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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. I'm not entirely sure I follow. Did SARS have anything to do with him 'losing' that money or do you mention them in relation to something else ? Are you saying SARS are responsible for the 'assumption' that King received money ?
  2. King's confusing the club with the company. It's the company that has to have the Nomad.
  3. I've asked quite a few times on here about KIng but I think yours is the first post I've read from a 'Rangers' fan actually explaining why you see him as different to all the rest - I don't know much about him, his involvement with the previous entity was back before the circus came to town so I wasn't all that interested, but my understanding is that he didn't lose as much as he claims he did so surely that is already an indication that he might actually be like the rest!? I know not to expect 'news' from the Scottish media (their style is more 'Hello' magazine) but they've championed King from the off without really presenting things impartially which is pretty much what they did with Green and Whyte and we all know how that turned out. Happy Xmas anyhoo.
  4. I still think yon American chap would have been a no nonsense solid rock to have in charge!
  5. Ken - It's on a par with suggesting that having players they wouldn't otherwise have been able to afford wasn't an advantage to Rangers on the pitch
  6. Nonsense. Governments engineer reasons to impose sanctions on other countries by murdering their own people in highly intricate yet extremely water-tight plots. These sensitive operations are are top secret and discovery would be disastrous .... but the BBC are given prior warning of them.
  7. Still not to be sniffed at - two extra players @ £500 per week.
  8. Thanks SD, that's more like I'd been thinking ... potentially half a home gate after match costs!? Our 30th cut of the overall pot (minus parachute payments etc.) is obviously due regardless of reaching the play-offs!
  9. I'm fairly busy and a very quick Google search was fruitless but I had thought that any gate revenues were split amongst the 30 SFL Clubs/Companies once match-day costs had been covered !? The Google search would also suggest that Hibs are due a further £250k 'parachute' payment from that pot should they fail to go up !? I'd like a Hibeejibee style post on the subject to clarify but clearly if it is worth as much as you suggest then I would indeed be keen for us to nip into 4th !
  10. We will be in this league next season and playing a bit-part in the play-offs is something I can see far enough. Although I acknowledge that it probably has given us the best moment of TFS so far!? I gather financially it's not that big a deal either (cue temper tantrum when 'Rangers' find out ) Does anyone know the difference in prize money between finishing 4th and 5th in the league btw?
  11. I'm sure I've read that the most likely cause of that news report was that they'd been told it was about to collapse and reported it wrong. But of course why would those orchestrating such a massive event make it even more elaborate by toppling an insignificant building next to the Twin Towers (and therefore including more people into the plan) ? And why tell news teams what was going to happen? What would be the point in that ? why give them a script when they'd report the collapse anyhoo? Why include even more people into the scam?
  12. Not only do I not understand why King is so revered by 'Rangers' fans and, indeed, the Scottish press - I also don't understand why non-'Rangers' supporters should be seething at his appointment !? He seems, from the 'outside' anyhoo, to be worth the watching ! I thought the American dude that rolled into town a few months back seemed like a good bet, he just seemed to be in it for the buzz of getting a team/company into a position to be winning stuff !?
  13. The notion that the U.S of A would inflict anything as rip-roaringly embarrassing and also utterly tragic on themselves is clearly absurd. Why, also, would they make it so intricate ? Surely hundreds of people would have been involved and surely one of them would have cracked by now!? and why hit multiple targets ? surly one aircraft into one tower would have provided whatever end result the Government were supposed to have been trying to engineer. Anyone who believes 9/11 was a conspiracy is a moron. I also laugh when these c'nts tell us to open our minds and not be sheep !! Most folk are capable of comprehending information and coming to our own conclusions about events - those fandans follow Youtube experts who believe lizard folk walk amongst us
  14. Was last nights attendance really the highest at TFS ? It didn't seem as full as many games in the past - surely 'gazebo' games had more in the ground!?
  15. Haud oan - having a go at Amy MacDonald is totally unforgivable - it's a game changer for me
  16. It's not the same thing. The fella has been offered a better job with better wages, 99% of us would move jobs under those circumstances (I'm sure that's been explained 100 times on here before)... he's simply said he'll remain committed to his current job before he moves.
  17. I'm not quite sure I can believe what I'm reading ... are you 'boasting' about One F
  18. I'm grateful for their input - I hadn't realised I was raging until they told us! Imagine a player moving to another club ... it's like the whole universe has been turned on it's head!
  19. What about Madonna at the Brits !!?? Fucking wow and lol !!
  20. I'd forgotten about that! Football can be a bit fucking bonkers at times
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