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Everything posted by Benjamin_Nevis

  1. Watched a download of Angels & Demons last night. All i can say is thank f**k i didn't part with cash to watch it. What a pile of fucking bollocks.
  2. It's a truly bizarre situation. I had a read of it as well. "The Man" and a couple of others even want to forget about his townhouse £££s. Crazy. I have genuine sympathy for guys like yourself and Edinburgh Livi who want shot of this clown, but sadly until the apologists see how bad this guy is for their club, there is truly no hope. Anyone reading Massone's posts on that forum and thinking he can be worked with needs a check of the reality variety. As a Dundee fan i have plenty of experience of crazy/incompetent chairmen. Dundee only JUST survived thanks to a support which banded together to fundraise like you wouldn't believe. If i remember right, the whole of Morton's support was vehemently against Hugh Scott as well. If the current divisions in Livi's support persist, there is only one possible outcome. And it ain't gonna be good (except for Airdrie).
  3. It's an absolute car crash. Do you reckon that poster really is Massone?
  4. At the moment, yes. But if Massone ends up having to cut and run, you can bet your bottom dollar that any player with any transfer value whatsoever will be out the door first. If Livi go into Administration the players will have the option to walk away from their contracts (I think).
  5. I could be chronically wrong here, but i think whoever does show an interest may have to demonstrate to the administrators that they have a plan to go forward. Frankly the SFL/SPL/SFA need to look at a fit & proper persons test to run a football club, with prospective owners perhaps having to lodge a bond with the organisation which would be forfeited should things go tits up. Who knows, this may have prevented the fuckwittery of the Marrs' business plan becoming Dundee's downfall. It may have prevented Hugh Scott from trying to f**k Morton over and Massone form doing the same to Livingston. If you were to take over a football club and discovered that making a c**t of it was going to cost you a £1million deposit, you might think twice.
  6. When Massone eventually snuffs it, will his headstone be engraved with "It's no big problem"? Seems to be his favourite cliche.
  7. I suspect Massone will drag things out as long as possible. However, strange as it may sound, being punted down to the 3rd (with a restructured/wiped debt) might actually be the best thing that could happen to you. All the previously mentioned hangers-on/gloryhunters etc etc will drift away, and you'll be left with guys that actually WANT to be involved and to make a right go of running a community club. It'll be painful, and will take time, but i think it's probably the best solution you can hope for.
  8. I'd forgotten about that Hamilton punishment. I do vaguely remember thinking it was pretty harsh at the time. What did they get it for? Wasn't it for failing to fulfil a fixture or something?
  9. 1. I work for a local authority, and from personal experience, logic frequently goes entirely out the window. Although in an example as extreme as this, i'd be surprised. I can't imagine local Council taxpayers would he hugely enamoured with such a decision. 2. Couldn't he? He owns the club at the moment so i'd imagine (and more importantly HE'LL imagine) that he can do whatever the f**k he wants.
  10. Sadly it looks like you're correct. Even now, in the fucking mess that Massone's Livingston has become, there's still a faction of your support that believes in him. As you, and most other posters on this forum have said, if he doesn't get the f**k out of there, your club is finished. Get united and get him out. It's your only hope.
  11. Spot on. And as you rightly point out, if though it must have been ridiculously obvious it was going to go Pete Tong at Dundee from the outside, when you're a fan and you're in the thick of it, it still comes as a shock when admin hits. The difference i think with Dundee (and also further back with Morton etc) is that the fans were galvanised into action straight away, with the formation of D4L etc etc. If Admin hits Livi now, and going by posts on here there certainly does seem to be a split in the support, they're going to have to pull together immediately or they're gone. Childish arguments over framed shirts and use of function suites will be irrelevant.
  12. Thought i was on a good run what with having an excellent sesh last night, waking up this morning with no hangover whatsoever, despite having dealt with a litre of vodka, and several joints. The run of good fortune is now at an end. My other half is in for her monthly "MOTT test", i've got work tomorrow, and i'm skint again. f**k. On the plus side though, Airdrie, Newcastle and Boro all got relegated today. Awesome.
  13. X Box live is shite this morning. Had 7 team deathmatches in a row on CoDWaW that ended early due to shit connections. 4 of them when i had just called in the fucking dogs. c***s. I've been up for 3 hours and done f**k all. Even though i lost patience with the X Box, i've got a spare room to paint and i can't be fucking bothered. No fags No milk FFS even this morning's spot of hand-to-gland combat was boring and uninspiring.
  14. Deleting them from Bebo, changing your relationship status to "Seeing someone" and setting your profile to private also results in interesting times. Dingying them works a treat though. I absolutely do NOT recommend sleeping with one of their pals
  15. The new version does my head in completely. I'm sure someone designed it during a coffee break. Exes can be annoying, but when dealt with (ie wound up) in the right way can provide much amusement.
  16. I've not seen a single minute of that "test" series. The Windies really are a fucking dreadful touring side. I do however think that the friction between the Windies board and players is a big factor in their attitude.
  17. He did say he was trying with little success to get his hands on some!! I'll no doubt see him tomorrow as we've got a game in Kirrie (not unless this bloody weather improves!) He sometimes plays fives with us in Forfar as well, though not nearly as much as he used to. I'll tell him you said hi, and also mention the ticket thing for extra comedy value
  18. Small world! Ed's the lad responsible for getting me involved. I work in the same Department as him. It all came about on a work night out where i drunkenly said i quite fancied a game. He does indeed play for Kirrie. Absolute cricket fanatic!
  19. No, i think the technical term is "making up the numbers". Kirriemuir are generally short of players and a mate of mine at work asked if i fancied giving cricket a bash. Had never played the game at all until 2 months ago. Having said that, we had a 20/20 friendly against Dundee Uni and i got an over of bowling. And fluked an LBW shout Also gave away 4 wides
  20. We were incredibly lucky with it. Was playing at Meigle, and we were surrounded by horrendous looking clouds, but it seemed to just miss us. Couple of minor showers, but highly enjoyable all the same. Got a 20/20 friendly against Dundee Uni tomorrow. Should be fun
  21. Just played my first ever game of cricket today Out for a 4th ball duck coming in at No 8 Fielded pretty well though, so overall rather enjoyed it.
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