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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. I'm slightly confused by your answer - the starter motor is doing exactly the same job in the Aircraft as it is the Car is it not ? ie turning the thing and compressing the air/fuel mix prior to ignition !? My understanding is that the starter motor is stopped once the engine is up and running - exactly like when you stop turning the key in the car once the engine is up and running. Which certain conditions ?
  2. These 'Turbines' you're referring to are part of the Gas Turbine itself - the Starter Motor spins the Turbines & Compressor until sufficient pressure is available in the Combustion Chamber for the fuel/air mixture to be ignited and then drive the Compressor itself. Gas Turbines have Starter Motors.
  3. Gas Turbines have starter motors - they are in the bullet shaped protrusions right at the front of the Intake and are refereed to as "Starter Bullets" - they can be driven by air (from the APU) , hydraulics and, of course, electricity. Air Turbines are generally used on large Gas Turbines and Electricity is geneerally used on smaller Gas Turbines FWIW - APUs, many of which are Gas Turbines, also have a starter motors.
  4. Fans Page stating/confirming that McDonald is away to Kilmarnock.
  5. WT actual F is all this pish? We're gonna need a thread to explain what's going on on the 'Loop' thread !? There's no boat!? How, what, where and why ?
  6. Anyhoo - back to Mike Mccurry ... Surely even an ex-referee should be distancing himself from these mutants !?
  7. Someone should tell Paul the Company deals with the money and finances not the fucking club - has he no been keeping up ? And, come to think of it, is Paul the interim chairman of the Club or the Company ??
  8. Just posted this on the Falkirk Thread Brilliant and utterly soul-destroying all at the same time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcSZdOgeRW8
  9. This just got posted to FB .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcSZdOgeRW8 Brilliant, impressive and utterly depressing all at the same time !
  10. Quite. But of course the Mono-brows rely on the Scottish Press to tell them how to think - they lap up stuff like that and laugh merrily to themselves about how they keep what's left of Scottish Football going.
  11. Cheers - I read the other post you mention as well ... both posts have actually cheered me up a bit. My brother-in-law filmed us celebrating the goal ... I'm an absolute and total mess in it - I think, as others have mentioned, it was almost like we were destined never to score in any of these bloody games - to actually do it late on and at our end was utterly unbelievable.
  12. Ned Jnr's watching the game back to see if he was on the telly - it's given me the incentive to look out some work stuff I've been avoiding tbh. I'd forgotten ICT scored during the 37th minute applause. Watching it back does highlight what a shite place to watch a game Hampden is ... its like I'm seeing most of this for the first time ! Soft free kick for our goal, brilliantly taken by Alston though.
  13. What a strange collection of dull humourless neutrals this thread has attracted - there was no boasting or bullishness from the Falkirk support ahead of the game and and its generally been pretty decent fayre from them after it!?
  14. My brother-in-law just posted a clip of the utter scenes when we scored on FB It's starting to hurt like f'ck !
  15. Home, fed and having a beer. Wasn't really aware that it was a mistake for the second ... from where we were (bout 5 miles away) it looked like he got a hand to it but just not enough!? Not sure about the free-kick we scored from ... looked like a bit of a dive! Can't believe we f'kin scored - great feeling at the time - played better than I thought we would. Well done ICT - well done Yogi.
  16. Cheers - briefly added a wee dimension to our car chat but none of us had seen it as a penalty at the time.
  17. Well done ICT. On the way home and not read the thread but a few comments on FB about a stonewall penalty to the Bairns - looked on the line from the stand .. can anyone clear it up for us heading back ?
  18. That's how I feel as well. I once had a mate say that 97 had been the best day of his life ... I think back on it as quite a painful experience - I've been fairly subdued ahead of this one cause it's just been a prelude to the gloom once more. Will still shout myself hoarse though!
  19. Fuxake - the club will have raked in a good few bob over the last few weeks and and the retail staff will have worked their fucking socks off yet you've found time moan about them not opening on Monday to sell a few keyrings!? Have a word with yourself man. 'Mon the Bairns !!!
  20. And the award for stating the bleedin' obvious goes to ...
  21. Aye - as much as ICT will still pump us let's just take a moment to reflect on the final that this could have been! There would be a bus full of these entitled f'cktards leaving from just round the corner from me.
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