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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Spartans are a joke club so I hope we pump them about 40 nil, but we're at the mercy of Stevie Farrell's tombola team selection and negative tactics, so who knows. Probably be a draw.
  2. As if the rantings of a couple of dozen punters on here makes one iota of difference to the performance of the players, the ability of the manager or the intentions of the shareholders.
  3. Put my money where my mouth is to be a true fan? I'm a season ticket holder, Sons Trust member, club corporate sponsor, the club's nominated builder, had my wedding at the stadium and have spent two decades throwing money at DFC. There's MY money. Now shut YOUR mouth, p***k.
  4. Aye it's the negative thoughts of the users on here that are shagging the club on and off the pitch. Super fan happy clapper bollocks.
  5. Blair Malcolm starting at LB will at least keep Jan happy. That CB pairing will be as slow as treacle. Durnan will be blowing out his hole after an hour after so long out.
  6. Yeah that's exactly what I said. You should write for the Record with spin like that.
  7. Nobody watches that abortion of a programme. I managed about 5 minutes of it before the Johnny Bravo haircut with the fake accent made me vomit blood.
  8. Probably concede back to back 5s with the paucity of natural defenders available.
  9. I'll go with whichever protest (which becomes the first one) is agreed upon by majority consensus, but my preference is active protest as opposed to passive. If withholding funds by non attendance is the plan, or at least in consideration, then remember that those protesting need to attend away matches in more numbers than usual in order to make the point.
  10. Starving the club of income is a difficult protest to get folks to join, also it has potential pitfalls re: the health and future of the club. Remember that no-one turning up and no money through the gate suits the carpet baggers down to the ground as it justifies and enables them to close, move, relocate,sell off etc.
  11. The seagull thinks it's doing the right thing by following the trawler
  12. Better to protest than not. A standpoint of inaction means he/they is/are free to continue doing as they please. The hedgehog thinks it's doing the right thing by standing still in the road when a car comes.
  13. On the question of how to make a protest effective, I'd suggest that all of those of us on here that are regular attendees and aggrieved at the shambles going on shift our seats to a single block. Boos, chants, banners (always effective), are more effective and impactful when coming from a concentrated group/area as opposed to spread sparsely around the stadium. Also outside the entrance to the ground before the game, whether that turns out to be 20 people billed as a loony minority or not it gets the point across. Alternatively we can all moan on here, do nothing, sit on our hands, feel helpless and watch the club we love be slowly killed as we sit in silent apathy.
  14. Gallagher Lennon isn't good enough. At left back or central defender. He'll do fine in the West of Scotland League while working a proper job, but he's not a pro league footballer.
  15. Game was abysmal. Ruth's goal was sublime. Lennon almost gave Peterhead a goal late on with a dreadful attempted clearance straight to the Peterhead right back in the box, who blasted over with the goal at his mercy. I'll take the points and move on.
  16. First half mostly shite. And it's freezing. Pitch is a joke.
  17. I'll be just along the road from Nairn in Tenerife.
  18. I booked a holiday in May yesterday. Whether we make the playoffs or not I'll be on the beach.
  19. It's all about opinions but I thought we were good yesterday and didn't see it as an even contest deserving of a draw. I saw it as a good Dumbarton performance where the better team got the win they deserved.
  20. It was a 4141 today. Lennon looked a bit more composed (or less exposed?) at centre back. Newbury worked well in defensive midfield. Tony Wallace and Michael Ruth were my men of the match, both influential and tireless. Hogarth was very good today, with some terrific reaction saves. Gray played well but still needs to learn to pass/release the ball (feel like I just type that every time for him). Blair works better as a left back and hopefully continues there. (Giving myself a virtual pat on the back for posting recently that Wallace should start, Newbury could do well in deep midfield and Blair should be at LB...). Orsi had a good game (a few poor decisions or mishit crosses aside), but I'd like to see him shoot rather than always look to dribble and turn. Home crowd was thinner than earlier in the season. Farrell received a 50/50 boos to cheers both times he came out the tunnel. Decent performance today and an enjoyable match for a change. We came under some pressure late on, but it's the points that matter. Missed the winner as the wee yin needed a pish and wanted sweets
  21. He's a "key player" in as much as he was talented with the ball at his feet. But he couldn't score in a brothel and spent most games dropping back to defensive mid looking for the ball rather than making any impact in the attacking third. We've lost a recognised forward, which we are light on numbers wise, but we won't notice much difference on the field in my humble opinion. I always wanted him to play 90 mins up high, close to a striker such as Ruth, but either by way of accident, design or poor planning he was inevitably too deep to affect the goals for column, or stuck up front as a lone target man while high balls were shelled over his midget head. Probably would have been far more effective under a less defensively minded manager.
  22. Sensible contract extension. He's a useful player.
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