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Dr Koop

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Everything posted by Dr Koop

  1. There seems to be a couple of fishy hints doing the rounds on Twitter but I suspect it's, um, trawling.
  2. Always very sobering. It feels like a generation of Thistle history is fading to memory and soon gone from living memory. John Lambie, Davie McParland and fans like Harry Caulderhead. Enjoy it while you can, lads and lassies.
  3. Sooo, to anyone who was at the game (copyright Jimmy Sanderson from the after life), how did the young goalie work out in the second half?
  4. The Sexy Six in Thistle's starting line-up. Good luck, lads.
  5. Using the latest motivational techniques imported from North Korea.
  6. Big Junior & Co will be in at the ground floor with ideas to keep the squad in peak condition.
  7. Rain stopped play /Surfin' UDA. Another quiet weekend in prospect.
  8. Check your soaraway - insert name of Old Firm cocksucking Tory newspaper - tomorrow for all of yesterday's Thistle speculation.
  9. Jesus effing wept. Is there truth in the story about an injury to Cammy Bell?
  10. It really would be a shame for the big man if that became a career defining photograph.
  11. Another contribution ... I'm guessing it's actually the title of the next Carcass LP.
  12. And making my day today is learning that a company has ...
  13. My couthy-Scots-ometer has just exploded. Robin Hall and Jimmy MacGregor thread for this pish please.
  14. Fly headbangers - not ones that get caught or walk off in the strunts.
  15. Well, his scoring record for a forward is next to honking and his attitude, judging by that report and video, is honkinger. Always good to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. Not sure what to make of him.
  16. Eighty-two chihuahuas in Birmingham looks for a gig. Archie?
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