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Posts posted by tryall

  1. The lack of a midfield player available to carry the ball forward from the back four when we play out from the back is a serious worry. Time and again we would have the ball to play out from defence and there would be five players passing the ball between themselves whilst the other five outfield players were in a line with the East Fife defenders and noone in between to link from back to front. 

    The reason for putting this comment here rather than on the cup pages is that this is a problem and weakness that will trouble us all season if it is not addressed.

  2. Taggs is no longer such a good RB as he used to be. He has got a little slower and wide players are getting past him a bit more frequently. He remains a fine footballer but would be better as a centre back where his ability to read a game would be even more valuable. IMO, we need fullbacks for both sides.

  3. With Bobby Wales away, we had Sammo up front. He is not effective as a target man. His first touch is often deficient when he is under pressure. We spent lots of possesion putting balls to him that were often lost. He is a good player in many respects, such as his ability to read the game and get to where an opportunity awaits but he is poor as a target as we move forward. The last 10 minutes of yesterdays game were the only time we started to look a little threarening with Quinn Coulson and Buchanan helping to pass the ball, as opposed to booting it forwards which was playing right into the energetic Kelty teams strength.

    Positives last night were the performances of Kurtis and Scouggs.

    Can't help but feel that PJ doesn't command his area enough. Defence seems to be improving but still needs work.

  4. Only 4hours or so to the kick off so this must be a bit early to start a thread.

    Expect an away win but it will be interesting to see how Andy makes up the front line with Bobby Wales away. LD did well on saturday starting, so may be that will be used again with Ally Roy as an impact sub later. Return of Kevin Cawley?

  5. Its a bit early to start a thread for an Alloa game but  why not? We are going well and the squad seems very happy to be playing for Andy. Think an away  win is the most likely result even with our absentees. Looking forward to a return to scoring form for Ally.

  6. Going to this game. My birthday treat from my wife with accomodation and a night out to follow. Hope the result is as good as the arrangements she has made. This is probably the biggest challenge to our wonderful progress up the table since Andy took over. Defence is improving, midfield starting to motor and lots of options up front. Looking forward to a hard fought match.

  7. Interesting game with both midfields cancelling out their opponents. Felt we got a bit better as the first half went on and started to stroke the ball about a little as we led up to the goal, which was excellent. Thereafter, the binos were bossing the game a bit and we hung on. 

    Typically for such a match, many passes went astray and a lot of intercepted balls or tackles went to the other side.

    Thought we had a lot of good performances in what was a scrappy game. PJ did well and the central defence were ok after some poor touches by Taggs in the first 5 minutes. Sutherland will improve but it might take a while. Good to see Robbo back having a good game after a little uncertainty initially. Midfield all tried hard as did Bobby Wales. Taylor played well and deserved his goal. Shame Ally Roy only got 5 minutes or so and had little chance to shine.

    Altogether, a reasonable performance against a side intent on stopping us playing our passing game.

  8. The better side won. First goal was questionahle although neither the ref or his assistant who were alot closer than I was saw nothing wrong withthe tackle on Taylor Steven, who had a good game, all things considered. Would really like to know what changes McGlynn made at half time because the team that appeared were coping easily with anything  we tried. Andy was slow with the subs but he'll get better. Falkirk looked like a team a division at least higher than us. 

  9. This was very similar to the away defeat. Edinburghs main weakness is an inability to defend high crosses. After we had scored our 2, 3 in the last game, we no longer went to the bye line and their defence began to cope. The second half, we couldnt keep the ball and they became threatening. This time our defence stood solid. Good result.

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