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Posts posted by kingmax

  1. I'm gonna start picking wrestlers and reviewing everything I can find from them that looks the slightest bit appealing, but I don't know who to do. So I'm gonna just let people on here throw names at me. There's loads of names in my head but when I search their names, more names come up and I just end up giving up. :(

    William Regal??

  2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

    I was going in to this optimistically, expecting a new imagining of a classic.

    Then the opening credits started, "producer - Michael Bay" - me and mate just looked at each other and went "oh shit - why didn't we know this?"

    I fucking hate Michael Bay. :angry:

    It wasn't a re-imagining at all, it was the exact same film, but turned into a totally predictable comedy, with shit acting, horrific editing and more holes than Titanic.

    Even the deaths were completely clichéd, and not gory in the slightest!

    The cinema was completely full, which I've never seen at Cineworld in Glasgow, especially not in a films second week. And people stood and fucking applauded at the end. Just f**k right off!



    If I remember correctly you turned to me and said "why didn't you know about this???" And why did people jump every two bloody minutes!! I hate Michael Bay :angry: and those that applaud at the end of films. Twats.

  3. There should be new stars by then. Triple H, Edge and Jericho all probably have at least 5 years in them at least.

    Indeed they will.

    I think it will get better for them. Its just not been great timing going head to head on Mondays when WWE are a few weeks before Mania. The word will spread and eventually they will pick up. At least it shows there is enough folk out there who will watch wrestling on a Monday night in the US. Overall, wrestling got a 4.5 on Monday. Now they just need to get it to where Raw and Impact are getting at least that every week. Although I cant see that happening again.

    No chance that'll happen. He's only been put in the opening VT because they took Flair and Hogan out of it.

    I wouldn't say this forum is all pro WWE. The reason WWE is talked about so much is because its the company that most people have access to and watch. You have to understand that a lot of people still wont have heard of TNA and even if they have, wont know anything about it. A lot of the ratings that Raw gets wont be because theres that many hardcore WWE fans. A lot of people watching will be people sitting at home on a Monday night flicking through the channels and notice that Raw is on and theres nothing better on to watch.

    TNA needs to get to the position of some random person sitting at home, flicking through the channels and they watch Impact cause theres nothing else on. Because once they get to that position, they'll be jammin.

    But I gotta be honest, the way its going it doesn't seem like they'll get there.

    Well it would be hard to beat The Shockmasters.

    Exactly. At the moment TNA does have the better TV product. But if nobody knows its there, nobody is gonna watch it.

    Right now TNA has the better TV product. WWE has the bigger fanbase, the best marketing, best advertising, better look, best production and better PPV's. TNA needs to start doing better at all of the last 5 there, and then the first one will grow.

    Have a green dot, great post

  4. Whats everybodies favourite Wrestlemania? Only asking as we are closing in on that time of year. As an older fan i'd say either Wrestlemania III or in more recent years Wrestlemania XVII. One for Savage vs Steamboat, the other Rock vs Austin and a strong undercard.

  5. My enjoyment of the current product isn't really anything to do with the point I'm making. The different fanbase is though, and is exactly why WWE will be successful for years and years to come. That being said, the Bret stuff has me intrigued, Sheamus is ever improving, The Miz continues to be awesome, Hornswoggle and DX actually seem to be a nice fit for each other, Drew McIntyre is IC Champ and CM Punk is CM Punk. PPVs are consistantly decent - good. Considering the current direction of WWE, I won't be complaining too much about the way things are going.

    Problem with TNA is that things are short sighted with them, although with the way Hogan is talking, this might well be short term. Interesting you bring up TNA, because it reminds me of the post I was gonna make on here.

    Hulk Hogan seems to have acknowledged that Impact had pretty major problems. His first problem was the Steel Asylum. He pretty much hated the look of it as soon as he seen it and that means that we won't see it as long as Hogan is in TNA. Six sided ring is another problem in his mind and that will be getting dumped too. Some of the production for the show got on his gears too. The guy knows his shit. I can see a LOT of firings coming.

    The key thing is that they have managed to keep Styles, Joe, Pope, Angle and the likes away from the whole Hogan storyline for the time being, which is good news. As long as the old names are only there to raise profile for the time being, I have no problem with it. If not, TNA will be bust. Soon.

    Superb Post DomDom

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