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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. "The club's debt to their football creditors, including members of the current squad, other club staff and clubs from which the Bulls loaned players during the 2013-14 season, added up to £148,000." FFS BBC ... the club can't have any debt you fucking simpletons ... you're thinking about the fecking company !!
  2. It was a thread about removing a dead badger from a drain and then kicking it - it was heralded as one of the funniest threads ever in the entire history of P&B but personally I thought it was just a bit meh !
  3. I had a wee read of that thread and then I had a look to see what else was being discussed and this wee gem turned up: "I don't buy any Scottish papers because of the contempt they hold us in" Once again my flabber is absolutely gasted at the fact that someone associated with 'Rangers' thinks that any part of the Scottish media is against them ... it's pure mope madness on a level we used to point at the Celtic fans for peddling !! I had a flick through the Sun today (in the pub) and there were at least 5 pages dedicated to 'Rangers', in fact they dedicated more column inches to Sone Fucking Aluko because of his links to the old club than they did to about half the clubs in Scotland
  4. Old threads used to get the blame for slowing the site down or hanging it up completely ... think Div basically rage deleted a lot of stuff ! Bit of a shame cause some decent stuff has been purged from the boards over the years !
  5. What the actual f'ck is this pish ? seriously ? Away and take yer head for a shite !
  6. It's been a strange wee exchange this - I've told you how I feel about my claim to two nationalities and how my son feels about his claim to two nationalities and whilst you've been telling me straight out that I'm wrong you've also felt the need to state that I'm "self righteous", "arrogant" and that I think I have the right to tell others they're wrong whilst I'm right !! Even when I say I genuinely don't know, state that I don't want to argue and ask you to explain you still pop up to claim that I'm saying I'm right and others are wrong. And that's without even mentioning the utterly bizarre "similar looking nationalities" statement you made !
  7. That's nice, Cool story Bro' etc. But I wasn't commenting on folk from Northern Ireland themselves I was commenting on the dim-wits from Scotland who support them (or England) over Scotland.
  8. I skipped over you mentioning this earlier as I didn't really have a clue what you were on about ... and I guess I still don't - how do manage to have a legitimate claim to another nationality ? I'm not trying to argue with you here I genuinely don't know ? Both my kids were born in Scotland and both are entitled to carry Italian passports but neither of them are Italian or would ever claim to be !
  9. In that case I apologize - I certainly didn't get your point. Having explained your point though you're obviously touching on what a very large chunk of "football rivalry" in Scotland is built on - whilst I don't give a f'ck about Ireland bizarrely large swathes of Scots born folk somehow do !! And, of course, the utterly pointless country to the North of it as well !! There are better countries to spend your life immersed in squabbling over but it's a big part of many Scots folks lives !! All that is hardly Rocket Surgery of course, no one on here really needs it explained to them - were you expecting anything different ? At the UEFA Cup Final at Hampden a few years ago a bunch of fans behind me started chanting sectarian pish !! If it can happen there I certainly wouldn't have been surprised to hear it at Celtic park the other night !
  10. See this pish !! this pish really rips my knitting !! I couldn't give a f'ck about Ireland, I bear them no grudge, no f'ck what-so-ever but I have criticized McCarthy in the past on here for deciding not to play for Scotland - if he'd picked Wales I'd still have criticized him and no doubt I'd have been critisized in return for doing so ... but because it's Ireland some fandan just has to roll up and bleat about anti-Irish bigotry. C*nts !
  11. You've muddled your post up a bit but I think you're asking what I'd do if Ned Jnr married a Scot and then they had a son who was born in China, was raised in China and then the wee lad has a Scotland top ? Why would I have a problem with that ? Ned Jnr has an Italian top ! A better question would be if Kevin, despite being born and raised in China all his life (?) suddenly decided that he was actually Scottish .... what would I do then !? Well I'd like to think he had some sort of affinity with Scotland but he'd still be Chinese ! Not sure what your "similar looking nationalities" pish is all about !!
  12. Ned Jnr is half Italian and likes to see Italy doing well (we're watching the Croatia game right now FWIW, or were cause it's been stopped for crowd trouble) but does he support Italy over Scotland ? does he f'ck ! And does he claim to be Italian rather than Scottish ? course he fucking doesn't !! I'm half English and spent a third of my life down there - will I be supporting England on Tuesday night - course I fucking won't ... I was born and bred in Scotland FFS !! Half this board could probably claim "Irish Heritage" (I could) but let's face it the only ones pretending to be Irish are the ones that were dragged up by an Old Firm supporting parent. If it's any consolation to the Plastics reading this I'd state that the knuckle-draggers that support Northern Ireland or England ahead of Scotland rate higher in the moron stakes !!
  13. Black Ride Master S&M Load As mentioned in previous threads I don't understand how anyone can stick Justice in there, I just never ever liked it and never listen to it. Load is a fairly underrated album IMO, "Thorn Within" & "Outlaw Torn" are superb.
  14. A girl I used to work beside posts that kind of shit about once a month, I think it's a genuine case of Munchausens by proxy ! I'd delete her but she's genuine car-crash-tv material ... she's also regularly posts pictures that she claims were taken by her husband of her sleeping that are obviously selfies ... complete with fake eyelashes etc.
  15. My gripe with them is the self-serve ones in Asda that have a conveyor at them - for some reason folk can't compute that they don't have to empty the basket onto the conveyor first ... they can simply take each item out of the basket one at a time, scan it, and stick it in a bag.
  16. Aye - I was probably stretching the boundaries of a petty complaint. In my defense though my gripe comes from having to repeatedly navigate the new 'improved' version of Earl's Gates roundabout in Grangemouith, a roundabout I never, ever had any difficulty with in the past but one I'm now stopped on 3 or 4 times on each occasion when driving from Falkirk to Grangemouth ... you actually get snarl ups during the day now because of the new system !! I think the entire exercise was an attempt to 'rescue' those utter bellends who used to sit for fucking ages waiting on a telegram or something to tell them they could exit the McDonalds slip !! C*nts !!
  17. What is the fucking point of adding traffic lights to roundabouts ??
  18. Best Professional Club in the Community according to Facebook !
  19. Can you still bet on this It's a certain No vote surely ... free money !? or free pennies given those odds !? *Avoids obvious Northern Rock comment.
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