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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Clacks Bridge has reopened after being shut earlier. It made me wonder what the use of those expensive looking electronic overhead gantry signs is if they don't actually tell you in advance that the bridge you're driving towards is shut !?
  2. I did Polmont to Larbert via TFS and through Camelon just the other day and at a peak time no bother at all.
  3. Aye but folk don't let those that cruise to the end in and it starts to snarl up, or those nipping in late cause other drivers to brake and the effect 'concertinas' back through the line of traffic causing stoppages. I seem to have spent half my life in roadworks and the ones that move the smoothest are the ones where folk move over early.
  4. I'm fairly sure the highway code wouldn't cover it (although it's a bloody long time since I sat my test) It's just one of those driving etiquette things - like when you reward someone for letting you through a gap by squeezing past with one hand off the steering wheel and waving whilst looking at them rather than the road ahead.
  5. Everyone moves over early in an attempt to keep the traffic flowing, or at least keep it crawling a little faster - loads of cars continuing to the cones in the left hand lane just snarles it up as they try to squeeze into the right hand lane at the last minute -annoys the utter f'ck out of me. Mrs Ned tells me that on her way home yesterday she pulled out to the left hand lane to stop folk like you scooting past - got some angry looks but she didn't give a shit.
  6. Supporting The Old Firm or 'Rangers' is the easiest ride in Scottish football, that's why there's loads of them - it's a bit easier to head out the door when you're likely to see a few goals and a win on your way to another trophy as opposed to the rest of us who make the effort despite the fact we're about to see our teams scudded into yet more mid-table mediocrity. A mini-bus full of Shire fans is worth more than two stadiums full of monobrowed arseholes.
  7. If you punted folk for posting shite P&B would be a very very quiet place, especially in this section of the board - he'll remove himself from the board before long anyhoo.
  8. I'd much rather it was Celtic that had gone tits-up, can your tiny mind cope with that ?
  9. You're not actually a parody account are you? You really, genuinely are a thick, bewildered, monobrowed, bellend with no friends and body-odour that would strip the gloss paint off a door-frame.
  10. I used to work in Rosyth and nipped through Culross a few times on the way home due to roadworks etc. A good wee windy road that was nice a quiet on a good day but will be absolute chocka tomorrow. Good Luck though. Thank f'ck I don't work there now ... and then there's the bridge closure
  11. I don't care if Mr X claims this probably isn't an alias account - there's no fucking way this isn't someone on the wind-up. Please just f'ck off and stop posting utter shite.
  12. Your post actually made me Google the 'story' to find out just what the f'ck was going on - turns out 'Rangers' are playing youngsters just like most other clubs in Scotland, and like they should've been doing since 2012 rather than playing the likes of Black, Kyle etc. etc. So basically it's a non-story designed to appeal to their core customers - thick, blinkered, Old Firm and 'Rangers' fans.
  13. It's over £1900 now - I guess you have to give the chancer some credit for the pure brass neck on him.
  14. What the actual f'ck is that pish? the c'nt wants a grand for sitting on his arse Tweeting for a week !!?? If the c'nt was any good when he covered those two cases he's crowing about then the he'd be earning top Dollar as a real reporter not fannying around pretending to be one like that c'nt nMcGillivan!!
  15. 6 pages and nobody has pointed out that the thread title refers to the wrong fucking bridge.
  16. You know I really wish that reporter had taken Green up on his offer to see yon e-mail.
  17. Naw, no chance - really There's no fucking way that's not someone on the wind-up What's this resignation that's been talked about - I noticed the entire board had been spammed the other day but I didn't bother reading any of it!?
  18. Now, I've posted before that I'd have preferred it if Celtic had gone tits-up, and you framed that article up so nicely that I got myself all comfy and prepared for a right good chortle at their expense. It was a load of fucking shite though.
  19. So, anyhoo - away to Dundee in the Cup, rory Loy et al.
  20. I know I occasionally post in this section but I'm not always entirely up to speed on what's happening ... Why is paying Ashley back seen as some sort of a 'defeat' for him ? The money was needed by the club company at the time and now he's asked for it back!? If I'm missing something what is it?
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