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Dr Koop

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Everything posted by Dr Koop

  1. I thought I'd take a moment to have a haemo at this utter bullshitter's chutzpah. I suppose a healthy conceit of oneself isn't a bad thing sometimes. Similarly, a little self-awareness is in order. It's amazing how quickly you can go off ex-players.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/44304566 That moment when your team joins the landing party and the boss decides it's the only one wearing a red shirt.
  3. You'll notice there's a crap journalism thread or two around the forum. Now, you may or may not give a damn about spelling and punctuation and no-one should be browbeaten one way or t'other, but if we (forum users) are going to sling shit at the pros (snigger!) for their misdemeanors perhaps a little effort might be in order. Besides, it's the close season. We have to have something to do.
  4. Former royal family press officer turned Mr Gay UK judge Dickie Arbiter. Former bigwig for the Minnesota Republican Party Randall 'Randy' Wanke.
  5. What's this scuttlebutt about Jim Duffy and Kenny Miller to Thistle? Colour me sceptical.
  6. Fair point, but I believe we can also fairly ask our players to at least take the club one place higher in the league at the end of each season. Last year was, for obvious reasons, exceptional.
  7. I presume Archie put a jotter doon his troosers before meeting the board. It is what it is.
  8. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/44210183 Maxi's first day on new job. (Probably some other thread for this pish.)
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