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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. You know, I honestly couldn't tell you the religion of any of my mates. Have I been doing it wrong
  2. Sorry Queens fans but with the Fuddies in the league the P&B Derby is back on and you'll have to go and have a wee rivalry with somebody else - personally I'd like to suggest Raith Rovers since Dunfermline aren't worth a piss-take any more. HTH.
  3. Wid ye, aye Anyhoo - wouldn't Tedi's mates have objected ? or did you have enough seats up beside you for Jock, Keeps, Myview, Vanderlei and Cooperonthewing
  4. Sorry, bit confused, not keeping up etc. Why did fans pay this £80k when it was bloggers that owed Dunfermline the money ?
  5. It's rare that I'm this taken aback by the number of aliases and WUMs on a Falkirk FC thread.
  6. Just met Harvey Jordan in Costcutters in Grangemouth - he says Russell Latapy is joining as back-up goalkeeper and his dad is heading round to Housties house this afternoon for a BBQ and a trial.
  7. TBF there's absolutely nothing from the club or Houston on the matter - he's played a friendly, scored a penalty and Houstie's had a look at him - nobody's saying he's the 'answer'. (although I think we all know he'll now be signed) Loy wasn't that great at penalties mind
  8. Just trying to decipher your pish post. Which Herald Story ? The one that says Heffernan played in a friendly
  9. What an utterly irrelevant thing to be so wrapped up in - what is the actual fucking point in caring so much about such absolute and totally embarrassing nonsense. I'm sure those guys think they are something special instead of the ludicrous, knuckle-dragging, half-wits the rest of us see them as.
  10. Thankyou for your extremely insightful post. Tell me, in your expert opinion would having a competent defence lessen your chances of conceeding goals?
  11. Phil McGillivan: "In March this year I was contacted by e-mail from a member of the editorial staff" Phil McGillivan: "We agrred a fee and a word" Phil McGillivan: "In their world view another mainstream media organisation had been 'put right' about me. They seemed satisfied that another publication had been 'put right' about me." Another cryptic offering from Phil MacGioblldygóok.
  12. Could be part of the Chairman's 'Vision' - if only he'd tell us!! How's access to the shop ? Monday mornings are one of the busiest times for keyrings and mugs (Car Parking improvements more Helix than FFC I guess !?)
  13. Abso-fucking-lutely. Every single year the club sees out the season with jerseys to flog for much-cheapness - this year they sell out in one day! Fans reaction .... tears and snotters !!!
  14. TBH I don't actually know myself what the Chairman said back in January, but I'd be extremely surprised to find anyone associated with the club who didn't view getting into the Top Flight as a primary goal - did he state that he wanted to do it this season ? cause that's a fairly big ask considering the company we're keeping. A few decent signings could see us mount a fairly serious challenge but keeping our finances sensible means Houstie has to get his signings absolutely spot on. What can we as supporters do? back the club! Now that I know he has a 'vision' I'll be on tenterhooks waiting to find out what it is - why won't he tell us Stop the fucking bus Do you mean to tell me that even if the shop had opened on the Monday after the Cup Final there were no fucking keyrings to sell !!!??? The club missed out on literally pounds worth of profits!! Can we assume that having no jerseys and no keyrings in stock are related - did the shop perhaps sell more stuff in the run up to our 5th final in 140 years than usual? Aye cool - Mon the Bairns etc.
  15. Of course. But if you accept that names and hints aren't up for discussion then what would you like the club to twitter on about ? A 'Fox' breaking into TFS? What the chairman had for breakfast ? It's the closed season, there's been a few wee stories on the official site but what the f'ck are they going to post? The club did an outstanding job promoting the cup final - out-fucking-standing - sold more jerseys in a day (or was it a week) than they did for the entirety of last season yet they are getting pelters for not predicting these sales all those months back when they placed the order ! And then they didn't open up to sell key rings on the Monday after the final !! I'll be fucking glad when the season kicks off.
  16. Ken - we've been discussing it on here for about a week. (feel bad now )
  17. I've said all along that I'd have much preferred it if Celtic had gone tits-up. But it wouldn't have been funnier - Celtic fans have joined and contributed to the pointing-and-laughing and a good deal of it has been quick-witted and humerous - Rangers/'Rangers' supporters on the other hand are fairly humourless dullards who resort to making BIG statements about utterly irrelevant tosh rather than anything genuinely funny.
  18. Worth mentioning that each and every Pars fan gets a family discount
  19. I'm at work and can't really be arsed looking but did the club not state how many ST had been sold very, very recently and also state that the buyer of the 1876th ST would win a holiday!? You're just trolling now.
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