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Everything posted by Shannon

  1. Yeah and he was suspended for 2 games. WOSFL board decided he didn't need to serve first game v Meadow as didn't count [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Then played again v Darvel. Said enough on this Buffs just do as they please with this WOSFL board in charge.
  2. They didn't ask directly about Kevin Nicoll though just if any of their players were suspended. The admin guy just checked last season's Kilwinning Rangers players and didn't know all their new signings.
  3. Another 3 points deducted for fielding same player v Darvel too then as only served 1 game!
  4. It was quite easy to find the correct information though and every other club had to do likewise. Buffs should have done this themselves. Shouldn't be up to an admin person at SFA to tell hundreds of clubs who has been suspended from last season as they won't know every clubs transfer dealings. Buffs only asked if any of their current players suspended so likely they only looked at Kilwinning Rangers players and didn't look at all of their new signings. Not up to admin person to do this up to Buffs to do their research. WOSFL were unduly influenced by Colin Boyd on the committee in my opinion.
  5. Not surprised with Colin Boyd pulling the strings of WOSFL board. Buffs can do as they please.
  6. Yeah surely can't have tied vote being a majority decision. Gala Fairydean would struggle in Conference X / Y / Z so trying to stay relevant and get thousands in to upgrade their team for a few years to try to stay out of 19th spot [emoji35]
  7. First league game is Saturday 30th July. Pre season starting on 18th June seems awful early but I am not a fitness coach or manager. Surely due to late finishing of season could start back training at start of July and played cup semi final and final and still be at 100% come 30th July? I know when Meadow used to end up playing into June when got to Evening Times / West Cup Finals players would get extra couple of weeks off over summer so not starting back training until later in July but then did have luxury of League cup games to use for fitness before league started later in August.
  8. When is WOSFL AGM? Will it be decided on definite relegation from Premier League eg 3 definitely down as a bit unfair if a team finish 4th or 5th bottom but end up going down if Caley Braves etc have a poor season or just have to get used to that every season and look at West teams in Lowland League to work out if 4th bottom stays up? Also will we know what is happening with 3rd and 4th Division too after then?
  9. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/scottish-sixth-tier-side-rossvale-26184240 I am sure they also had a post about asking potential players to pay for trials with Rossvale and the Gibraltar team - Europa Point - soon after this tie up but post was taken down from Twitter due to folk giving negative comments and I think they must have decided against it?
  10. Inside Central Station on BBC Scotland gave a bit of an insight into some of the over promoted, jobsworth and cliquey individuals employed by ScotRail. I am sure most of the drivers aren't as bad but the Central Station staff around 8.5 out of 10 of them seem like complete bangers. They have been big adverts for train drivers in last few years but only a few made it through their selection process. Surely should have simply took on far more drivers when selecting candidates to allow for fall off with retirements / sick leave / holiday covers / late night train cover etc.
  11. Yeah probably need rules for all the different scenarios so teams know if definitely 3 down from Premier - change relegation following season - or it could change to just 2 or 4/5 teams down next season so no teams end up 4th bottom thinking safe then go down or a team may finish 3rd bottom and hope West Premier winners win play off and save them? Aye complicated [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  12. Though it could be 5 if both go down and West of Scotland Premier League winners don't win the play off or could be just 2 if West winners win the play off and no West sides come down - most likely scenario.
  13. What if Cumbernauld Colts and/or Caledonian Braves are relegated from Lowland League? Does this increase relegation to 4 or 5 spots or just increase numbers in Premier League with more relegation following season?
  14. I noticed they didn't do a poll for increased relegation vote though I wonder why!
  15. Talbot don't have to charge £14 in 2 years team if they got to League Two could be around £10 mark. For example Albion Rovers around £12 and £7 for concessions and under 16s £2.
  16. Are any other North Region Super League / Junior teams licensed or looking to get their license apart from Banks O Dee? Midlands League - is it just Lochee at license stage - Scottish Cup next season? North Caledonian League - Golspie only? Just for any future play offs with bottom Highland League teams?
  17. Would he have consulted tier 6 teams? I have my doubts as didn't before he left the board. Broomhill still voted for the Colts this time around and was nothing stopping him consulting with tier 6 clubs and putting a proposal forward to the board for 18 teams with no Colt teams. George could have consulted with tier 6 clubs before his team voted for Colt teams again but choose the £ from Old Firm again as did 10 other teams. Lowland League needs binned and booted out the pyramid but won't happen. What a shambles.
  18. The bottom 5 look to be struggling or running out of games but 6th and 7th bottom could be any of 5 or 6 teams perhaps more! Glenafton and Kilbirnie picking up massive wins today that could drag others into the relegation battle. Benburb looking like they are almost safe after a 3-2 win over Largs today. Predictions?
  19. You guys are right moany fuckers, try losing to you 5 times a season, out all the cups plus selling our best player to you in March!! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] Tucker didn't have to do much scouting for sure on Wardrope would have known him well!
  20. Will always be 9 or so teams scared of relegation in my opinion in a 16 team league. East Stirling and Berwick might be for 3 up and 3 down now for example but once end up a bottom half team they won't vote for it.
  21. Lowland League board dictated that WOSFL Premier Division has either 5 or 7 relegated this season while they stay at 1 down (maybe). A complete shambles.
  22. Yeah they can continue as already in place but obviously creates massive problems for him as fixture secretary and probably can't wait until Kirkintilloch Rob Roy get their own ground sorted due to all the postponements on their pitch as he says grass pitches can't cope with Scottish weather plus constant games no break for pitch to get repaired when teams ground sharing like Rob Roy and Cumbernauld. Some of the chat from Paul the new Carluke manager on not having new teams in the same area as existing teams was way off in my opinion and just seemed to be unhappy that more ambitious new teams with new money and not good old fashioned Junior teams would nick his better players. Irvine has had 2 Junior and now senior teams for over 100 years - we are completely different levels and usually in a different market for different standard of players as would Blantyre Victoria / new Blantyre team & Kilsyth Rangers / Kilsyth Athletic etc. Although if a top player comes through at Irvine Victoria for example then Meadow and other teams would have a look but not in the same market. It's great having two teams in the own town for a rivalry and getting the full town out for derby games as they do at Marymass. I am sure Kilsyth would love their own Marymass game to get 800-1000 fans in at start of the season [emoji23] In my opinion great to see new teams in the league as long as they have a suitable ground, facilities and team to compete then more than welcome - hopefully on a good grass pitch and not ground sharing but obviously that can't always happen. Also Rossvale, Gartcairn and I am sure others may have joined the old Juniors in the final years so Juniors didn't stop new teams joining but just was a rare occurrence as didn't really advertise for any new teams to join up.
  23. The likes of Kirkintilloch and Cumbernauld allowed currently but I think he is obviously hoping that finishes soon.
  24. Kennie confirmed on down the divisions podcast that no further ground sharing on grass parks for any teams only allowed on 4g pitches. Some other really interesting stuff on that latest episode from Kennie from around 52 mins onwards.
  25. Reading between the lines I don't think West Region heirarchy are very happy with Drumchapel and St Cadoc's ground sharing and spending relative fortunes on their squad while currently not having a suitable ground and using Maryhill and St Anthony's and likely don't want too many other teams doing similar...?
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