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Everything posted by queenslad

  1. when was the last time Queens had a player who went on to play international football? I think of some of the players I have seen who have moved to a higher level but none plated for international team - Dobbie, A Thomson, Nicky Clark, Ted McMinn
  2. Looks like Dykes may get his chance on Friday night after all
  3. nowt wrong with this attacking formation. Means opposition will have to bring back players to help defend
  4. How many subs are allowed on the bench this season and how many can come off the bench to play
  5. AJ returns back full time on Monday according to our Board
  6. Thanks Mr X - I followed link from official QOS web page- Fans Tickets and Prices then link on second line
  7. I was looking at season ticket tonight but 'this product is no longer available '
  8. If AJ is furloughed as I am sure he is, could he not say to our chairman I quite fancy keeping/signing x and let the chairman do the deal
  9. Maybe the type and quality of player we can afford
  10. Gary Oliver looking for a new club. Would you take him back? Wants to stay in championship rather than go part time
  11. The income from the last 4 games would not have covered the wage bill for the last 2.5 months. I'm not sure how much money comes into Palmerston on a match day but I would reckon a fairly low percentage. Out of a home crowd of 1000 I wouldn't expect many more than half to being 'paying at the gate' with the rest already having paid through season tickets, shirt draw sponsorship tickets
  12. Can I quote Mr Hewitson said ' The manager is still on furlough at the moment. He'll probably be back to work during middle of August. He'll Possibly be back on a part time basis , with three days on then two days off. I'm sure he'll have a list of potential targets'
  13. Robbie Neilson heading back to Palmerston as Hearts Manager Never saw that one coming and must be a backward step in his career. I know he may feel he has unfinished business at Hearts but it's a step down in league status
  14. Thought the manager was furloughed and wasn't able to do any work at the moment for Queens. Other managers who are working may be able to start making contacts and plans
  15. Watched the last 1s of Scotland Sweden world cup match from 1990 tonight from just after we went 2 up. For a while I thought I was watching Queens, almost losing a two goal lead, cross ball leading to there goal, was it a keepers or defenders ball but neither moved allowing attacker acres of room, several opportunities to break but always caught off side, playing balls out to full backs who cannot control ball and allow it to go out for thro ins, then that 92min starmash in the box Even after 30 years some things never change
  16. Another good article today in press this time on Paul Burns. I hadn't realised he played so many games for Queens and that he is still playing. Maybe should look at signing him up. Next week John Stewart
  17. A good article in the standard today on some of the issues moving forward before we can start playing and then watching at Palmerston
  18. Interesting ideas on Queens web page on reserves and community activities. Good to get updates and learn all the good Queens is doing in the community. It a fault a lot of business and organisations make is they don't promote enough what they do and tend to just get on and do it. The difference it can make to people can be inspirational and we can take it fro granted. What is PLAYERTEK system and what does it measure and how can information be used?
  19. overall a deserved point but holding on a bit at the end - will we score another goal
  20. can we hold on for a point - cannot see us winning as under constant pressure
  21. If that is the case that was a bad decision. We need to start games better, put pressure on opposition and get ahead. I still wouldn't be confident of winning a match until the game is over so shaky and deep is our midfield and defenders
  22. Thought the first two goals were great wing play by cadden, beat full back inside out and put in dangerous crosses cut back from the bye line
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