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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Ah right - didn't put two and two together there. Only in Scotland could the two clubs that benefit the most bleat the most
  2. That looks real but surely no !? I know we go a bit overboard on 'Rangers' but what the actual f'ck - dreadful position, dreadful size, dreadful text ... utterly dreadful text in fact, and shite shite drawings. What even is the box with the diagonal lines I think the guy deserves a bit of credit cause surely he's done that himself cause nobody would do that to someone else And he's took a photo of it :lol: It is real isn't it
  3. Sounds like you've already seen more of him than we did.
  4. It's a strange wee tag-line that one - "Fear No Foe" - it's like they're trying reassure themselves - not something original Rangers would have come out with. And do 'Rangers' really have any 'foes' in the Championship, we're just a bunch of diddies. Strange.
  5. Watson wasn't signed to score goals. If the window 'slams shut' without us bringing in a striker of some merit I'll be pretty disappointed but I'm not going to have a tantrum 'cause Houston has signed a defender. If McCracken is out then Watson has a job to do. Worried about what? Relegation ? I'm not worried about relegation or anything else tbh, should I be ? We've got a reasonably settled squad with a better 'keeper than last season and no Morgan. I've already posted that I think the current squad is good enough to get us to the play-offs (which has to be the sensible goal) and I would of course like to see us put a challenge in, it's what every fan wants, but it is a fucking tough league - there's no getting away from it, that's not being defeatest it's just the fact of the matter. We've got another roller-coaster of a season ahead of us and I can't be arsed stressing about this, that and what-ever - let's just fucking get on with it and stop moaning like f**k about everything. 'Mon the Bairns etc.
  6. Rangers were one of the 12 clubs who voted on 'Rangers' being admited to the top division. Until Rangers were liqudated liquidation meant liquidation, once they were liquidated liquidation meant everything is just fine and dandy and there's nothing to see here.
  7. I might just be in the minority here 'cause I'm fairly relaxed about next season - I think we've improved the goalkeeping position and have reasonable options up front, I think we're a decent striker away from having as good a squad as we can expect and I thoroughly believe Houston is trying to get one. It would take an exceptional effort to get out of this league this season but a play-off place should be the target and I think we've got enough in the squad already to do that. I'm looking forward to the start of the season.
  8. Thankfully I've never lived anywhere near Southport or, indeed, Liverpool but I have lived in England for most of my adult life and seen absolutely diddly squat regarding the Orange Order or Orange Walks.
  9. I'm not religious, religion plays no part in my life, I can think of no casual conversation that would have me finding out what religion folk are. I have friends I've known for over 30 years, including guys I've shared a house with, and I can honestly say that I have absolutely no idea what religion they are. If that makes me some sort of exception then halle-fucking-lujah.
  10. I'm not sure if you're serious. I rented a house for 12 years with some very good mates and I haven't got a clue what religion any of them were - I genuinely and seriously couldn't tell you. I could tell you hunners of things about them and recall many many 'adventures' with them but not what religion they were.
  11. Again, as mentioned elsewhere, I find this notion utterly bizarre. I genuinely couldn't tell you the religion of any of my mates, not one single one of them, it's never come up in any sort of casual conversation. I could tell you their sexuality cause pointing out who you find attractive on a night out is 'normal and, of course , many of them have partners. Football is just a given cause that's the sort of thing folk naturally talk about. In fact I could tell you a great deal about all of them but Religion !? Naw !!
  12. What the actual f'ck has happened to the BRALT? The biggest thread in the history of the world has been closed
  13. I obviously only want players that will add something to the squad but I do actually feel for the fella - must be soul destroying to go on tour with a squad with the hope of earning a deal only to be let go - I imagine he has a family etc. That's not to say that he should have been offered a deal just that I acknowledge how shite it must be.
  14. I know. Just trying to remember the last player we've had on trial that we didn't sign and you have to go back 5 or even 6 days since Chris Johns was sent back to Southampton without a deal.
  15. That seems very different from the last Orange Walk I saw way back in Nineteen-canteen - back then it was just a band with some folk in Rangers taps dragging their knuckles along the pavements at the sides - can anybody just join in now ? Looks like all you need is a wee plastic Gala Day flag and you're off and walking!All those folk so utterly wrapped up in something so utterly insignificant.
  16. My 'only comeback' wasn't in any way related to any of the 'rival' posts I made earlier, just a pure and simple post pointing out that his typo was similar to that of yon inspector bloke from 'Allo allo'. Not sure that I've ever picked up on a typo in all my 12 years on this board, I make far to many of them myself to give a hoot.
  17. Well done Mr X, small steps. Now get on that Raith thread and rip the pish out of your rivals.
  18. Oops, aye sorry - it was meant to be Raith Rovers: Raith Rovers My bad.
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