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Posts posted by Scott

  1. Gary Oliver is very good at what he does and offers something different in the number 10 role. His hold up play is excellent and he hardly ever wastes the ball and is a very useful option off the bench. He's not a striker which was why he wasn't used correctly last season but the role he's played this season mainly off the bench has been huge. There will probably be more games next season where we need the ball to stick in more advanced areas and he's perfect for that.

    Wouldn't imagine he'll be on huge wages so likely a cost effective contract for an effective player.

  2. 17 minutes ago, GMBairn said:

    I think Coasters will still be closing but just not imminently.


    I'm not sure about the 5 a side pitches, when I played a lot we were at the stadium a few nights a week and it was reasonably busy, they must have just let them rot for a reason though, maybe it was just COVID but they might not have been making enough money.

    Maybe as part of a larger offering where they aren't the only thing bringing people in they would be ok but on their own I'm not sure they make enough money.

    Those pitches at the stadium weren't indoor though. There are lots of outdoor astro pitches in the area (schools, Little Kerse, even our own pitch) which all get rented out however there aren't any other indoor pitches in the area which a lot of people prefer especially in winter

  3. At the start of the year me and the Mrs got married abroad but wanted a home party on our return for friends who couldn't make it over. We anticipated somewhere between 200-250 people but there weren't many feasible options in the area (less now that Beancross Farm has closed). In the end we opted for Stirling Rugby Club which was basically a gym hall with a marquee inside but everyone commented how amazing it looked and i reckon all in the venue made well over 5k from the booking and the bar takings. I think this is something that we could look to incorporate into any building we do on the east side/corners and could even be used when the club hold their own events aswell as being an upgrade to the Behind The Goals bar (more people=more money).

    There was also talk of Coasters closing its doors (although think this has since changed). If it did there wouldn't be any indoor astro pitches in the area so a potential gap in the market. The pitches wouldn't need to be very high so could possibly be incorporated beneath elevated seating facing the pitch like at Hamiltons. The pitches could also be used by the team for training in foul weather.

    Just ideas tho but money makers and could even throw in the possibility of providing our own hospitality/corporate facilities/meeting rooms etc


  4. I finally signed up to FSS the other night after watching the Falkirk Daft podcast. There's a number of reasons why it's taken me so long to join such as going through a house move (waiting to see where I'd be financially), not really knowing enough of what's involved (slightly confused at all the different groups/legs of the stool/pledges etc etc) and perhaps being too lazy to look it all up (and seeing its not all that complicated at all).

    The point I'm trying to make is perhaps the reason why the sign up numbers arent as high as we'd like is due to the message not getting out there to a broader audience of our fan base. I've got a lot of friends who are Bairns (in their 30s and 40s) but not all of them are totally aware of the FSS, whats involved and how simple it actually is. They're not all that active on social media and don't get to as many games as we used to but still very much have the club at heart.

    I hope it doesn't come across as having a go, far from it as the guys involved are doing a great job but what I can remember of other teams pushing for fan ownership was there was a lot of publicity but it feels like our push seems kind of 'stop-start' in that we will hear updates from time to time resulting in small boosts to member numbers (the most recent of which gave me the bum booting to finally join).

    Does anyone think that we'd have more success if we had more of a 'face'? Such as flags,advertising,badges,leaflets etc with the simple message along the lines of 'OWN OUR CLUB' with an identifiable logo that everyone will recognise and know when they see it what it means. 

    I fear the noise from the latest message put out asking for more members will fizzle out again very soon and result in another going out in a month or so resulting in another very modest increase. It seems to me that even though we have a latent support of 5000, the message will only be reaching a small percentage of those and even then, its perhaps not entirely clear how straightforward it is.

    I reckon a more visible, prolonged presence getting the message out there over multiple streams (newspaper, online, banners at games etc) could let more fans know we have a movement ongoing. I appreciate this is all easier said than done as would be very hard work, time consuming and costly but I feel the struggle we have getting more numbers is due to the message not being visible enough, if that makes sense.


  5. Of course this signing is a gamble but only a financial 1. I was quite happy with Dowds and Kabia up front but we 100% needed another striker as neither Sammy or Wilson are good enough. We now have 3 decent options up front.

    What I will say tho is midfield still needs sorted out so if Griffiths signing has been at the expense of a proper box to box midfielder then I think we will have shot ourselves in the foot. If however we are still intending to strengthen midfield then I'm excited and optimistic we can reach the playoffs

  6. 3,5,2 could be an effective formation if we were a team full of confidence and everyone was match fit. Unfortunately we have 3 or 4 guys who haven't played alot of football lately and the team as a whole have no confidence and are scared so we are being overly cautious and dropping back 5-10 yards. We drop back to a 5,3,2 (as we should when we don't have ball) but because we are way too deep we can't get out so we struggle.

    Ordinarily I'd suggest we go back to basics and go 4,4,2 but the problem is we don't have good enough wide midfielders. 

  7. Been a great deadline day even tho we haven't actually signed anyone. Ben Hall emptied and Rape Rovers sign Goodwillie. 

    Plus given our market will be free transfers and loans, I've no doubt there will be some more faces coming in. Hopefully see 1 or 2 new signings this week now that other clubs higher up will have done their business

  8. Very pleased with the signings so far. It's been glaringly obvious Hall and McKay are not good enough so signing 3 centre half's should now mean they don't feature much again, if at all. We should def be looking to offload them this window. 

    We still need cover at right back/right wing back however. I was kind of hoping any new defender signed would be able to play here too (Nielson would've been perfect signing) as would mean not having to play Miller here if Williamsons out.

    We also need at least 1 midfielder (so we don't need to play Hetherington) and another striker (as wilson and Omperon not good enough), but please not Goodwillie.

  9. 5 hours ago, Albertobotswana said:

    Pretty sure he was an Aberdeen fan, his brother was and they hung around with at least 2 Aberdeen fans. (Larbert esp South Broomage was a smaller place in those days).

    Add in the American link with Aberdeen, can you see the risk?

    Might be wrong but, there wasn't a huge FFC following at Larbert High.

    I was in his youngest brothers year at school and HE was an Aberdeen supporter. There were however lots of Falkirk supporters in our year

  10. 3 minutes ago, Its not only a game said:

    Why would you believe anything printed in the Sun? Why would your CLub lower themselves to comment on an unfounded rumour? I have no idea re the facts here, but what I do know is the only thing you should believe in the Sun is the date- and I would even check that!

    Thats a fair point and like I've said I'm hopeful it's just unsubstantiated lazy journalism, although it's more than 1 media source making the claim. However I've not said a thing about expecting the club to make an announcement on it. I have however stated my feelings on it as a supporter and father and have emailed the club aswell even if it turns out to be a sh*te non story. Nothing would surprise me anymore when it comes to Falkirk FC so I think it's important to make our feelings known. No point shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted

  11. I really really hope this is just a case of lazy journalism and there's no substance to these rumours.

    My daughter (10) and neice (6) both have steps with their names saying 'Proud To Be A Bairn' in the main stand. I also have 1 of the bricks outside which says 'U R My Falkirk'. If we sign that rapist I can hand on heart say I am done with this club and the only time I will ever set foot in the stadium again would be with a crowbar to remove those step plates.

    It no longer feels like my Falkirk

  12. As much as Jack Ross would be an amazing appointment, i think theres a lot of people here needing a massive dose of reality. 

    It's all very well saying 'let's throw everything at him and make it happen' but we have to consider the possibility that if it all goes wrong (we are Falkirk after all), how would we be able to sever ties? He was possibly on at least 10 times what Sheerin was on so how could we afford to pay that off if it goes t*ts up? (Or even just a quarter of that amount for arguments sake). 

    His compensation from Hibs might be a rolling payment aswell until he picks up a job somewhere else so joining us might cost him a huge sum too although we obv don't know the details. I just think we are forgetting the gulf between a club the size of Hibs and the money in the top league compared to where we find ourselves now and that's before we throw in the negative considerations HE would have such as the risk, our current reputation and that arsehole Holt.



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