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Ivo den Bieman

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Everything posted by Ivo den Bieman

  1. It is a naked attack on devolution. I say this as someone who has no particular skin in the issue of the GRR, other than wanting trans people to ahve better lives than they do at present. Anyone lining up behind the Tories or the chillingly inhuman Alister Jack, the minister for the eighteenth century, needs to have a word with themselves.
  2. Shelved at roughly the same time the Scottish government sold off the North Sea bed for a song to energy companies. Lyin' Lorna Slater from the Greens trotted out to announce it in the Scottish parliament.
  3. Montrose worthy winners despite the very best efforts of the referee. Queens weren’t awful but you can see why they’ve struggled- lightweight & low on confidence. We laughed at lot at McKenna. I’m sure Bartley will turn things around given time. Lyons scored an excellent goal to win the game but a neutral will point to absolutely appalling defending- 3 or 4 chances to atop the build up / shot missed. Infuriating refereeing- penalty very very soft & several heavy challenges / blatant fouls on Montrose players missed whilst whistle immediately blown for challenges the other way. A very clear penalty shout denied too. Whoever that guy was, not fit to be a senior referee. Still we take the three points & move on. Happy with that. Congratulations also to Josh Todd for the successful launch of the first Dumfries probe into orbit.
  4. It does seem to be much, much harder to get players in than it was before Covid. I am not sure why that is- after all we are quite an attractive place to come at the moment. It's not like the old days, when the management of the day would sign any old guff that was available, as nobody really wanted to come to Links Park, if there were other options around. Yes Petrie moves very slowly in the transfer market and that can be frustrating at times like these when there are obvious gaps in the team and further yawning gaps to appear in the summer with likely retirements coming. Arguably he's stood by a couple of players a season too long. He also seems to be fussy about who he wants in- he selects seemingly not just for playing ability but also character and desire to improve. Whisper it, but we're unlikely to feature in the play-offs this season and the next six-nine months are all about re-setting an ageing group for a refreshed promotion effort in 23-24. By then two of the bigger teams (Pars, Airdrie, Falkirk) will likely be gone from the division to be replaced by a Hamilton side who are falling apart in front of our eyes and likely to go straight down again, and Arbroath. We also have the luxurious position of Peterhead and Clyde being as good as down already, so we don't have to worry about relegation as an issue. I would accept moving slowly if the pay off were that there were a refreshed squad in place to try and renew top 4 momentum in a less difficult division next season. And the building of the squad needs to include a couple of players with Championship experience. This wonderful group who've delivered so many highs over the last few seasons is a really good League One outfit (or has been until recently) but it would I'm afraid stand little chance week-in week-out at the next level. The club needs to decide if it wants to, or can, invest further to try and make the Championship, or keep investing further at the present level to ensure a competitive top half League One side which hopefully one fine day will get lucky in a play off. Maybe we have to accept that top four in League One with the possibility of a season or two in the Championship is our level. And that's fine. The club is light years away from where it was in 2012 on and off the park. I think the support has got used to where we have been under Petrie and is wondering how we will manage to go further. I'm just happy the days of losing at home to Albion Rovers in front of crowds of 200 and finishing bottom three in the league below are done with for now.
  5. Other than a tweet from Darvel's coach, is there any actual substance to this? Just the bigoted cheeks banging an empty bin again in their own interests. If it's a sealed off league with no promotion or relegation I can't see the harm in it. If it's anything otherwise, as said a gazillion times by 90% of fans on here before, f**k off.
  6. It's been really sad to see Hamilton's collapse and pretty hard to comprehend from the outside. Hope the fans and some decent folk can rescue the club. Not looking brilliant presently.
  7. Being in a Dundee taxi with Simon’s father Gary was one of the stranger experiences of my life. Gary was some player.
  8. Always felt Brown Ferguson was harshly treated- seen few teams with a spirit & togetherness like his one that won a play off up at Peterhead in 2018- a side greater than the sum of its parts. Good to see him back in the game & feel Stenny have appointed a decent managerial team.
  9. Wow that’s some scudding! Good to see McKenzie reprising Lucas Birnstingl for the first & the third an absolute shambles. Cove had given up for the last three. Knew it was a tricky season up Balmoral way but didn’t realise Hartley had that much work to do. And to think people had written off Coyle after a few poor managerial stints post-Bolton. I’m pleased for him, such a decent, positive minded guy.
  10. Remarkable statement. If it were a P&B thread the replies would be full of ^^^^ Verge of Tears and gifs of Mourinho celebrating. Fair play to the Thistle fans who stuck to their task.
  11. It was never 45 minutes of non stop OF chat unless something seismic had happened...i.e. Rangers dying, which was entertaining enough not to be annoying. RG never commissioned some nonentity from a podcast to comment on a non-story and aimless speculation that the return of a former chairman to a different role, may well upset the current managerial applecart, leading to the departure of Postecoglou. Thin steam from a distant dogshite. They even had an Aussie journalist before the Argentina-Australia game commenting more on Postecoglou than the world cup game that was actually about to start, that he was at. I get that League One and Two and the LL/HL are minority, esoteric pursuits but Richard Gordon did give them the time available and did appear to know something about the players in those leagues and which teams were doing well / badly. I doubt half the muppets on the current iteration of Sportsound even know which teams are in the league.
  12. Saturday was 45 minutes of old firm radio and then audible irritation that they had to go to Ayr to do a live interview with Lee Bullen. Since Richard Gordon left it's just Old Firm radio. It's really a big shame.
  13. It's clear Swift is an utter balloon but the club either won't sack him, or doesn't have the money to sack him or, even if they have one of those two, haven't the resource to clear out the duds in the squad til next summer. Must be frustrating for the fans, a little similar to the Gary Irvine situation at Forfar, until recently.
  14. I've seen worse games but this one was pretty forgettable overall. Alloa didn't turn up until half way through the first half and by then Montrose could easily have been a couple of goals to the good, with McAllister and another firing close range headers narrowly over. Hogarth in the Alloa goal also produced a sprawling save low to his right that kept the visitors goal intact. Unfortunately in the second half we were slow, laboured and a bit clueless going forward and McAllister cut a frustrated figure up front. I'm not really sure he's well integrated into the group yet. The biggest concern for me was that we basically sat back and let them come at us for the last quarter hour, and a more competent team would have punished us. Alloa had a succession of corners and one or two goalmouth scrambles which were totally unnecessary. We do like to give the opposition a good chance for ten to fifteen minutes of every game. The referee was a strutting little p***k, absolutely appalling. God knows where they find them. Two of the stalwarts of Montrose in the last decade- Masson and Watson- plus the remarkable "Dillo"- won't be playing for too much longer. McAllister himself can't have much more in the tank even though he's still a real menace on his day. We have a very big window coming up in January and again over the summer to revitalise the squad and get a few in, so there's some kind of filling of the massive holes these players will leave. The side's a bit flat at the moment. Of course this isn't a moan- we're still light years ahead of where the club was ten years ago, treading water in the bottom half of league two with a squad chock full of burnt-out mavericks, never-quite-weres, and last-stop-before-Lochee-Harp Dundee jobbers- but this is a strategiucally important time and the continuation of the remarkable success the manager and the players have enjoyed now depends on effective work in the transfer market.
  15. Humiliating & embarrassing result. Poor performances have been the norm in the cup in the last few seasons. This scoreline makes the home defeat to LTHV a few seasons back look respectable.
  16. saw the game against Falkrik last week and felt we competed very well; yesterday's was a really great result. Must admit I thought the core this group had been retained for maybe one year too many but they just keep proving people wrong. Huge expereince across the back in particular. I am too young to remember the mid 70s glory days or the Ian Stewart high of the mid 1980s (I started around the time of Rougvie & McLelland) so this is by far the best Montrose team of my lifetime. No reason why this group of boys and a couple of canny additions couldn;t perform creditably in the league above. To think of the pish we used to watch a few years ago, and how precarious our future, as well. Such a strong foundation has been built since then which is huge credit to everyone at the club.
  17. what happened to Brechin Vics? They were quite competitive these last few seasons but looks like a disaster this campaign. I know a couple of their team moved to City...I'm guessing some of their better players moved elswhere too.
  18. The relegation play-offs? Forfar in a real mess I'm sorry to say. Looked a decent team until early this year but since then been absolutely woeful. Back to the days of Jim Moffat and Marco Andreoni.
  19. TNS are the only f/t team in a part time league so are always going to dominate. Connah’s Quay went full time for a season or so under Andy Morrison but Covid + tiny crowds scuttled that. Nomads knocked TNS off their perch for a while. The top end teams are mid table Scottish league one and most below the top 4-5 are L2 standard. It’s all about building credibility for the Cymru Premier so last night will have been a sore one for “TNS”.
  20. A very wealthy owner (a horrible, homophobic Tory Brexiteer) who has bankrolled the club since the 90s, having made a fortune in IT.
  21. Decent enough from Dundee, a good professional second half. I liked the look of Lyall Cameron, looks a great prospect. 3-0 just about right with Anderson's third being the goal of the night. TNS confirmed as full time flat track bullies in a largely pish part time league. The league has dropped off a little since Andy Morrison left Connah's Quay Nomads & their challenge to TNS fell away. Caernarfon should give Clyde more of a game tomorrow.
  22. glug glug glug for Ten Nasty Scousers, a horrible club. Dundee should look for a third and see the game out from there.
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