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Everything posted by airdrieman

  1. I can't wait for State Of Origin ! I taped it this morning and I'll watch it when I get home from school tonight! Another big win for Saints against Hull KR at the weekend. Ade Gardner is surely knocking on Steve McNamara's door. It's the Challenge Cup Quarter Finals as well this week ! It's a fantastic rugby league week this week!
  2. Well that's Nathan Brown heading back to Australia now as well. He's done well with Huddersfield getting them to the Challenge Cup Final and, to the play - offs (where admittedly they were poor) and, they should get into the play - offs this year and are more than capable of winning it if they play to their full potential. Hopefully this will mean a young British coach will take over and talks are that it will be, in big Paul Anderson. I'd like to see Saints get a British coach too but if the best man for the job is an Aussie/kiwi then so be it.
  3. Yeah I seen that on BBC Sport which is good . Also Mick Potter will be leaving Saints at the end of the season. He's done okay I suppose in his time in here although if we win a trophy then he will definitley have been a success although, this year it will be a lot harder to win something as the majority of Super League teams look good enough to win something! Although even if he doesn't win anything then his time will still have been a success as he's bought in and nurtured loads of young players like Kyle Eastmond(who is a smashing player and will one day be England's top player), Jamie Foster, Johnny Lomax, Sean Magennis, Chris Dean and Gary Wheeler etc who I'm sure will go on to have great success at Saints and win plenty of trophys and England.
  4. As for Hull KR well they coild make the play offs as they've not performed bad in some games they've played that I've seen on the tv but they were atrocious on Sunday so clearly they need to work on their consistency. I really hope the Magic Weekend returns to Murrayfield. I've really enjoyed it the last two years it's been a great day out with top quality rugby, banter between all sets of fans (even rival ones like me getting a ripping from the Wigan during their game because they seen me with my Saints top on ) and in general it's just been smashing. I've heard it could be in Dublin or Manchester next year so we'll just have to wait and see and, hopefully we'll be there at Murrayfield next year.
  5. I didn't hear what he was saying but I seen him . TBH I wouldn't have been to pleased either.Actually I would have been extremely pissed off! Yeah you're right Saints looked really good and right now it looks like a Saints v Wigan grand final which would be class but hey rugby league's a funny old game! Yeah Kyle Eastmond's a fantastic player. He's filled Sean Long's boots superbly which is some achievement considering how much of a legend Sean Long is.
  6. Yeah they were awful and were well beaten by a good Saints side . I feel sory for the Hull KR fans though that came all the way up from Hull to see their team get alienated. The saints game was class and shows that Saints aren't in a transistional period. The other games were good too the Castleford Catalans game better than I thought it would be and Wigan Huddersfield good with Wigan although I expected a closer game as Huddersfield were well beaten.
  7. Thanks for that. I don't really know much about it as rugby league coverage here is a joke hence why I thought all the sponsers had left and that the storm would struggle to stay afloat but thankfully they will. Speaking of coverage I heard there was about fourteen pages about the storm in a newspaper (in Britain you'd be lucky if you found a rugby league story with fourteen lines) and that rugby league is constantly in the news and in the back pages. If only it was like that here.
  8. The whole Melbourne Storm debacle has shocked me. I really didn't see this coming. You have to wonder about the Storms future as they have to pay back a heck of a lot of money and with all (?) of their sponsers pulling out you have to wonder. The onlyway you could really see them surviving is if all their fans stick by them (which it sounds like they're doing) and if they sold all their top players (Slater, Inglis, Smith and Cronk) and any other high earners. I'd love to see any of those four previously mentioned in Super League (especially Saints!) but I'd think that only really Warrington or Wigan could afford them. Maybe even Leeds as well but I'm sure they'd have to sell some of their top players if they were going to buy top players from the storm.
  9. Anyone else going to the Magic Weekend this weekend? I'm not goin today because of the big Airdrie game but I will be there tomorrow specifically because Saints are playing (but it looks the best dayin my opinion any way )in what should be a cracking day just like it was last year (I went on the Saturday and the atmosphere was cracking everyone was friendly, there was singing and all the stalls were great. They had IRN - BRU stalls, curry, pies and burgers etc) the only downside being Saints got thumped by Wigan . I hope/think it will be just as good this year if not better and I see a Saints win . COME ON YOU SAINTS!
  10. I hate fat boy. Why can't you speak normaly twat. Why's he even called fat boy he's not even that fat. All of the new kid/gangsters should just f**k off! They contribute nothing to the show. Expect Zsa Zsa but that's only because she looks good. Ben Mitchell really annoys me too. I've always had doubts he's Phil's son. Is there a more different father and son pairing anywhere? The Syed and Christian and storyline is starting drag on although hopefully now it will be over and done with and everyone will find out Syed's gay.
  11. Derby day today! Good win for Hull and Leeds v Bradford was smashing last night! Possibly last ever derby at knowsley Road! It should be epic . COME ON YOU SAINTS!
  12. Leeds have lost again(!) but it was to a very very good Wigan side who look the strongest they've been in years. Can't wait for next week with all the derby games including Saints v Wigan ! COME ON YOU SAINTS!
  13. Looks like Paul Cooke's making his debut for Wakefield this weekend. Great player but needs to improve his off field behaviour by the looks of it but, if anyone can improve his behaviour and can turn his career back round it's John Kear.
  14. Yeah I agree about Sky showing the worst game. Saints Warry games are always good and that was the best chance they had at winning at Knowsley Road for ages (and it was the last game they'll ever play there unless they get them there in the Challenge Cup or Play offs) and, Hull KR beat Leeds at Headingley and we knew before there was a good chance of them winning so either of those games should surely have been shown. The only reason people would have wanted to watch the Crusaders game was because of Gareth Thomas and he only played for the first thirty minutes because of the hits he was taking! Welcome to rugby league Gareth!
  15. Looks like Brett Finch could be coming to Super League when his contract is up. A number of clubs including Wakefield are intrested in signing him.
  16. That's a great signing for Huddersfield in Danny Brough. Would have loved to have seen Saints go for him. It's a shame he wants to play for England now and not Scotland but I can understand why as he wants to international rugby at a higher level. Which is why we should still have the GB team as it means he could play at a higher level but still play for Scotland at the same time.
  17. Good to see Jammer (James Graham) isn't going to the NRL (he's been linked with the Sydney Roosters). He would be a massive loss as he's been our best player for the last two seasons and he's a legend!
  18. Yeah you're right. Sean Long's a legend and will be missed. Kyle Eastmond is a good player and has done great so far this season so he certainly looks a good replacement. I would have liked to have seen us go for Danny Brough as he's a smashing player and would do well at Saints. Yeah my predictions for the final are either Leeds v Wigan, Wigan v Warrington, Leeds v Warrington and possibly Saints could make it against one of those three opponents.
  19. Please sign this petition so we can keep Rugby League's biggest and longest tournament on free - to - air tv. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/rugby-league-challenge-cup/sign.html
  20. Yeah that could happen but Leeds lost again this weekend! Thanks for not gloating . From what I've seen on tv and read it sounded like it was a close game which is what you want. Games to be close. It makes it better league as the last couple of years Saints, Leeds and Bradford were gaurenteed to win practically every game but now Bradford have been crap the last few seasons. They look as if they'll do bette this year but they'll be inconsistent. Leeds have lost three of their last six games and they don't look to great (although like you said could/should improve as the season progresses and,as for us (Saints) well I'm not sure.We'll definitley get the playoffs but wether we can win or not I'm not sure. A ot of the young guys are coming through and a lot of the older heads are leaving/retireing like the legend Keiron Cunningham so, even if we don't win it this year hopefully we can win it in a few years when the young guys have gained a lot more experiance. Aye the magic weekend will be fantastic. It was last year and you're right the atmosphere was fantastic last year. I don't think you will . MON THE SAINTS!
  21. Aye I can't wait for the magic weekend. It was cracking last year even though Saints got horsed by Wigan but it was still a great day. The atmosphere was great and I really like the fact that all sets offans could mingle with each other even Saints and Wigan fans. If something like this was to happen in football then each set of fans would probably have their own areas and the seating would be segregated. Hopefully your team will lose at the magic weekend . As for the Grand Final winners I'm not sure actually. Super League's been a lot more open recently than in recent years and both Leeds and Wigan, Us (Saints), Huddersfield, Hull, Hull KR, Warrington, Wakefield and Castleford all look pretty strong altough Hull KR, Wakey and Cas probably won't win the Grand Final but will certainly be up there challenging for the playoffs. All the other teams though I could see possibly winning it.
  22. Aye congradulations to the Melboure Storm. Leeds tried their best and played alright but the Storm were the better team.
  23. Are you going to watch the World Club Challenge?

  24. Thankfully though it's been another great week in terms of action on the pitch in Super League. Bradford put in great performance on Friday and comprehnsively beat Castleford 41 - 22 who are no mugs. This result prvs once again that this years Super League will be more open than ever as Bradford had lost they're first two games pretty soundly while, Castleford had beaten last season's champs Leeds and ran a very good Warrington close. Speaking of Leeds they managed to get back on track before the World Club Challenge next Sunday with a 22 - 10 win against Salford. Leeds have had a poor start to the season and will need to be at their very best to beat a very good Melbourne Storm side. Saints got another good result this weekend ! Beating Catalans 42 - 12! It was good to see wee Johnny Lomax scoring a double. He's came up from the youths and is definitley one for the future. It was also good to see Eastmond score again and score the conversations. Hopefully he can keep this form up. He's going to need to if he's going to be replacement for Long. It's also good to see the team can play well without Cunningham. The invincible team is starting to break up now with only Cunningham, Wellens, Wilkin, Roby and Gardner left from that team so it's good to see that we have kids breaking through and that the invincible team can be replaced. Huddersfield got a good result against Hull KR beating them 30 - 0. I expect both of them to be in or near the play off places at the end of the season. Wigan got a grat result against a smashing Warington team beating them 22 - 20 even though they were 16 - 5 down with ten minutes to go! This result now puts them top of the league ! I expect both of these teams to be in the top four at the end of the season. Crusaders won again ! What made it even more suprising was the fact it was against an inform Hull team. This is exactly what I mean when I say this year will be the most competitive Super League in years if not ever!
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