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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Yogi said something along those lines when we just scraped survival in the SPL and made the Scottish Cup Final. It was a shit season.
  2. Now, I read that and I agree with the points made about the Scottish Press, but as a Non-Old Firm or 'Rangers' fan I got distracted by the splatterings of Celtic related mini-bleats and the utterly absurd statement about Phil McGillivan being respected, I don't know anything about the author so I might just have this wrong, but an article criticising journalists for being bias towards one club shouldn't highlight that the author is biased towards another club himself Phil McGillivan & the word 'respected' FFS
  3. Forgive my ignorance chaps, I've not been on this thread for a bit ( and it's a pain to look back through ).The telly news has just reported the Ashley/badge story but hasn't it been that way for feckin ages ... what is it I'm missing ?
  4. Well done Queens - superb result tonight - good luck in the play-offs.
  5. Rangers fans claiming that the Oldco was the World's most successful club used to make me chuckle. Firstly 'cause they thought it annoyed us. And secondly cause it was like some pub darts player claiming he was the World's most successful cause he'd beat Tam the Jakey more times than Phil Taylor had beaten Micheal van Gerwen.
  6. It's probably worth pointing out that cutting our cloth was a factor in our relegation in the first place.
  7. Is Dave King there ? Just thinking about a previous P&B squabble about how many games he'd attended in comparason to Ashley !? He was probably abroad but I imagine he had one eye on the game and the other on the wall behind the telly.
  8. Like I've said before - I've always felt a degree of sympathy towards Old Firm and 'Rangers' fans, caught up in something that's simply not important.
  9. ... and who are they battling anyhoo ? They were voted into the league with only Stranraer opposing and since then each and every 'battle' they've had has been with shysters they've invited into the club/company themselves - the fact that the rest of us have ha a right good belly laugh at them along the way isn't a 'battle' The only thing Oldco fans had going for themselves was that they didn't bleat like f'ck like the other lot ... they actually make them seem normal now !
  10. I've not got time for either Arse-cheek but the other lot make a much better job of these things - 'Rangers' ones are generally cringe-worthy and often point-and-laughable. Doesn't help that at first clance Central Car Auctions looks to be part of that particular bleat.
  11. I asked the question but didn't receive a reply so I had a wee scout about online and whilst there are lots of Charlie Hebdo style cartoons to be found none of them feature Jar Jar. In fact the only reference to Jar Jar and the Prophet are in relation to this story. I reckon he drew it himself, it's just a shitey biro drawing after all !?
  12. And then there's the Star Wars fans to consider. Of course - but it wasn't even just a quick spur-of-the-moment tweet - he went to the bother of fetching a bit of paper, scribbling down the drawing then taking a picture of it to send! And surely he knew that just depicting the Prophet in the first place would be offensive to a Muslim, what made him think to go adding a picture of Jar Jar Binks' cock !? How old is Graham anyhoo ?
  13. Quite. 'Rangers' can't be this shit forever though, they will eventually win something - and when they do the celebratory riots will dwarf what we saw following the Independence vote! We'll just keep reminding them that their old club died though and that they let it happen. Forever
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