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Sweet Pete

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Posts posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Typical. Why do the uppety posh wee arseholes have to be good looking? Why can't they be munters?

    She kept banging on about knowing the girl who was supporting Pete Doherty and how her dad has built her a recording set up in her dining room, with ProTools no less!

    Fucking snobs, they need a good shagging and then kicked down the stairs!

  2. I over heard some wee snooty posh bird today saying her daddy gave her £100 for alphabetizing his fucking dvd collection! She was moaning becuase it took her so long!!

    At the Pete Doherty gig a couple of weeks ago at The Barras, a snooty wee lassie who thought she was the business was standing in front of me in the queue. A guy was walking along th queue handing out flyers for a private hire taxi firm. She took one and turned to me and said "here do you want this" I replied "no thanks I've got my own" to which she snorted "I don't need one, my Dad owns thirty taxis" so I couldn't resist and told her that my dad owns 32 (an obvious lie that was lost on her).

    Later the same girl asked where I was from, I replied Clydebank and she said "I don't even know where that is" so I retorted "Well,we can't all be from Newton Mearns" She was incredulous that I had guessed where she was from! As if it wasn't fucking obvious you smarmy fucking c**t whore boot.

  3. Just dropped a knife on my toe while cooking my dinner. I'm soo clumsy :(

    Just tell Dark Blue 62 and he'll be round to cuddle your tootsies all better.

    Pfft. :P

    I actually went back to school after getting them.

    Your children went back to their house! :rolleyes:

    You're a grass Smurph :P

    Anyway, My day has been a holocaust from start until, well, 1:30 which it is just now.

    If I can see this working day out without killing someone or getting sacked / quitting then it'll be a miracle.

  4. I once stopped in Wick on my way to get the ferry to Orkney and ate a chippy in a deserted supermarket car park. That's as much of the place as I want to see.

    I drove through it last summer whilst holidaying in Thurso, we got into the place, kept on going, locked the car doors and turned swiftly back around and headed out again.

    On the way out we passed Wick airport and a cargo plane that had just taken off started smoking from one engine and had to turn back and land again.

  5. I used to go my holidays to Nairn, which is a great wee place and near enough civilization for me to deem habitable, but get much further north than Tain and you're just entering slit your wrists country. The Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland is another kettle of fish all together!

    None of those are anywhere near Tain but your right, further north than Tain the A9 becomes single track and stays that way for a good 100 miles BUT there's a light at the end of the tunnel because after you've gone through mile after mile of boring Caithness countryside you get to Thurso and Thurso is the fucking bollocks!

  6. If I was from some diddy northern town, miles away from proper civilization I'd probably be a smackhead as well. Such places are nice for a few days jaunt but I've no idea how anyone under the age of 40 can want to live there.

    I've never lived there for more than two months at a time but I have been going there for between two days and two months throughout the year since the age of 5.

    It can be boring but it's not exactly pluto, you can still go places and do things. Ross County are just down the road in Dingwall and there's plenty of shops etc. in Inverness just over the bridge.

  7. I thought i was having a bad day at work till i spoke to my wife,She is a carer and watched someone die today.She was moving a lady with MS and the lady gave a gasp then stopped breathing.

    Sorry to hear that. My fiancee works in Yorkhill and sees that kinda stuff too.

    My only experience, thus far, in my life of seeing someone die was on holiday two years ago in Crete when some Aberdonian had a heart attack and we all took turns giving him CPR but he pegged it nonetheless.

  8. I found a beer a few months ago when I was at my cousins, it might have been a year ago now that I think about it. Anyway, it's called "Shipstern's" and it's all battered and dis-coloured because it's been carried in the sea and on the rocks and that. I thought it was exotic, or from somewhere cool or foreign or something.

    It came from Aldi.

    they're about £2 for 4 and they're only 3% mate

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