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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Surely it's fairly difficult to get banned from P&B, you'd have to be an absolute moron to get banned once let alone banned repeatedly !?
  2. I'd like to see us push the boat out a bit next season, even if Hibs are still in the Championship, I think playing it 'safe' next season would see a reaction from the majority of punters and not just the knicker-wetters. Will be a lot easier to do of course if we don't spunk all our cash this season. I certainly don't envy them their position, must be difficult managing the books and peoples expectations - long term though the job is about keeping the club on a sound financial footing and they certainly appear to be doing that - I personally would be concerned, and more critical, if we were splashing the cash this season. Let's not underestimate what part the club played in fuelling that great feeling. As for harnessing that goodwill then, again, personally I don't see that they've done that much wrong - I know that they missed out on a couple of key-ring sales by not opening the shop on the Monday after the Cup Final and they somehow didn't foresee that they'd sell more jerseys in one day than they did for all of last season - idiots! (Really nice jerseys BTW, perhaps the nicest since 91 !?) I guess they should have punted the manager that got us to that Final then appointed one of the outstanding out-of-work managers that were available for peanuts and given him a big budget in order to compete with two clubs with more financial clout than us - as well as opening the shop on the Monday.
  3. Mediocrity ? I've accepted - as explained earlier in the thread - that we are at about our level. Of course Falkirk will bother, all the clubs will bother, but you have to be a realist and accept that even rolling out the cheque book will probably still see us in the Championship next season - albiet with less money in the bank. Of course, but as I've also already said without chucking resources at the issue the signings that are made have to be absolutely spot on - time will tell on Houston's signings but I personlly have no issue with any of them at the moment. Sounds like we've missed out on more capable players because of finances but that takes us back to the previous point. NSS
  4. Times up for the 'Cup Final' page on Facebook - it's a frustrasting mess of half-heids and the bewildered - saved only by yon pretty lass that keeps posting (and the occasional post by Keith - hello Keith) And this site is going the same way. For 12 years it's been reasonably moron free (which is no mean feat when you consider the mouth-breathers that inhabit Falkirk's dedicated forum) but they're creeping in, demanding better, accusing the rest of us of accepting mediocrity - and it's all getting a bit pish. I have absolutely no issue with how we are this season, I expect we'll make the play-offs ... and get beat in them, there's not much that will change that, no point in chucking money at it, absolutely no point in punting Houston and absolutely no point in pishing your knickers about it.
  5. 1p would be 1p more than your creditors got for every pound you owed them.
  6. Ooft !! My Facebook's gone mental with 'Rangers' fans declaring 'crush them all' etc. lol They should've pumped every team in every division whilst romping up the leagues but instead they decided to circle w**k whilst 30 odd million was spunked on shite players by a joke of a manager - now that 'Rangers' are doing what we were pointing and laughing at them for not doing all along they're suddenly the fucking clever ones. What a shower of dafties
  7. Well, no not really - your post didn't emphasise how mediocre were it showed how good the current Queens squad is.
  8. My post was to do with you saying how mediocre we are.
  9. If we're covering the last 50 years then I'd guess finishing in the top half of the second tier is possibly a little more than 'average' for Falkirk. High-ish in the First Division is probably bang on par for my time as a Falkirk fan.
  10. I've posted this before but it still bugs the utter shit out of me - folk who empty their trolley onto the conveyor first at a self service check-out!! Why? Just pick it out the trolley, scan it and stick it in a fucking bag - there's absolutely no need to fill the fucking conveyor up first *angry face etc*
  11. I think we could spend an awful lot of money and finish exactly the same position in the league.
  12. I take it the Record have done some sort of research, possibly even something as simple as relevant sales figures, that shows they make more money from fluffing the blue mono-brows than the green ones. Or perhaps they are simply being 'steered' by blue-noses at the helm (as with Traynor) But, as you've said, they will spin every single story going when it comes to 'Rangers' - possibly even with some influence. Their championing of King whilst dismissing the likes of Sarver was almost jaw dropping in its transparency. And yet the simpletons they're trying to pander to can't see it - they think everyone is against them - it goes beyond 'couldn't make it up territory'
  13. Not according the the very knowledgeable Record hack - in amongst a whole load of exceptional journalistic tosh like "may soon", "If he follows through", "It’s believed", "If Hector starts", etc etc - he very definately states that "Falkirk are next" !!! he also explains that "It doesn’t matter that the contract was agreed willingly between both parties, it’s another breach of regulations for which ignorance or mutual acceptance are no excuse in a court of law." The best bit though, and I shit you not, is the Daily Fucking Record boldly declaring that "The SFA and SPFL stand accused of doing next to nothing to stop smaller clubs, in particular, breaking the law "
  14. I went to link to the Record story from the other week about St Mirren being investigated by the taxman about Keiran Doran being on a similar deal - They mentioned Vaulks in that article and said Falkirk could be in a similar position, But my Google search brought up an article from yesterday where the boldly state that Falkirk will be in the firing line next !! I wonder if there's any truth in that ? The Record usually glosses over tax man stories.
  15. I'm not going to pretend to know the first thing about all this but a chap explained how to 'see' Pluto last night on the BeeB and the method required using a very high magnification lens on a high quality camera then comparing pictures taken over a series of nights before studying the results for a spot of faint light that had moved between pictures.
  16. Sky At Night Was excellent last night -Patrick, as mentioned on the show, would have loved all this.
  17. FWIW - My very first post on P&B was about Andy Lawrie.
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