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Posts posted by Swello

  1. 2 hours ago, itzdrk said:


    To be fair though



    That will be the BBC doing the bare minimum for the diddies the night before the game then - feast your eyes on the lavish preview they've meticulously put together for the game I'm heading for today. 


    It's a lot to take in, I might have to read it again to make sure I've not missed something...

  2. I genuinely thought that it would be the Rangers supporters that would be the most insufferable about them being back but the media in general seem to be the ones in full "told you so" and the coverage has been completely disproportionate. The state of the BBC Scottish football homepage for example - can anyone spot a theme?



    It's almost as if the mental effort of having to write/talk about other stuff over the past 4 years was just too much, leading to them spaffing as much dismal OF w**k as they can. Only a couple of months until the next one....

  3. 1 hour ago, vikingTON said:

    I hope that Scottish journalists will be faithfully reporting the global TV audience for this spectacle, seeing as they've been banging on for years about how a massive draw it is to the rest of the world. Or will that line be quietly dropped for a couple of months? 

    My guess is 26. 25 misty-eyed plastic paddy's in the Boston area and a white supremacist in Sydney who watches Rangers when Chelsea aren't on. 

  4. 12 hours ago, resk said:

    That Elliott quote is ace. The winner so far - it's only Wednesday though.

    The "environmentally" bit is comedy gold - but I'm scratching my head on how the *absence* of a fixture that more than any other in Scotland is the cause of an upturn in domestic violence, sectarianism and A&E admissions, meant that Scotland lost out "socially"...

    Like others, I love the fact that Elliot tries to come over (and is portrayed) as the rare "intelligent footballer" - and fails fucking miserably.


  5. 16 minutes ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

    Yeah, it was Northcroft – he talked a lot of sense.

    It's one thing liking English when you're in third year and another getting to write for a national paper. The problem is that Jackson's attitude creates space for people like Chris Jack to get onto journalism courses and subsequently get platforms to spew out nonsense. Good writers don't generally produce crap, that's the idea, but I do get that they don't always have the personality to get stories. The issues we talk about on here are invariably created by the idea that Scottish sports journalism is sniffing out sensationalistic and often bullshit stories about the Old Firm or confirming the idiotic prejudices and fantasies of the supporters of Rangers and Celtic. A good writer with half a brain would probably not be particularly comfortable with that.

    On the point of "good writers" vs "people who can sniff out a story" - there should be room for both as they are different and there is a market for both styles. I personally enjoy reading decent comment pieces more than transfer gossip or old firm puff - but in place of decent commentary, a lot of the papers go with partisan pish (yer Chris Jack type of thing) or cliche ridden ex-player stuff (probably ghosted). It would be good if more space was given to the ones that can write - and there are lots of good writers out there...

  6. 6 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    "How much German football do we all see?" :lol::lol::lol:

    It sums up perfectly how low the bar is to be seen as a decent  pundit in the Scottish media (as Hartson mystifyingly is) - and as long as you are ex-OF, you can seemingly get away with trotting out any old uninformed pish. In the coming week, folk like Hartson or Bonner will be getting paid *actual money* for gems like "the formbook goes out the window on Old Firm day" or "It will be tight but the green/blue half of the city will be the happier at the full time whistle" or "millions are watching round the world"....

  7. On 12/1/2014 at 18:05, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Did anyone ever get a serious injury at the Sixes?

    Can't imagine managers would be too keen on it now in the days of cotton wool footballers.

    To answer a 2 and a half year old question - yes! Davie Cooper got a fucking *carpet burn* that kept him out for a few games - IIRC, he missed a game at Parkhead because of it :)

  8. 15 hours ago, Reid said:

    Seen this on Twitter tonight. Disaster of a guy.IMG_1473117715.401335.jpg

    That certainly puts paid to the myth that Traynor was some kind of great writer who only lost it at the end - utter drivel. I love the fact that section headings have obviously been put in place by a disgruntled Sub who loathes the fat w**k as they describe his output perfectly...

  9. 8 hours ago, yoda said:

    English went on to defend his comments by saying (and I'm paraphrasing) "I always take issue with this kind of midweek away game".

    So if someone wants to go ahead and find his complaints over Ross County's 'midweek' away games in Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen, that'd be great. Thanks.

    And if you have any spare time, go ahead and see what he said when ICT had to go to Perth, Edinburgh, Hamilton, Dundee, Aberdeen, and Motherwell for evening kick-offs.

    Next season's fixture list will be interesting given "the fans" don't want midweek trips to the Highlands and journalists have always maintained that no club should be travelling up the treacherous A9 during the winter.

    If we want to make comparisons to English football, why not look at some of the midweek journeys that are required there - a lot worse than Glasgow to Dingwall. I've been guilty myself of moaning when we have a midweek game in Inverness or Dingwall but that is more because I can't make it to the game after work. I guess there is still an attitude based on the old situation where Aberdeen was the outer limit for central belt teams and so practically every away game was do-able midweek - we need to accept that the Highland teams are an integral part of the league now and that there are longer trips as a consequence.

    The one exception to the rule (IMO) is over the festive period, where an effort should be made to avoid the longest trips and to try to keep games as local as possible, which is perfectly achievable.

    On the fawning over the money spent in England - I watched a bit of the deadline day programme on SSN the other night and the wee counter showing the transfer window total of over £1bn just looked fucking ridiculous. I can't see how the bubble down there can be sustained - I think there will be a big crash in the next 10 years..

  10. 2 minutes ago, capt_oats said:


    Was Clarkson not about £800k?


    I didn't remember it being that high-  you could be right though

    2 minutes ago, well fan for life said:


    I believe he said "Moult, Pearson and Johnson have proved to be great signings."

    Leaving out Taylor, Robinson, Straker, Fletcher, Thomas, Clarkson and Gomis.


    Grimshaw was decent also - but the good:dreck ratio was near Kampmann levels...


  11. 5 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    Being hopelessly optimistic that the £650k figure is legit then that plus the £200k for Hall along with the compensation for Pearson and McGhee suggesting we received a fee for Robbie Leitch must put us close to £1m in fees received this window.

    Even if it's closer to 750k - in a historical sense, that's massive for us - Am I right in saying that only McFadden and O'Donnell went for over a million? McDonald was 750k to Celtic and I think he is 3rd highest fee we've got (although I've got some memory that when McCulloch and McMillan went to Wigan, there was a combined fee of something like 900k, so that would have been another big year for us). Any others that I've completely forgotten about?

  12. 23 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    Edit: just saw The *un tweet claiming Johnson deal was £650k. If true etc then that's fair enough and more than breaks Oxford's record transfer.


    If it was 650k (and 'Flow mentioned on twitter that the deal would "benefit us in the future", so we can assume some sort of add-on), then it'll be in our top 10 of transfer fees received, even going back to pre-bosman days when fees were the norm - so that has to be seen as a great bit of business as we've lost *far* better players for far less over the years.

  13. Overall, I think the last day of the window worked out well for us. Firstly (and most importantly) - our transfer policy actually worked! We bought a promising player from non-league football, got a year and half out of him and sold him on at a considerable profit - and the club's ability to turn down offers showed the difference it can make to have decent contracts.

    Secondly, we got (on paper obviously) a quality replacement on loan from the EPL, although I hope we're not spending too much to do so as it's a fairly unproductive use of cash..Thirdly, we got another "promising" player from non-league football with eye to doing to all again - although his arrival possibly means Blyth is a dud or that Moult is projected to leave in the next window and they are getting the replacement bedded in early..

    Lastly - I wonder how much influence our ex-players at West Ham and Gateshead had on proceedings? It would be nice to think that we've got a network of players that have enjoyed their time and were well treated and will talk the club up when needed....

  14. 22 minutes ago, Casagolda said:

    Think thats a bit simplistic, the agent boy works for Johnson not the other way about. Johnson will be the one pulling the strings here, even if his agent is the one doing all the dirty work.

    Funny how his agent seems to be taking a lot of the flak but as far as I can see he's only doing his job, which is whatever Johnson tells him to do. Which in this instance seems to be to get him a move back down south.

    Despite what Johnson said in the media, going by Motherwell's statement the two of them having been trying to engineer a move away for weeks behind the scenes. Going public with the transfer request and the agent's statement seem like a last throw of the dice to try and force a move through.

    I think this is true - but it's not always straight forward. You are right in that in this case, Johnson would likely have said "I want a move back down south summer 2016" and then it's up to big Gino to do whatever needs to be done to make it happen (and in this case, the club are pretty much lined up with this objective even if they differ on the fee). On the other hand, there have been plenty of examples of agents unsettling players and engineering moves to suit themselves more than the player - and so I would be hesitant to always judge a player based on his agents actions or methods....

  15. 14 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

    I have no problem with him looking for a move but I wonder what sort of reception he would get if he stayed. Particularly from some of the morons in the East Stand.

    I'm an east stand moron and as long as he was still trying, I'd be fine with him - and there would be no sense in him being in the huff if he wanted out in January.

    On Ainsworth - I'd imagine that his stats would be miles ahead of Johnson in terms of end product even if his general play/effort level is lower - If Johnson was away and the problem of trying to accommodate them both had gone, then he would be worth another run as a starter.

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