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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. I hadn't realised there were comments at the bottom ! I'd thought that him mentioning "Zadok The Priest" was some sort of Old Firm or 'Rangers' reference that I wasn't savvy with ... turns out he was on about the Champions League Theme which, of course, it isn't!
  2. I'm not so sure that that actually implies 'support' for another nation - Ned Jnr has a fair few International Jerseys but he doesn't support any of them.
  3. I always thought it was just to noise folk up!? (apologies if I'm wrong) It kinda pre-dates the point-and-laugh-athon which is pretty much when the Peepul decided that everyone hated them! The biggest loons are the ones that say they support England - what the f'ck is that all about? Fucking morons! Did they not see how fucking simple the dicks that support the Republic of Ireland ahead of Scotland look !? Each to their own I suppose!
  4. You've got to laugh at the Observer - imagine reporting, as fact, elements of King's history that he's decided not to keep Next they'll be telling us that Rangers went tits-up
  5. Interesting to note also that that other media darling Mr McCoist is being Championed as the savior of the titles in that article despite coming through all this to those of us pointing-and-laughing from the outside as being just as much of a joke as Chuckles, indeed the prolonged smoke-and-mirrors routine regarding his contract is pretty much the same as what the piece is ridiculing Charles Green for. The thought of McCoist being pivotal in discussions about anything when he's shown himself to be out of touch, devious and, well, just a bit thick is a bit of a laugh - although when you consider that being able to play players that they wouldn't otherwise have been able to afford was not seen as an advantage on the pitch then he probably didn't need to be !
  6. What a complete and utter arsehole that man is. Mind you, the majority of this board spotted that quite quickly whilst pretty much everyone in the Scottish media just blew smoke up his arse.
  7. The mists of time must be affecting my already dodgy memory 'cause as I remember it you could see Stokes was a player right from the off !?
  8. Quite. I think this has all been far to much for your average Rangers/'Rangers' supporter, from praying that it doesn't happen to pretending that it didn't - giving it laldy to getting it tight - it's all been utterly hilarious
  9. I think most people already recognise that Charles Green is a lying, delusional, simpleton but that clip is still beyond utterly tragic. Show us the Dallas Cowboys e-mail ya fucking fruit loop !
  10. So presumably that means he'll leave in 12 months time following a year on double wages !?
  11. I quite liked him, he added another dimension to the team - I know he wasn't everyone's cup of tea though, when I suggested that we should try to sign him a few folk poo-pooed the idea.
  12. It seems to me that the 'Rangers' fans could have avoided all this heartache by simply not letting the original Rangers die in the first place. Indeed they might even have avoided all this by simply questioning the spunking of loads of cash on players like Kevin Kyle to play in the arse end of Scottish football rather than giving it the big licks and posturing cause they were taking everyone else's best players !! All this stamping of feet about Ibrox is pretty much all the last lot did when Rangers went tits-up - temper tantrums aplenty,bleating that it would never happen, embarrassing posturing from a support who repeatedly fail to pull together like nearly every other support would. And the really really strange thing is is that if Ibrox was used against security, and if they did lose it, they'd suddenly just claim that it wasn't gone, all the protests would be forgotten, they, and the Scottish Press of course, would simply pretend that where-ever they played next was still Ibrox ... and the SFA would probably tag along and put 'Ibrox' down as their home on it's website. And all the while they'd continue to tell us that the rest of Scottish Football was fucked
  13. Just so you know.... "Hello girls! Like every year ,we are mobilizing against breast cancer. Here is the game this year : It is proposed that GIRLS do something to educate everyone facing breast cancer. It's easy and I would like you all to participate !!! a few years ago we had to write on our wall our bra colour . The men were questioning for days They wondered why girls had written on their wall colours . This year it is related to the number of tattoos you have. Do not reply to this message ... Write only the word that applies to you on your wall and send this message privately to all your GIRLS !!! It also requires that you add the words " ... and I 'm proud ! " Before the actual number. EXAMPLE: 2 and I am proud ! 7 and I'm proud ! 0 and I'm proud ! The game of the bra was up on television, trying to do the same with this , send this message privately to your contacts GIRLS , do " copy" on the message , select " New Message" and then "paste" ** If you please, do not reply to this message , simply do !! GO !! We want to see a maximum of statutes." I think when she says "The men were questioning for days" she actually means those that could be bothered asked Google !
  14. Fucking hell !! Even Celtic would be embarrassed to come out with that shite !!
  15. I've just had a mate like a 'False Flag' page about the Paris Shootings !! The irony of some of the most hard-of-thinking, gullible losers on the planet claiming that the rest of us can't think for ourselves. Wired to Mars Bars the fucking lot of them.
  16. You're missing the point that feeling the need to collate that information in the first place is beyond tragic and is utterly embarrassing.
  17. We actually need some sort of 'Mythbuster' thread to document the truth before the press & authorities spin stuff out of alignment For instance - I'm sure contract-stalling, money-grabbing, managerial dud Ally McCoist will soon be hailed as some sort of demigod in all this !
  18. Did you mean those running the club did all the damage themselves by continually squandering the money given by the company !?
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