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Everything posted by queenslad

  1. where was the other trialist playing last night - centre back?
  2. Changes to loan rules from the summer - From July 1 this year clubs will be allowed only eight players in or out on loan. That drops to seven from 2023 and down to six the following July. It means senior teams won't be able to loan out the same number of players as they currently do
  3. Increase in subs in top league will limit number of players going out on loan and lesson the pool of players available
  4. We won't be able to sign any players who are currently playing for their teams. It can only be players who cannot get a game
  5. Never at the races today again but at least at 0-0 and 0-1 we had a chance of nicking a point with 11 men on the pitch. I thought Killie caused problems going forward all first half. Their front two caused our centre halves problems winning in the air, holding up the ball, linking up together as a partnership and also linking with midfielder who ran beyond them. Compare that with Queens attacking threat - long punt from the back across the half way line with a 50:50 chance our lone striker was near it and if he was and won a header no one to pick it up. Their front two occupied our back 4 the whole time but Killie defenders had all the time in the world to pass amongst themselves and and find a team mate. We were the home team
  6. Does it matter who he used foul and abusive language too - player or referee?
  7. I don't think you can blame the referee, he gave it as he saw, a penalty. However once the decision has been made he's not going to change his mind. Yes you can protest and as a captain you have the right to question a bit more for an explanation. WG had two goes questioning the referee before the penalty was taken, in fact he also attempted to delay the penalty by walking up the taker and then taking his time to leave the box. At this stage the incident should have been over, decision made, protect made and won't change the decision. After the penalty he had another go at questioning the referee by running to him, mostly now out of frustration due to a goal being conceded. A booking was justified by his reactions, whether you agree with the penalty decision or not. Again not happy and he, WG sounded off again and seemed to get a straight red. WG let his team mates and fans down today. At 1 nil down although not playing well Queens were still in the match, just. With 10 men they were completely out of the match and was a question of how many
  8. Didn't the Queen Of The South Supporters Liaison Committee have a lot to do with the last restricted attendance matches. I'm sure they will be a big miss in liaising between the club and fans until unrestricted attendances are back. Were they not very much hands on organising, arranging and on the day itself?
  9. don't do twitter - does the club email season ticket holders?
  10. When did it open? Never saw anything about ballot being open
  11. Expect country to be closed down on Boxing Day with rising cases of covid. Could be a while before this is played if it is
  12. a bit early but if the garden is all rosey - why not give AJ a further years extension too
  13. I've watched a few games of late and wonder if the players are actually struggling to see the ball when it is in the air and coming at them through the line of sight of the flood lights. Looking from the sides when the ball goes into my line of sight of the floodlights I struggle. Maybe why we cannot defend crosses
  14. First class delivery of saturdays program this morning. A nice tribute to the passing of another Queens fan. Spoke to gentleman often but never knew his name
  15. MaKay and Cooper doubtful for saturday too, more struggles at the back
  16. How many more players do you need in the wall 2 or 3. The free kick was well outside the wall and went in at the post
  17. Going for it now forward on for a full back - shows lack of a squad but AJ will manage to move several players around to accomodate
  18. Queens must have some kind of record for being knocked out of cups by teams a league lower than us over the last 12 years. I cannot think of any other team that have been beaten as regularly by lower league teams Cove Rangers, Queens Park, East Fife, Montrose,
  19. mentioned some bad goalies over the years but worst I have seen has to be Rikki Fergusson. Makes Antell and Corr look good
  20. My reason for asking is on the match preview it says ' With the new dugouts now in place a section of the Alpha Solway stand is again open to home supporters, along with the West section of the BDS and the Terracing.' To me that means the whole stand is not open but only 'a section' in the Old Stand
  21. Is anyone able to tell me which section of the Alpha Solway stand will be open for Home Supporters?
  22. Fitz out for a month and East pulled up during warm up last saturday. Neither will feature tomorrow
  23. It's not every one who can make early decisions on whether they can attend matches at a given time, people have others things on that takes priority - partner, children, work - all of which may be planned for a saturday but when they finish earlier than expected or plans you have made fall through you may decide to go to a match. Also the situation of meeting a friend in pub, up town and suggesting they come along to a match. This applies to home or away fans. I can see the appeal in selling tickets earlier in the week, then the weather turns rough on a saturday lunchtime and you decide not to go - money in the bag for the club. What happens if you purchase a ticket for a game that does not take place? Do you get your money back or is it valid for when the fixture takes place and what happens if you cannot make it? This will become a factor as the winter weather takes a turn for the worse. I know many people who don't have smart phones and who wouldn't have a clue how to purchase a online ticket
  24. Queens have done well in recent weeks in during the first 60mins in taking the lead. Around this time we seem to take off Connelly and then struggle for the rest of the match in creating chances and scoring. To my mind Connelly is the one player who can beat a player and create a chance/goal from nothing
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