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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Still believes they are fine and still believes the rest of Scottish Football is fucked !! The man is an incompetent arsehole who should have been shown the door months ago !
  2. And yet 'Rangers' were in a prime position to do exactly that - they could have strolled the leagues for an absolute fraction of what they spent getting here ... in fact they would probably have been in a better position had they built a squad properly. From £1.8m for WIFI to £0.5 to avoid a WUO in 18 months FFS Dave, have you no been paying attention ? - if you buy a Club it comes with all the bits that you want and none of the stuff that you don't !!! ... or is that the Company
  3. er ... whit It gives me a clue that it's a link to the Daily Record ... and that's about it The Daily Record is generally a load of tosh and I sometimes feel loathed to click the link only to find that it's been a total waste of my time. Add to that the fact that site traffic is important to them, and that linking to them is helping them continue to post utter shite about Scottish Football The Old Firm and 'Rangers' and I'm doubly pissed off about it. How about just cutting and pasting the story so that I can decide for myself if it's of any interest to me, or how about adding a proper link with a headline so I have a clue what the story might be about - Jon Daly: Everyone at Rangers believes we can win the Championship
  4. I try not to but seeing as folk keep adding lazy links to them instead cutting and pasting the story onto the thread then I do occasionally add to their site traffic. Pisses me off slightly it has to be said. Cut and paste cuntos !!!
  5. Nice one - Thanks for filling me in on a player that's already played 5 seasons at Falkirk.
  6. Bunch of dull monotone dullards sitting right behind us talked utter shite all the way through that first half - had to move seats to protect my sanity ! Got out of jail a few times there, lucky to be ahead !
  7. Quite looking forward to today's game now, are these guys the only two new faces we're likely to see play today ?
  8. One of my friends just shared it - the spelling shows it originates from the States which makes the idiots sharing it from the UK even bigger knobends !!
  9. That would be fucking fab (assuming he's still the care-free, yet talented, big dude !?)
  10. It's actually bollocks ! Jan 2015 to Dec 2029 = 15 Years Jan 2001 to Dec 2014 = 14 Years If you take Leap Years into account then we are 5113 days from the year 2000 and 5479 days from the year 2030. We won't be closer to 2030 until July the 2nd
  11. I think most of the original wave came over from Scottish Football Online which kept going offline - I think I stuck it out the longest though and hung on until SFO was absolutely dead in the water before venturing over here. The fact that most of us knew about P&B in the first place was down to St Sid's endless spamming and trolling of SFO.
  12. That list's been thinned out a bit. Each member's profile page contains a reference to their member number - Serge is number 13 (mine is 181) I'm fairly sure Pompey was No 2 !?
  13. That must be a typo, it started on January the 22nd 2003 ... and 'Div' wasn't even a member
  14. I agree but this was for Mrs Ned's presents and I'd trapsed round a few shops without seeing anything that was up to scratch before seeing that stuff. The paper did look very nice.
  15. Yip - it was labelled as "2 x 2m" but both rolls only had a meter on them ... luckily I had a gift bag at hand for the last present. In my capacity as a grumpy old man I raised it as a topic of conversation during a recent visit from a relative who said they'd also bought Next paper that turned out to only be a meter long. Bunch of c'nts !!
  16. Next 2m wrapping paper turns out to only be 1m wrapping paper ... bunch of c'nts !! £6 for two feckin' rolls as well
  17. F'kin hell - can't decide if it's the Ibrox Nativity or if it's a Panto. *sets up '3 Wise Men' sitter
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