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Everything posted by airdrieman

  1. So do I TBF. I'm travelling that day so think I'm probably one of the only people this suits. Having said that even if I was at home it might just have been too tempting to watch it at home with a beer instead. Dread to think what the crowd will be that day.
  2. Not sure how it all went down or played out but I understand tonight's results in Aberdeen were - Kieran Kelly beat Scott McManus Jokey beat Viper Kings of Catch beat Kinky Party to retain the tag titles Jackie Polo beat Grado and challenged Jeff Jarrett to a match at Shug's Bad Company beat Joe Hendry, Ravie Davie, Kez Evans and Leyton Buzzard in an 8-man tag Joe Coffey beat Andy Wild to retain the Zero-G Championship and afterwards Liam Thomson challenged Joe Coffey to a Zero-G title match (which Joe accepts) Aaron Echo beat Scotty Swift Kenny Williams beat Jason Reed Lionheart beat Mark Coffey to retain the ICW World Heavyweight Championship
  3. Yusuke, 'Wally', Yamaguchi AKA Yamaguchi - San has passed away. https://www.wwe.com/article/yusuke-wally-yamaguchi-passes-away Hope he choppy choppys some pee pees in heaven.
  4. I agree with this although I sadly suspect that our upturn in form also had something to do with the Celtic game and the players wanting to be on the tele. RE the loan players, I don't think Campbell is much worse than Millar or Gallagher but out the three of them I'd have Gallagher in the team. Glass has no impact on the game at all. I'd rather have Wilkie in there, who was also part of the team during our relative run of form, even though I'm not sure Wilkie is reliable over a whole 90 minutes or able to play more than two games without picking up a knock. Houston is so anonymous you couldn't even call him dire. Looks bereft of confidence too. I'd actually like to see us give Glass a shot out wide. I'm pretty sure that's where he played when he came on against Celtic and he did a lovely pirouette to get by the Celtic player which automatically makes it his biggest contribution in a diamond. I'd also agree that we are much better organised than we were under Findlay. I'm not sure if it's still the case but at one point under Murray, we had one of the best goals against record in the league which is probably the best manifestation of that. I don't necessarily enjoy it but being organised, and relying on our defence, is how we will win most of our points. Because unfortunately, we're still utterly toothless going forward. Relying on long balls to McIntosh and playing for and winning 2nd balls is, unfortunately, our best tactic at this point. Roll on the end of the season.
  5. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/airdrieonians-boss-ian-murray-already-14089722 Good.
  6. Don't recall ever seeing him play before but I think he's a centre mid. Seems odd that somebody with an ostensibly decent pedigree (20 games in the top flight) would be signed primarily for the reserves. I've been to a few reserve games and no harm to anyone who plays at that level but anybody who's played any run of games at first team level let alone the Premiership should be able to scoosh it at that standard of football. Unless he's either - been signed with a view to being part of the first team next season or, he isn't actually very good or any better than what we already have. Which begs the question why bother signing him in the first place?
  7. Get crighton as far to f**k as possible. I'll be assuming she was slaughtering Fitzy for getting tore right into him. I heard them on the way out of the ground so didn't hear their whole conversation but aye probably. Going on about how "the fans at this club don't back the team" and how Crighton set up the goal. Conveniently didn't mention the aforementioned incident or him almost selling a goal by letting the ball bounce over him to let the Montrose player have clear sight of goal.
  8. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Conroy signed a 2-year deal in March 2018. I know the Trust are paying Prunty's wages but we could we organise a whip round to pay off the rest of Conroy's contract?
  9. Cammy Russell set up three of the goals today if I'm not mistaken? Glad to see he's playing well.
  10. Heard Sean Crighton's bird and, presumably his da or uncle, slating the fans after the game for slaughtering the team. Aye mate, take away your free comps and your emotional bias and see if you enjoy paying £16 to watch that garbage.
  11. Also, had to laugh. In the programme, Johnathan Page said the best player he played with is Gareth Bale (in the Southampton youth team). That must have been some back four.
  12. I've been to many a bad game of football but today was up there as one of the worst. Two rubbish teams with not an ounce of ability about them. The first half, in particular, was dire stuff from an Airdrie point of view. Midfield wasn't in the game at all and the team either didn't know how to play in that shape or didn't know how to get the best out of it. Second half was slightly better. Thought we were improved when Wilkie came on. He's the only midfielder that actually drives with the ball and takes us forward. I thought Sean McIntosh had a decent enough game today too. He's much better on the ball than either Gallagher or Millar. Glad to see him back in the side. Thought that was one of Campbell's better games too. I don't think Houston is a better option than Stewart. He did nothing for me and at times I forgot he was playing. Glass had some nice touches but his decision making lets him down and I don't remember him making a killer pass or putting in a decent final ball. I'd rather have Wilkie playing in there from the start. We were lucky that Montrose were just as bad, if not worse, than us. The only times they looked like scoring were when we put ourselves under pressure which unfortunately was a lot. Some real calamitous stuff going on at the back and we genuinely looked at times like we wanted to chuck the 3 points away. Conroy had several moments of sheer stupidity that were unforgivable and that we were damn lucky Montrose didn't score from (kudos to Hutton for that save from point-blank range, he saved us another 3 points today). I've no idea why a player who is so stubbornly left-footed turns inside on to his right so much but he just puts so much pressure on himself and the team and when he goes to pass forward he goes back on to his left anyway but by the time he does that he either loses the ball or the move or chance is gone. I know he's an easy scapegoat but he's a liability, especially in the position he was playing in today which he's also not fast enough to play in. Edwards is much better in that position. I still don't like how deep we're sitting when we go in front. We saw it out today but we also rode our luck tremendously and a better team would probably have beat us. As said above it wasn't the best game but we won and at this point, that's all that matters. Ironic though that Joao scored a goal that could have sucked us deeper towards the relegation zone. I imagine we'll go pretty defensive next week but I'd like to go with pretty much the same team expect Edwards in for Conroy, Stewart in for Houston and Wilkie in for Glass (assuming Carrick is fit). Also, saw on Twitter in a 7-1 win for EK Cammy Russell set up three of the goals. Seems like he's doing well there. A few of other reserve players have went out on loan to Fauldhouse as well.
  13. Was my first ICW show since Shug's last year but had a cracking time at the Square Go. Was delighted the Kings of Catch finally won the tag titles. It was well deserved and long overdue. IMO they should have won it at F&L but thankfully there was no problem with delayed gratification and they got a well deserved big pop. Hope they have a long reign with the belts. Thought KLR v Toni Storm was really good albeit slightly ruined by the ending. The positive though is that it probably means Toni Storm will be back and we'll either get a triple threat and/or at least a couple of singles matches. One thing I've been critical of ICW for before is that their women's roster has no depth to it at all. Since I started watching and going to ICW shows in 2016 it's literally only been KLR and Viper (and Carmel just before she retired) who have been credible or champions for a sustained period of time, with Kasey having a short reign and Martina being champion for a day. Kay Lee Ray and Viper are both outstanding talents but I would expect better from a wrestling company in this day and age and would expect a roster with multiple talents telling multiple stories instead of just - Kay Lee Ray v Viper for the title and Kasey v Jokey on the undercard. What makes it more baffling is that there's all women's promotion (previously run by ICW) in Glasgow run by an active ICW wrestler that uses a whole host of women that I'm sure would be willing to wrestle for ICW. Having an import who will, hopefully, wrestle on a few different shows does a little to rectify that at least. Joe Coffey v Ilja Dragunov was superb. Definitely the match of the night. Two big b*****ds beating the shit out of each other. That's what you want to see. Dragunov looks like a total star and I'm not surprised to see him sign with WWE this week. I'm looking forward to seeing him on the big stage but I hope ICW get the chance to bring him back. Lionheart v Angelico was totally flat and not a great match by either men's standards. The crowd was DEAD. Not into Angelico? Not into the story (or lack of) of the match? It's a shame because Angelico is so good, as his match with Whippy at Shug's last year showed. The story of wanting to compete in one-off matches against imports, or the best talent in the world, is fine but TBH, this might be controversial, I don't think Lionheart is good enough in the ring to pull that off. Especially when it's obvious he's going to win. I'm not convinced he's world champion material either in 2019 and certainly not as a face. I was thinking about it and Lionheart just isn't a draw for me as world champion. Having said that he's much better when he's involved in a compelling story, as his feud with Jackie Polo showed last year which was fantastic. If they put him in a proper storyline with some interest and drama I'm sure he could win me round on his title reign. Was my first time seeing the Square Go match itself. Had its ups and downs but really enjoyed it. Thought Lou King Sharp, Liam Thompson, Red, Viper, Leyton and Paxxo all put in a good shift and enjoyed Kenny Williams' and Iestyn Rees' schtick too. Also enjoyed the continuation of Kez Evans' and BT Gunn's feud and hoping we'll continue to see more of the Anti Fun Police (I think they've been booked for King of Hawners). I must admit I did pop for Double J (and done the opposite of a pop for Just Justice) but missed almost all of his stuff with Grado thanks to the arseholes who decided to get into a scrap at a fucking wrestling show. Apparently, it was some guy who's caused trouble before and it seems to be a regular occurrence at ICW shows. Always seems to me like there are people there who go purely for a piss up and a laugh and have no interest at all in the actual wrestling. Which is fine I guess but there's always some who are intent on ruining the show for others. No need for it. (Also some other people near me who were calling people fat or audibly taking the piss out of them). If they got papped out hopefully they'll be banned from future ICW shows. Also seems to be a worrying trend of fans getting physical with performers. That's the third time in recent months it's happened that I can think of. Someone else at the Square Go tried to grab the sink off Wolfgang before getting shoved to the ground by the ring crew. It's just idiotic. A few times during the Square Go it was a little hard to see some of what was going on (there were a couple of times I wasn't sure if somebody had been eliminated) but that would probably be my only complaint. The ring could maybe do with being taken off the floor a little higher but I liked the venue overall (not sure how good a view you would have got from the back mind you). As for Red winning, I have mixed feelings. I was delighted for him and in the moment it was really special. But, similar to what I was saying about Lionheart, I'm not sure Red is the best person to be winning the Square Go in 2019. Red always pulls whatever he's doing out the bag but Lionheart v Red Lightning for the world title really isn't something I want to see or if they do ANOTHER Dallas v Red storyline and match for control of the company that can get fucked too. They teased Red Lightning v Joe Coffey but not sure how they'd go about doing that. I don't want Joe v Red for the briefcase or for Red to challenge him for the Zero-G as that would just be a waste of the Square Go. They were maybe hinting at a triple threat at the end but not sure how that would come about either. Viper was my dark horse pick and I would have loved it if she'd won but really I was hoping Joe Hendry would win. Especially as there's a ready-made feud between him and Lionheart. TBH I'm not sure why they haven't done more with him. He's one of the best in-ring talents they have, superb on the mic and has name value from the Commonwealth Games, Impact, WOS and his entrance made videos. He's absolutely world champion material and with most of their NXT UK guys not being around as much they need to pull the trigger on him sooner rather than later. Maybe as Dallas' guy, he wins the belt off Lionheart and it's him v Red Lightning? Looking forward to seeing how it plays out at least. Also, heard at the show that there's no Barramania this year as it would clash with too many NXT UK dates. I'm hoping they'll maybe run a show at the Barras later in the year though. Got my ticket for King of Hawners. I'm looking forward to it. Something different for ICW and they've announced some good names already. Anyone heading up to the Aberdeen show? They've announced a few matches for it this week, including a tag title and Zero G match. Saw some posts on here asking about Davey Blaze. I went to one of Dallas' spoken word shows and he talked about it. I don't remember all the details as it was a wee while back so forgive me, but essentially the gist of it was that Davey and Dallas had had a falling out and I think some strong views were exchanged. Dallas said they used to be best mates and called him an idiot (but in an affectionate way, like a lovable idiot) and he said they have spoken since. I can't remember what he said about him possibly coming back but I think it was something along the lines of 'it's up to him', 'unlikely but don't rule it out'.
  14. Thank you. Given it's only Martin Ferguson and Ian McMillan left from the football club and their positions at the club I doubt we'll hear anything! Some of those other groups will need updating too I'm sure...
  15. I can't find the relevant article on the official site but I seem to recall that at the start of the season several different working groups were formed to manage and assess different areas of the club. If I remember correctly there was a football working group that would deal with matters exclusively to do with all the on the park stuff, a community working group and maybe a commercial one as well? The groups were made up of the board, directors, fans, the supporters' trust and other individuals. I would be interested to hear if these groups still exist and I would be interested to hear their assessments of this season so far around their specific areas. I'd be particularly interested in hearing from the football one. We all know the squad we have is terribly imbalanced, or just plain terrible, not good enough to get us to where we want to be and is allegedly expensive (possibly "overbudget"). With that being the case I would like to know how exactly this came about. Did the working group scout or identify players for Findlay or have any involvement in putting together the squad (in terms of coming up with a system of how we would play and then signing players to fit that system) or were all facets of recruitment left to Findlay? Did the working group offer any advice at all to Findlay and was it taken? Martin Ferguson said he would be involved in scouting players and/or he would use his contacts. Did this transpire or not? If Findlay went over budget why was that allowed to happen? Given this season has been a disaster what lessons have been learned and what will be done next season to ensure we are in a better place to challenge for promotion (apart from the obvious of actually having a competent manager)? I can understand if some of these questions can't be answered, or if the working group didn't even exist or do anything in the first place (lol) but it would be good to hear from them RE this season's problems and plans for next season.
  16. We're 9 points off 4th and 9 points off 9th. I can't see either of those gaps being met TBH which means we'll have an exciting end to the season duking it out for 5th place with Montrose... Apart from Hutton and O'Neil, I wouldn't be sorry to see any of those players go. I really like Murray but I think it's clear the system that was working for us before the Celtic game isn't working anymore (downed tools because they don't have a big cup game on the tele?). The main problem IMO is that there's just no attacking cutting edge at all. A midfield of Gallagher, Millar and Campbell isn't going to create anything. Stewart is wildly inconsistent. Glass is talented but very raw. Wilkie has his moments but can't seem to play more than two games without getting injured. And Conroy is just keek. Up front - Duffy is still our best finisher, and I would start him every week, but how long can we realistically expect him to lead the line for? McIntosh definitely adds something to the team but isn't going to score every week and, no harm to him, but he probably misses more chances than he scores. Carrick is a great footballer but isn't a goalscorer at all. Joao is signed up for next season but is he already a busted flush? Russell is a prospect but very young to relied upon week in week out. I think we've generally been okay since Murray arrived but there's still room for improvement there too. Crighton and MacDonald have done well but you wouldn't miss them and could be replaced in the summer if they were to go. I like Edwards a lot but he's still a young man learning his trade. Robertson is an expensive reserve player (on a two year deal) and the Page situation is an utter joke. Whoever sanctioned paying a fee to sign him should be sacked on the spot if they haven't already left the club. Whatever happens, Murray has a huge rebuilding job on his hands. I have faith in him being able to do it but the board have already sunk a lot of money into this season's failure of a manager and squad. Whilst I hope they're as generous to Murray as they were to Findlay I could understand if they wanted to wait until all of the jobbers on two-year contracts ran their contracts out and they got to start on a clean slate in two years time rather than pay them off. I hope that isn't what happens though because god knows what will be left of the fanbase by that point.
  17. Scott Thomson joins on loan https://www.airdriefc.com/scottthomson-120119 Scott has scored about 10 goals for the reserves this season and looks to be a good prospect but hasn't been amongst the first team at all this season. Regular game time at a good level should help him progress. I hope he does well at Edusports.
  18. Good to see Cammy get on the scoresheet, win a penalty and get man of the match. Cammy has looked a good prospect but needs consistent game time at a decent level every week. Hope he gets it with East Kilbride and continues on the same vein as today.
  19. McGregor is a big strong boi who's comfortable in the air. He had a few dodgy moments with us but they were possibly concentration/experience issues and with some coaching and experience alongside him, he should be good enough to play in the lower levels of Scottish football. Interesting that someone above said he was good on the ball as that was probably the one area he was a bombscare in whilst at Airdrie. He was very much a head it or clear it away centre half although sometimes that's all you need. I'm sure the drop down further still and some regular first team football will do him some good. I hope he does well although don't criticise him too much or else GSC will be on your case.
  20. How did Alan Gow play on Saturday? He was some player in his younger days but unfortunately injuries, and poor career choices stopped him from possibly having the career he could have had. Really nice guy too. Hope he does well.
  21. No transfer window rules apply to the LL ? David Proctor was a coach for us and not a player so I would assume the rules would not apply anyway in that case
  22. I know you got beat yesterday but any sign of improvement at all?
  23. Also, Lee McCulloch has been sliding into Sabrina's DMs. Can't blame the big man -
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