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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. Both of those plus probably hoping someone will come riding to the rescue to save them the hassle
  2. Can one of the "minor" creditors take action to push Livi into admin? Just wondering, as you'd think a guy who was owed, say £3000 and gets offered £100 might take the hump somewhat. But yeah i agree with the gist of the rest of your post in that the Council will almost certainly bottle it and cave in to some sort of repayment plan, although as Duncan F has previously pointed out, this could be setting a dodgy precedent for other situations where the Council as landlord must chase up arrears. IMO until the situation re Hegarty, Cave and whatever other players/staff remain unpaid, is resolved satisfactorily there should be a transfer embargo. In fact i'm surprised it hasn't been reinstated.
  3. While i'm certainly not proud of what happened in 2002, the latest write off is a bit different. Our Chairman Bob Brannan, offered, in exchange for the debt reduction, to run a £100million plus business deal from another company through the bank. We certainly didn't back them into a corner and say here's what you're getting, take it or leave it. I would imagine the money the bank made out of this business deal is close to, or possibly more than, what was due to them by Dundee. Like i say, i'm far from proud of the fact that we dodged a bullet in 2002, and i certainly won't be joining the more "controversial" Dees posters on here crowing about being free of bank debt and having money to spend now. I'm just glad we came through and we're in a position where we have an opportunity to get to the SPL. There are also a few differences between how the fans of the respective clubs have reacted. Almost immediately Dundee fans formed a trust (dee4life) and embarked on a massive amount of fundraising activities. More importantly there was no real division amongst the support. Contract this to Livi, who don't appear to have done much fundraising and who from the outside anyway, can scarcely agree on the colour of shite. The one thing a clubs fans absolutely must do in these situations is unite. We did, Morton did when they were in the shit, and unless Livi do, they're utterly fucked.
  4. Such a plan would require Massone to have sudden change of heart and hand the club over to the Trust/McDougall. Sadly Massone seems hell-bent on staying put unless someone gives him a wedge of cash, that he *claims* to have invested. Even if the above happened, then getting an agreement with WLC wouldn't be your problem. IMO the Inland Revenue, having no local interest here, will probably not agree to any substantially reduced payment scheme and would have no qualms in winding the club up. I think starting again in a different form is the only way there's going to be senior football in Livingston i'm afraid.
  5. It might be the hard option, but it's still a better one that allowing a shady group of "ex football chairman" headed up by a liar who claims he saved Airdrie, to come in and make a c**t of things. Would you put any faith in the business acumen of a man who comes to a public meeting, without having seen the books, and says he'll pay Massone back 50% of what he's due, without even checking it out? Again, why would Livi fans trust a guy who's been absolutely derided by at least another two clubs supporters?
  6. http://www.sundaymail.co.uk/news/scottish-...78057-20388647/ Poor/Stupid* c**t. Delete as applicable.
  7. 1. Allegedly, £65K or so went to the Inland Revenue, the rest went to pay outstanding player (not sure about backroom) staff salaries. 2. Think his name was John McGuinness. He lost his £4million (i think) investment when Livi went into administration last time round. I'm sure he was either declared bankrupt or is at least extremely skint. Don't think he has any involvement at Livi at all now. I'm not sure Administration is a feasible option now. Tonsilitis is the man in the know, but i'm sure i read somewhere that a club is only likely to go into Administration if it has some assets that can be sold to distribute amongst creditors, or that cash flow can be restrained to the extent that some sort of payment plan is workable. If not, then it's Liquidation. Given that Livi's only assets were the two players sold to Saints for sweeties and Leigh Griffiths (money for that now gone), they don't own the stadium, i'd say they were pretty well screwed. Their only real hope is that WLC cave in, which will buy them some time, plus they have apparently negotiated a repayment plan with the inland revenue. This only leaves: The Power Company The Police Hegarty Robertson Any other unpaid staff Landi (was he paid what he was owed?) And god knows who else. Again Tonsilitis will know this better than any of us, but surely any IP would just liquidate them, as there is no obvious way to continue sustaining these debts. IMO the fans that do give a shit (there don't appear to be enough of them) should look to fundraising with a view to starting a community, fan-run club at non league level. Perhaps money could be put into Livington Thistle Juniors, with a view to eventually establishing them as a Senior club. As i've said before, for the real fans that want to put in the effort, i say good luck with whatever form of club you eventually end up with. To the arseholes who are only interested in backbiting, sitting on their hands waiting on a rich investor/idiot, and most especially to those c***s who were singing "Dundee till July" and waving tenners at us after that game in 2005, i'd like to say a truly epic "Ha Ha f**k You, and goodbye".
  8. Today's annoyances... Nippy sunburn On holiday but haven't done a fucking thing Can't be arsed going to Forfar to play golf.
  9. IMO the Council should tell Rankine to shove his derisory offer where the sun don't shine. I don't think you can blame people for being cynical over the motives of Rankine and this mysterious band of bored ex-football chairmen he claims want to save Livi. Airdrie, Dumbarton and East Fife fans have all warned Livi fans not to trust this guy. Why is this? Another point worth noting is that the Council are setting a dangerous precedent for themselves if they accept this reduction. I'd imagine other creditors of WLC are watching with interest.
  10. Yup another spot on post. I actually had sympathy for genuine Livi fans like LLD and EdinburghLivi, and in fact still do. However arrogant pish such as you quoted from Livi's "other kind of fan" makes my blood boil. Basically, "Ah well when this goes tits up, we'll just relocate another team and start again". Un-fucking-believable. If this strand of arrogant nonsense continues, i may have to take a VikingTON-esque approach and purchase some dancing shoes. Good fucking riddance.
  11. Spot fucking on. Interesting point also re lack of fund raising activity by Trust/Fans on a large scale. One could be forgiven for getting the impression they're still banking on someone with a lot of dosh coming in and saving them the hassle. My gut feeling now, is that Livi won't see the start of the season. And SFL are going to get fucking crucified for their total lack of action/preparation.
  12. Totally agree with all of the above. I've gone from sympathetic, to not really giving a s*** if they disappear tomorrow. If CDE's post is an indication, then good riddance. You haven't learned a thing. As a Dundee fan, we've been through administration as a result of chronic mismanagement, but the difference is Dundee fans were united (ironic) in getting the money together to show the club was worth saving. Morton fans were also very united in driving out the maniac that was Hugh Scott. Going by the Livi Lions site, up until the electricity bill incident, one got the distinct impression that they couldn't agree on the colour of sh**e, and most of the ones, bar a handful, that wanted Massone out, were happy to wait for another minted chairman. That the Trust only have something like £20,000 or so, is hopeless. Fans of other clubs in Administration have worked tirelessly to raise cash to save their respective clubs, I just haven't seen much of that from Livi fans.
  13. There's a rumour of it kicking about the Livi Lions site. No idea how much substance there is to it though. Seems perfectly feasible, since everyone connected with Livi, and due money from them knows they've just got £100+K for Griffiths. Ghostie - did the same happen with the Davidson/Mackay money? I do remember a comical story of a Livi director turning up at McDiarmid expecting £50K in a brown paper bag.
  14. FFS Ghostie. Is there a website somewhere with a huge collection of mildly amusing pictures to insert on random football website posts?
  15. It's a start, but not a very promising one. Out of the entire town of Livingston, with one football club, only 60-70 people turned up to protest at the totally embarrassing way Massone is running the club. No idea what Livi's average home gate is, but 60-70 must represent a tiny percentage of it. I think quite a lot of fans must be put off by the ongoing spat between the two factions in the support. However, even then, only 60-70 fans turning up to protest at such a serious time for the club seems fairly indicative that a large chunk of Livi fans don't really give a shit, or expect either 1) Everyone else to do the hard work in saving the club, or 2) Another rich idiot to come along and save the club.
  16. In other words, even they don't know. However won't the likes of Brechin be in the same situation. IE Set up for next season in Division 2, budget-wise and all that?
  17. Good post. I hadn't thought of this angle at all. If i was in Airdrie's shoes, i'd probably stick with Division 2. A season challenging for promotion and generally winning more than last season has to be better and will probably bring as many, if not slightly more fans, than a season spent getting murdered week in, week out with a second division squad in the First Division. Mind you, they'd still beat us.
  18. Un-fucking-believable. Surely not even MCL can defend this lunatic now? And i'm amazed it was as much as £149. Livi fans: Unite and get this fuckwit out. Either that or start planning to spend your Saturdays at Livingston Juniors.
  19. Griffiths may yet refuse to leave. After all, if Livi go into Admin he can do what he wants. Absolutely. And yet there are still fans who back Massone and want to work with him. Why? He's a fantasist and a fucking liar. Duncan Freemasons posts might make uncomfortable reading for some Livi fans, but IMO they're fucking spot on.
  20. I see the Livi fans on the Lions site are saying they reckon Griffiths will now go to Dundee. Total nonsense of course, but don't they realise that IF this did happen, then it won't be Livi's salvation, but the death knell. If Massone reaches an agreement with Dundee or whoever else for him, you can be bloody sure it'll be when one of those clubs offers most or all of the fee up front. Livingston FC won't see a penny.
  21. Not bother to shave for 7 days, then finally having to on Monday morning, after a blazing hot Sunday, with a sunburned face. Not altogether great fun. Thankfully now mostly turning to tan. And not so painful.
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