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Everything posted by Widge

  1. It’s almost as if playing players in their correct positions brings the best out of them! Phillips is now a nailed on starter no matter what formation you play him in. He’s also at that age where you can still improve and makes him a sellable asset! We need to make the most of it.
  2. Yet there’s nothing lazy about it. Sure you don’t think Celtic get away with as much as Rangers that’s your prerogative. Yet history shows that Celtic do benefit from a lot more decisions than other teams and have done for many years. Leaving Rangers aside, you can’t debate this.
  3. The fact we’ve lost 7 games in a row and yet are still 4 points off the bottom really is telling how shite the bottom half of this league is!
  4. Nah sorry Jamie not having that, he's travelling full pelt, dives in out of control with a straight leg and studs up, whilst coming in at ankle height. It's a red card all day long, there's no dubiety about it, under the laws it's a sending off.
  5. Saints should call it out, that would be one way to get fans slightly back on side!
  6. I look forward to an identical incident involving Goldson being conveniently missed...
  7. Historically we do actually create chances at Ibrox but we always fail to take them, I'm ok with Clark starting this one as he's probably the most likely to finish a half chance that comes his way.
  8. The only way this is in any way possibly a good move is if the deal is peanuts and it allows Bair to go out on loan and actually play. Funny though after yet another article praising Bair by the manager, he's not potentially 4th choice.
  9. I’d rather have Jordan White and I think that tells you the whole story.
  10. Did we not concede a couple of set piece goals and a penalty? Which would arguably be nothing to do with the formation at all!
  11. I mean he's managed 3 games without injury, so I wouldn't worry it's about time he's out for another 6 weeks. Whilst I don't agree that he's a key player in there by any stretch of the imagination (if he is we're fucked!), but he has merits. Those merits are as simple as he's a natural central midfielder who's better than Carey and Crawford.....that's it!
  12. I don't think we've necessarily abandoned it fully in that we're still living well within our means and aren't in any danger of running out of cash like so many before us. The issue stems from the fact we've now got an incompetent hierarchy structure who don't seem to have any real sense or control over things like we used to have. A better run club would have invested the money we had gained in a sensible manner with long term strategy, we haven't done that so any good work from a previous life has just been undone and we're back to square one. Which is still a totally solvent club running within its means and with a rainy day fund (just not nearly as large as it should be).
  13. I've been thinking about Jordan White this morning and I'm almost coming around to the idea (not the fee paying part, that's nonsense), rather the type of player he is. The most like for like example I can think of for saints would be Brian Graham. He was much maligned and whilst not technically the best player, or ever a fans favourite he did pop up and score goals to win games. Now I've only seen White play against saints and he falls into a similar bracket in that he's not exactly what you'd call technically gifted, but he does work hard, he will win his fair share of headers and truth be told he does pop up with goals for a County team struggling. Would I be excited, absolutely not, would he be anything more than average, absolutely not, but I'm with RG I'd rather have him than Brophy. Not that I'm expecting saints to actually sign anyone in the next week, but you never know.
  14. It depends on the player and their attitude. Most would likely want to go out and play football, even if it was on loan rather than sit around every Saturday not doing anything. Doesn't surprise me with O'Halloran though and I've got no issues with him running his deal down, totally within his right to do so and highlights that he should never have been offered the deal he got.
  15. Someone find Willie Miller in the crowd and take a snap of his puss the moment that went in!
  16. He’s not very good is he!? Looks a bombscare every time he plays, makes Stewart seem steady.
  17. I don’t disagree with you on the regards; but I think it would be fine if you tell Wright to stay high. Alternatively you play Wright there and play someone ahead of him, albeit that’s probably too attacking. It’s almost too late to identify targets if we’re changing shape. You know we won’t have forward planned enough for that eventuality.
  18. I think you could play McGowan at right back. He’s still got the energy to play midfield and he does occasionally bomb on. Ok not ideal, but he’d be fine with Wright in front of him.
  19. Another year, but he needs phased out and a long term plan in place. Something that saints are just not doing right now.
  20. We’d be better just holding off, giving the extra cash to Spoony and then making a move for Robbie Deas in the summer as Considines replacement.
  21. If it’s a 6 month deal to prove his fitness and provide cover then sure, I’m ok with it. If however and we know this will be the case he gets a long term contract thrown at him, then f**k that for a laugh.
  22. We have the players contract registration, we could easily have loaned him back at no cost to us and then got a fee out of it. Instead we cancelled his contract entirely, I don’t think the fact he wanted to go back to Ireland is the whole story and we’ll likely never know it all either. Sligo are fucking laughing all the way to the bank on this one.
  23. At least Hallberg might be back fit soon. I know he’s not been playing well this year (albeit not sure that’s really his fault). But we miss his ability to get around the pitch and track runners in the midfield massively without him.
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