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Everything posted by banterman86

  1. I read a few books recently A Lion's Tale The Autobiography of pro-wrestler Chris Jericho, following his time wrestling in Japan, Mexico,Canada,and eslsewhere. really entertaining read, Jericho comes across as a decent sort, and he had quite a lifestyle in his twenties, traveling the world doing what he loved for crap money but good partying One Day Why was this such a big deal? Not criticisng the book, which was a decent read, but this book seemed to have developed a bit of an aura about it, not sure why. I liked the concept of picking one day each year, it often read like a collection of short stories, and meant that there wasn't time wasted in overly lengthy exposition overall I'd quite happily see the format ripped off by another writer again ebcause it makes the novel easy to read. The Facebook Serial killer Part 1 A free download for the Kindle. Not that great, and verging on torture porn at times, but it passed a few train journeys, and cost nowt so it'd be a bit unfair to stick the boot into it I have downloaded a few new books - Alan Bissett's new effort Pack Men, a book called Happy Hour is for amateurs which looks to be a "fratire" type piece, and will look to download The Spirit Level and this years Pulitzer wnner, a Visit from the Goon squad.
  2. I have been humming and hawing over whether to by an xbox for ages now. Snooping about online,I think I can get a 250gb one with Fifa 12 and gears of War 3 for the sum total of £210. Is this a good deal?
  3. banterman86

    The Wire

    very well put. I found the Sopranos a bit of a let down if I;m honest, but I watched it after The wire, and I have no doubt that makes a difference.
  4. Very good. Basically i was going to get some clothes for my holibags, i don't think i'll be able to do it tomorrow. basically, if i get into town at 5.30 would I have time?
  5. What time does the high street shops in glasgow - St Enoch's, Buchana Galleries et al, close at on a wednesday night?
  6. I'm sorry to hear you've had health problems, but you're coming across as a bit of a dick here, especially with your sniffing about the arts.
  7. Erm, I never got around to dealing with Amazoin and as such my warranty expired i see Tesco sell them for the same price anyway though - is it straightfiorward enough to keep my stored books from the old one?
  8. I appreciate that, but that's not the point i was making. And in any case, if Summerslam was to close with Orton beating himn for the belt it;s a moot point.
  9. If somethings booked credibly, it'll be credible. Randy Orton -Christian could be a proper main event feud for the WWE right now, as in a show closing feud.
  10. Yeah, i know That's not necessarily the case, the WHC was booked as the number 1 tite in the company for a period, and it could be for the next few months. the trick was missed last week, a smug Christian should have come out on raw and cut a promo about being the top dog in wwe now.
  11. he can be on TV, just not "on TV" I'd have Punk establish a channel on youtube or some such, and have a weekly thing - crash an event, cut a promo, whatever, which would then be broadcast on raw, much to the annoyance of HHH. Like I said, it woul be really ballsy to have the title off TV that length of time, but it would give the WHC a shot in the arm
  12. i think Punk's appearance on wwe tv should be almsot entirely viral until the hit Chicago again, and he does the ringside seat thing. Although, i like the idea of him ruining the title match.
  13. Sums it up perfectly, it;s the first time in years I;ve actively looked for stuff. The viral story telluing is a great move, i just hope they have the stones to keep it going.
  14. I nearly appluaded that I haven't regularly for years but I'll be checking things out in the coming months. How do people see, or hope, the punk angle pans out?
  15. Confuzzled by this comment, but then, my following of this story was youtubing the promo. It was very good though
  16. Great effort Jailender, superb stuff. The cutting out bread thing baffles me though, what am I to do about my lunchtime pieces?
  17. Bump I had been doing pretty well May - June in terms of gyming it, but ditiched it yesterday for Beer Garden escapades, which resluted in too many beers, crap food, and relentless consumtpion if sugary juice today. I have my gym bag with me. I could go after work, but reckon i;d just half arse it anyway and it;d be pointless, better save myself for when I'm not rough and demotivated. Good idea, or am i bullshitting myself?
  18. What's your diet like? I've been tempted,seems like a great bit of kit for exercise- did it come with any suggested routines or anything?
  19. Snap, I end up falling off the wagon with HIIT because of this,even with the shorter times. T's only about a month away so definitely doable , I'd question whether it'd be worth it for a three day blowout though! Kettleballs are meant to be superb, somone noted earlier in this thread not to get anything too heavy, as you'll be swinging it all over the place. Motivation would have to be a key factor though, i tried exercising at home for a while and just couldn't do it. I read somewhere that it's harder for some people to adjust to "work" in an enviroment where they notrmally relax, given my marathon stints in the Library when no Uni work was ever brought home, I guess I fall into that category I've been back at teh gym pretty consistently for the past week - the month before I had the age old lethargy/motivation problem and would half arse some cardio or something once a week - pointless, would've been as well taking it all off. Still, feeling better for it now. Like ICTChris, I start off with something HIIT-ish for about 15 minutes, do a weights circuit -biceps/back/legs or chest/triceps/shoulders and then go for a swim. I feel better, which is pretty much my number one aim from exercise to be honest/
  20. If I ever have that particulalr itch I seek out standalone stuff rather than collected stuff rom the comics. For something left field I'd recommend "Red Son" by Scotland's own Mark Millar. I remember being blown away by that when I first read it at 18. I reread it on a flight last year and I was a little deflated by it. i think it may be becasue I had built it up quite a lot in my head but also because it's great gimmick has arguably been superceded by The Incredible Adam Spark.
  21. A lot of these big graphic nove;s have a lot of implied knowledge about the universe which is quite frustrating, the Death and rebirth of Superman was ridulous in that respect. But I remember Knightfall, and the Bane character from my childhood, it was awesome stuff.
  22. That's because they weren't in a monogamous relationship, in fact they weren;t in a relationship at all. The fact they had a very liberal sexual lifestyle was clealry part of the politics of the book and the character, I don't see how it;s unsympathetic. Again, I don't see how that's unsympathic, he was an old man chasing his lost..erm niece I think(?) Yeah, that was the point. How are her actions misogynystic though? Who knows, i can;t remeber the particular, perhaps Mikael was just a better investogator than the CEo or the police, there has to be a certain suspension of belief. It was more a point about high/low culture.
  23. Yeah spot on, I've ploughed through "classics" out of a sense of duty, but not really "felt" them. It;s all subjetive. And when I see ertain types of books being run down for being cheap or tacvky I invariably think of Shakespeare, who was writing the renaissance equivalent of American Pie and Con Air but is now feted. Times, cultures,attitudes and tastes are too varied, and can change too much, to write any book off as being "unworthy" Now I'm off to read some comic books....
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