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Everything posted by latapythelegend

  1. Ref is just a wee knob. You can tell he's just never played the game. We've been the better team but had nothing better than half chances. Ball is spendng way toou much time in the air on both sides. The header in the first minute looked I from where I'm standing near the corner flag but in real.time it was 100% in possible to be sure. Burrell posted missing so far. Pretty much like every game he started for us.
  2. Does it matter if you buy standing or sitting at Cove? I.e are they strict about letting people in the stand. Would rather not be in the gazebo but weather dictates.
  3. If my contribution doesn't go to shares then I'm out. I didn't sign up to a donation scheme and have my own small amount of shares that gets me into the AGM. That will be enough for me. I imagine many others will feel the same.
  4. Donaldson has done nothing wrong at all today and I'm one of his biggest critics. The midfield and forwards have just not worked hard enough to find space and put them on the back foot.
  5. 100% we do. Every time Donaldson gets the ball his only option is to give it to yeats or Lang were we inevitably end up back at square 1. At least with Oliver/Nesbitt there is somebody dropping in between the lines to collect the ball and turn on it.
  6. Thats the least of our issues. We are fucking dreadful. Agyeman couldn't trap a dead mouse. Morrison is invisible and Henderson and Spencer are doing the same job. Going to be a very long season based on this pish
  7. Oliver has a big role to play in the right type of game. As it stands, I'd personally have him sitting just in front of Spencer and Henderson in a midfield 3. Having somebody behind a central striker who can drop in, create space for either sitting midfielder to go beyond or create a channel for a wide man to cut in is a major asset. Apart from possibly Nisbet, we have nobody who really suits that role. Miller is predominantly a wide player and Lawal doesn't have the brain for it. That's why Oliver is important.
  8. Can't compare Agyeman with Oliver. Oliver has a football brain miles ahead of most of his team mates and is very capable dropping into midfield, getting on the ball and creating space for other players.
  9. McGlynn even tried to justify it at the AGM. Bonkers.
  10. McGinn looking like a poor Gary Miller. We are just a dreadful football team.
  11. A lot of the frustration comes from the time it takes him to make the pass. He is slow taking a touch, looking up and making a pass.
  12. Trying to play football we are not capable of playing and when that doesn't work we give up and play no football. McGlynn is clueless.
  13. Rule of thumb for me is that if a centre half still has the ball after 3 passes, tl youarent getting through that initial press. At that point you look at the channels.
  14. McGinn doesn't have the legs to find space to turn and go forward and Lawal doesn't have the brain to do it. Fucking about yet again. Massive step backwards from Saturday against opposition not any better
  15. Aye fair fucks. Been a massive improvement today. Thistle look honky tonk so far. Only danger has been Fitzpatrick up against Yeats so far.
  16. Spencer and McGinn together and our only creative spark on the bench. Negative pish.
  17. I'll give him time to see if I change my mind. Hopefully he does. Agree on the support point. The service he got on Tuesday was very poor. Only once Miller went on did it improve. I'd swap him out for Morrison today.
  18. I've seen every available game so far and I've not got the same opinion. I think he's too weak for the role he is playing. Even last season at Alloa Sammon looked more like the one to cause us problems. A jobber like Aero would walk into any team we have had since he left.
  19. Yeah Graham will rag doll us today. Aaron Muirhead will most likely do the same with McIvor at the other end.
  20. I'm giving Long a bit of sympathy for the goal because it was actually a clean catch and he done well. I think his momentum made him lose the ball upon landing. He had a very good game otherwise. Mackie put some really good balls in the box. We just had no threat on the end of them. McCann is still our number 1 LB. Agyeman really disappointed me as the game went on. I feel his strength and pace masked a very poor touch. In the last 2 games I've lost count of how many times he has went to run with the ball and his touch is too heavy and he loses possession. He has moments of class but needs to show more IMO.
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