? Sneering at other clubs as backward while you bought your way to 3rd in the SPL? I sympathise with decent fans like Edinburgh Livi and PLL. But you epitomise the kind of Livi fan we're all more used to. Get yourself to f**k. Oh, and mind and wipe the spittle from your PC monitor. It must be fucking covered after that rant.
  3. I suspect the SFL will have told McGruther (on the quiet) that any failed appeal would result in expulsion anyway. Certainly if they fail to provide good grounds for an appeal, and they try to f**k up the start of the season as nothing more than a delaying tactic, the SFL will almost certainly boot their arses into oblivion.
  4. IMO Clyde's situation is totally different. At least they have tried to cut their cloth accordingly in terms of part time football/cutting the squad. Livi got rid of Chris Innes.
  5. £500 Check out Hibee Jibee's post on previous page ... it goes into more detail of options etc etc Interesting stuff. They certainly won't be appealing if KeithyG's post is true
  6. I'd be very surprised that the SFA have made this decision without taking account of the possibility of an appeal. I'd suspect that the consortium have been told off the record, if they appeal, and fail, the punishment will be harsher, ie expulsion from the SFL.
  7. Who can be arsed finding MCL's gloating posts after last week's meeting and re-quoting them for some mild amusement? On a serious note, i'd say at any other time the punishment was right, but three days before start of the season? That's quite nuts. A 15 point deduction would have been less chaotic, and also ensured pretty much in the long run, that they'd be punished with relegation anyway. However on the flip-side, it's good to see the blackmail pish coming from McDougall and Rankine has been met with a resounding GIRFUY.
  8. I think tomorrow will almost certainly result in nothing worse than a 10 point deduction. There's no way in hell that the SFL Committee can relegate a team 3 days before the start of the season. They'd be (even more of a) fucking laughing stock. It might be stretched to 15 points in a "if we can't relegate them this season, they fucking will be next season" type scenario. Also It'll be a fucking scandal if Leishman is allowed to take part. Surely he has to declare an interest? Anyway, my money's on a 10, possibly 15 point deduction, and given the circumstances and timing, i'd say that was a pretty reasonable punishment.
  9. Aye i came down by the stairs last time, and tried to get in beside the astro pitches. Ended up on the hill. Oh, and: c**t
  10. Is there still loads of waste ground around it? I've only been there once, THAT fucking game in 2005. Canny mind much about it apart from there's a big fucking hill .
  11. Certainly the 10,000 capacity is a waste of time, especially at this level. I guess their intentions will boil down to costs ... will they make significant profit from a development of Almondvale minus the cost of a new, smaller stadium. Is there anything to stop them making a whack of cash from Almondvale then just fucking off into the sunset without building such a new facility?
  12. Aye i'd say a deduction looks likely. I'd also have to ask what their motivation is (new owners). There's the £700,000 plus, creditors will have to get something, and unless Livi are getting the numbers through the turnstiles, they will have to make good those losses as well. It has to be all about the stadium & land.
  13. Only if they were going into Administration i think. What i mean is that they could in fact offer the entire squad, say a 25% wage reduction, with the alternative being they get punted/transfer listed. If the club go into Admin then i'd assume these players would join the list of creditors. Tonsilitis is the man for this question i think. Basically if they hunt their full timers and just continue to run as normal, they'd be getting hit with court action left, right & centre.
  14. Ah right enough. I do remember the Griffin and Winters deals being announced. Won't be on huge money, but Griffin especially, injury prone and old, probably isn't going to be wanting to have one of his last contracts on reduced terms. Also given that they showed some loyalty to the club by signing when they did, i think they'd expect that to be repaid.
  15. I'm not so sure they will. I'm guessing most of them are at least contracted to the end of this coming season, so yeah they'll know that it won't be easy finding a club when they're released, so they will probably be even less likely to accept a wage cut knowing that they may struggle in a year or so's time. Much will also depend on what Rankine/McDougall plan to do with creditors. If you know your owner has enough money to pay off the Council and HMRC (think that was rumoured to be part of this takeover proposal), then you're less likely to gratefully accept a cut. Any idea how many of them are on 1 year or 2 year deals?
  16. Was camping at a beer festival last night, so was feeling ropey this morning. My mate knocked up a fry up however which at the time, was tremendous, but hasn't been sitting too well since. Therefore all i've managed has been three spoonfuls of Chicken & Veg soup, and 3 slices of dry toast.
  17. Massone comes across as a bumbling fool in TV interviews. How in god's name did he managed to fool so many fans?
  18. Agreed. Livi's Trust and fans have had MONTHS to start raising cash, but chose to sit on their arses and wait for a white knight/charlatan*. And don't use the pish excuse about not wanting Massone to get it. It could EASILY have been kept aside until necessary. (* Delete as applicable)
  19. And? Not everyone on this board is an uber-fan. DM's contribution on this thread is based mostly on the fact that Livi shafted him going into admin last time round. I don't blame him in the slightest for posting what he's posted on here. It's also worth noting that a few of the Livi fans who were praising DM when he was getting tore into Massone a few weeks back are suddenly on his case now that they're on the road to being saved and Massone is away.
  20. Why's that? Waffen probably has him mixed up with someone else. I do remember someone posting on it that had been due money, pretty sure it wasn't Duncan though ** ** Too hungover to bother checking
  21. It was certainly a good deal. The fee for Griffiths, in the current climate was probably right. A player is only worth what clubs are willing to pay at that time. I was extremely surprised Hibs didnt put in a decent bid though. I agree with most of your sentiments regarding Massone. Flynn doubtless pulled a few fast ones in his time, but Massone has somehow pissed away some decent lump sum incomes, AND allowed the debt to grow. He wasnt using the money to pay players, or indeed bills, so where the f**k was it going? Mind you, adding up the costs of his rented property, cars, fines and other flights and accommodation, not just for him but no doubt the other consortium members must account for a fair whack of money.
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