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Posts posted by TheScarf

  1. On 29/08/2024 at 21:32, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

    Have a f**king word with yourself .

    Aye fuck that. He’s adding to the wear and tear of the car too so he can pay towards it. 

    It’s like getting a lodger in and then going ‘Ach it’s fine he doesn’t need to pay anything as I’m living here and paying it all anyway’

  2. 11 minutes ago, Central Belt Caley said:

    I think you’re right, don’t think he was anywhere near the ball when it happened too. 

    Pretty sure we were down to 8 players at one point in the game too :lol: all thanks to Willie Collum dishing out reds like sweeties 

    Indeed we were for a couple of minutes as someone was off getting treatment when we were down to 9 men, possibly Broadfoot.

    On a separate note, I wonder if we are in fact getting an update this week. Savage said it would be Monday or Tuesday which has obviously been and gone.

  3. 6 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

    Indeed...I can respect the "just feel British" type no voter like Carrbridge etc.

    But anyone claiming we made the correct decision in 2014 having seen the resultant socio economic consequence is only fit to be pitied. 

    I’m the complete opposite. I think ‘I don’t want to lose my sense of Britishness’ is a fucking mental reason to have voted no.

    I agree with your second paragraph. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Alan Twelve said:

    The UK Treasury actually released a statement before the referendum to clarify that anyone who'd contributed to a UK pension would receive a UK pension, and the noes still lied about it. Honestly, if you need to use arguments that you know not to be true, you should be having a frank conversation with yourself about your politics.

    That was Better Together to a tee; lying, scaremongering morons.

  5. 24 minutes ago, bdu98196 said:

    There is a fair point regarding the age demographic of our board though, yes they are all experienced middle aged business men however the dynamics of modern business has changed significantly since they set out on their successful journeys. While they may have advisors, it probably would be prudent to look at adding a younger, more media & internet savvy addition(s) who can work in areas to develop the clubs branding and virtual profile - we see how social media etc engages. Its acknowledged that the club have over recent years failed to connect with the community, we need to evolve.

    Football is an entertainment business and generates massive incomes (we see that across other leagues and globally) so the club should look at ways to tap into that. Whether die hards would agree we need to transcend from Caley the club to Caley the brand.

    I completely agree. You don’t want to go down the Raith route of having 40 year old ex footballers making the decisions (Barrowman, Potter), you want a good mix of youth and experience in the boardroom as well as on the pitch, as incredibly cringeworthy as that sounds.

    Savage’s age (74) does worry me slightly. If he was 10 years younger I’d be planning hotel bookings for our inevitable European runs.

  6. I think the show changed network after series 7 so could start saying fuck where previously they could only say shit.

  7. 19 minutes ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    Its really not and it really doesn't. It asks players to be flexible, fullbacks being able to cover the length of the pitch as a wing-back and centre halfs to be able to play a bit wider at times if needed. It also requires midfielders who are capable on the ball and able to break between opposition lines. Something that isn't possible with our current squad and I hope Collins learns that quickly.

    Its true that players in the UK aren't brought up playing a back 3, but thats argueably more down to the piss poor level of coaching in this country from a grass roots level upwards. Kids should experience playing in all positions from a young age instead of being pigeon holed into certain positions due to their height or speed. There's a reason that our national team is prospering more now that the majority of our players have played their key years as professionals in leagues outside of Scotland and learned from better coaches and systems.

    Also untrue. Only teams like Man City can pull off a back 4 and turn it into a back 3 due to positional interplay, players at this level lack the intelligence, fitness and creativity to achieve similar. A 3 centre back system isn't alien at this level, we have the centre backs for it, what we don't have are the wing backs or capable midfielders to support it.

    You’ve just disagreed with me then agreed with me.

  8. 3-5-2 is an absolute cunt of a formation and should be banned from football. No player is brought up playing it and has no clue what to do when some FM manager comes along and tries to reinvent the wheel or try to become the new Pep Guardiola by making them play in it every week.

    It’s flawed by design, it asks wingers to play as wing backs and full backs to play as centre backs. 

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