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Everything posted by Shannon

  1. That is it. I wouldn't vote at all for first time in nearly 20 years as none of other political parties agree with my views on independence for Scotland and the way forward for Scotland but SNP has completely disillusioned me in last few months. I want to vote for them but just one thing after another that is annoying me with them and my own views on almost everything which is mental compared to even 1 or 2 years ago.
  2. I feel the same. Voted SNP since I was 18 years old but totally fed up with them now with their handling of coronavirus, slow in lifting restrictions apart from church gatherings and total anti football stuff coming out plus all the weirdos and dodgy MPs / MSPs coming out the woodwork. It feels like Labour when they surprisingly lost their majority in Scotland in the 2000s.
  3. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a few MSPs, even a cabinet minister who likes football or Jason Leitch pops onto this thread now & again.
  4. Sounds to me like Celtic got told to use 4 dressing rooms at St Johnstone as couldn't physically distance properly but the management & players decided to cram in the 1 dressing room. Likely did same at Hamilton Accies too.
  5. 40 deaths in Scotland for people 15-45 years old from covid since the start of the pandemic Around 50 deaths every week for same age group for other causes. Quite interesting stats here. https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/covid19stats
  6. Right let's just stop all of Scottish football now mid season as Talbot and their fans don't fancy playing this season or maybe next season too...? I am sure Talbot will have fun in tier 9 playing Ardeer once they come back when everyone has been vaccinated and it's safe. How many covid cases have came from teams at our level playing in Scotland? Very few.
  7. What is happening for Dundee 'Junior' clubs? I see Brechin are currently bottom of SPFL ..
  8. Both teams streamed the game on their own Facebook pages.
  9. Largs could have just as easily got fined or at least took a bashing on here as Darvel had done in the summer if they didn't follow all the rules and protocols. The volunteer has come on here and said it has stressed him out and no need for any volunteer at any of our clubs to get grief. Be Kind ? Anyway it's done and Largs is always a great day out. Looking forward to getting back there next season as always a game I look out for when fixtures come out although they have won quite easily last two games at Barrfields. Hopefully this Saturdays game will be closer.
  10. They have said it will be totally fine for Meadow to stream the game live if we are able to. Should confirm that we will soon as hopefully Aaron hasn't made other plans. Largs are streaming the game live too though. They just weren't sure of the rules a couple of weeks ago.
  11. I am sure could get agreement from all top league clubs that bottom club at least goes into play off with conference winners. I thought initially even bottom 3 v 3 conference winners to play off for place in top league but all teams may not have agreed to that but surely would to bottom team going into a promotion / relegation play off especially since 7 down next season!
  12. I am sure the Premiership clubs may not be opposed to even just 1 relegation place or even if finish bottom that club goes into play off with 3 champions from conferences for place in top division.
  13. Back on topic I expect Broxburn to be a far better team than the one we played 3 years ago in Scottish Junior Cup that we defeated 5-2. They will be strong favourites on their home ground and with our poor away form on 4g over last 2-3 years I really don't expect an upset. It will be good to play one of the top East teams again in cup competitions as that was always something I looked forward to was drawing a team east of Shotts. I really cant see Creetown causing an upset v Broxburn?
  14. I've heard the moans on podcasts I have listened to during our extended covid break and on here that SPFL should have automatic relegation and open up more relegation spots. I totally agree with that but Lowland League needs to have an even stronger 16 team league to make the League Two teams take notice. I would like to get it to the stage that any team that drops out of League Two will be battling to stay in Lowland League and that could be case once top 5 teams in East and West come up but that will take at least 10 years.... I only posted rant as seen posts above on that 1 team will be relegated for foreseeable future from Lowland League which is disappointing but not surprised.
  15. We have many in the Lowland League complaining that SPFL Two don't open up automatic relegation spots while at the same time having only 1 down from 16 into three premier regional leagues with 40 clubs in total - West of 20 and East of 16 and South of 14. Either lead by example and open up more promotion / relegation spots or quit moaning about SPFL Two when Lowland League is exactly the same closed shop mentality. Or at least look to open up more in 2 or 3 years to have 2nd or 3rd bottom into at least play offs against top licensed West / East / South teams. All the while 7 teams go down in West of Scotland Premiership this season and teams just have to deal with it [emoji849]
  16. So no crowds for friendlies in September but will they even be allowed in from start of league season? No reason can't have crowds now and have everyone socially distanced plus encourage everyone that can to wear face coverings.
  17. I thought was a really good listen, enjoyed listening about his time in senior football and his years at Meadow plus his ups and downs so far as manager at the Buffs.
  18. I thought was an excellent listen and Edusport has been run very well. He has obviously put so much time and effort into the club and even feels he should do even more. I don't know if he either he didn't word what he wanted to say well at that point saying they would just start again if things didnt work out but surely you would then have to go to tier 9 of West from 2021-2022 season and not just create a new company / rebrand if things didn't go as planned and club went out of business and folded? If a chairman of one of West Region teams with long histories said that then the supporters would not be happy with that. Although I would also advice him to take very little notice of things said on pie and bovril and social media as every team from Celtic, Talbot, Kelty, Darvel to Ardeer have their detractors and folk talk pish about them.
  19. Some clubs have been unable to return the survey as they play at council-owned facilities which are currently still closed. I don't know the ins and outs of the survey but surely most committees know their ground well enough to give an accurate maximum attendance figure for socially distanced games. Even standing outside your ground and going to your games every second week for many years you should be able to complete it unless wanting 100% accuracy?
  20. There should be more teams in the Scottish Cup not fewer. Can start at end of October and be in 4th Round for January / February as normal, no replays first 3 rounds though. League One and League Two teams will all be voting for this then greeting about how Premiership clubs don't give them enough percentage of their TV money even though the teams that are getting kept below them in the pyramid get exactly £0 for their league games while they get thousands.
  21. A bit of a disgrace to say the least if Scottish Cup permanently to be reduced to 52 teams. Around 70 plus teams must have spent millions altogether on floodlights and ground improvements for what exactly? A very tiny chance to get into Lowland League and/or League Two?
  22. Another new signing Marc Wardrope 20 year old midfielder / right back from Bonnyton. Son of one of our best keepers Michael Wardrope who won many league titles and cups at Meadow during his time with us. Michael and Gareth Turner also helped rebuild our team from scratch after our relegation to Super First with players who all gave 110%.
  23. Another new signing Marc Wardrope 20 year old midfielder / right back from Bonnyton. Son of one of our best keepers Michael Wardrope who won many league titles and cups at Meadow during his time with us. Michael and Gareth Turner also helped rebuild our team from scratch after our relegation to Super First with players who all gave 110%.
  24. Don't get you. Meadow have always been one of the big Ayrshire teams and trophies won only Talbot and a couple of others can compare. Trophy wise a bit of a lull in the 1990s still won league titles and other trophies though and always been regarded as a big name in Junior / non league football.
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