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Everything posted by thommohawk

  1. If you're good at history, didn't United go 17 years without beating Dundee? Or does that history not count? Didn't you come bottom of the bottom league once? Are your initials AM?
  2. I think you can message me? If yeah just message your address and I'll post them to you ????
  3. I've got some Aberdeen programmes; does anyone want them? Some Cup Finals, European Cup Winners Semi's etc. If anyone wants them just give me a shout. Cheers
  4. Hard but fair Couldn't stand it on Sunday when loads of their players hit the deck in "agony" but looking at the ref. As soon as the free-kick was given they bounce off like Bambi!
  5. I was at the Dundee game too. I was only 8 at the time but I remember getting on the bus with my Dad next to the Hilltown clock (number 7 Circular from memory). He had his "tranny" and that's when I first knew about it. Even then I can remember sitting at the front of the bus and him telling me something bad had happened. I knew then that it was something major. I can't remember much else from that age so I obviously realised its significance. It's an absolute disgrace what happened to the fans. As a generalisation, I don't like Liverpool fans at all but all you have to do is read the list of the dead, their ages and any account of what happened that day to feel their pain. Anyone who can mock what happened doesn't deserve to have their opinion listened to and they certainly don't merit a response. I'm 31 now. I just did a quick count and about 80 of the 96 were younger than me when they died. They (along with all the others) still had everything to live for and it was all taken away from them for going to see their team play a game of football. It could easily have been anyone who has been to a game of football; so probably nearly everyone on this forum. There's not much else to say; but hopefully all the still grieving families do get the justice they deserve and can move on with their lives. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/datablog/2012/sep/12/hillsborough-victims-list
  6. Spurs will beat them comfortably in the next round, I think by 2 goals or more. Some result though against Man U and easily the better team on the day.
  7. WTF just happened there lol. Man U barely looked like scoring!
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