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Everything posted by Widge

  1. Foster was going the commentary for BBC Scotland, so that’s the only reason he was there.
  2. Aye but the fanny is totally missing the point. Baltacha in modern terms would be like us signing some one with 60+ caps and that had come from a top team. Football and wages in particular have moved on. Yes the whole post is total nonsense and I don’t for a minute think saints fans are annoyed by the ages of the players, more the fact we know that half of them are completely done in and coining a wage now.
  3. Daniel Bachmann was the last Watford reserve keeper to come up to Scotland and that worked out pretty well for all parties involved. Happily take a chance on a 6’4 internationalist rather than McCrorie or god forbid Parish.
  4. I’m all for a squad full of Swedes! Rather that than some of the turnips we’ve signed this season!
  5. Aye Cleary and Rooney especially last season looked like they wanted to throttle each other every few minutes. I don't mind having someone with a bit of bite and aggression in the team, far from it, but it needs to be channelled correctly. Cleary is obviously a hot head who needs to learn not to get wound up. That being said we've let teams bully us for seasons now, so if it toughens us up, so be it.
  6. Kindly take that chat and f**k off right into the Forth! We've started the day badly, don't make it any worse please.
  7. The damage was done last season with Davidson's relationship with the fans, there was literally zero he could do to win back the majority. The fact he hid behind Zander on his lap around the park shows he's scared of the fans reaction and what they really think. So in his head it's already too late and he may as well just stick to his guns and completely compound our misery.
  8. It's not a rumour, we've signed his youngest brother for the youth teams.
  9. Keeper Wright - Cleary-Gordon-Mahon-Gallacher Hallberg-McPherson Carey-Kane-Spoony Based on what we've seen so far, I'd wager it'll be that. That's relying on getting a keeper in and 3 long term injuries coming back and contributing. It also looks like a team that'll get relegated irrespective of whether they all stay fit or not.
  10. To go from Wrights imperious lower league record to that is frankly stunning. Never had any fears of not winning with him in charge, can’t say the same now. The nails been hit on the head, we actually expected to not win against a team multiple leagues below us!
  11. I’ve resigned myself to getting supremely pissed off most Saturdays again as I see a grand total of 8 home goals this season.
  12. I’m 15 minutes from Dumfries on Saturday was was swithering on whether I went to the game……yeah I’m going to be thinking long and hard about it now!
  13. I was saying on Saturday, that despite work on it, the pitch still doesn’t look great by any means. It’s a real worry yet again, maybe Davidson is asking for it to be like that deliberately to give him and excuse in games!
  14. In an ideal world, you'd get Crawford and O'Halloran out the door to free up space for better senior players, you'd probably also want Ballantyne and Gilmour out on loan, Sinclair as well to free up wages to allow you to bring in first team ready players. I don't think any of this will happen, but I can dream. I'd probably include May in the list too, but we can't lose any more strikers!
  15. I'd argue that this is absolutely the correct way to do it, the problem being I don't for a second think there's a logistical plan in place for the replacements.
  16. I'd agree with that team to be honest. Wee Max has definitely earned himself a chance to start games which is great and he'll be going nowhere this season. Carey will ultimately be first choice on that side, but having Max on the side to come in and affect games or vice versa when it isn't going well is a good position to be in. The team above should be good enough to beat the rest of the teams in the group, but then again you never know when it comes to Davidsonball, he might aim for a shitfest of a 1-0 and get unstuck once again. I'd hope not, there's enough attacking players in the squad now to actually create, it's the defence and midfield that are the issues. Whether we can convert chances is a total unknown as well!
  17. “There’s a lot of depth when everyone’s back. It feels like we’re a bit light at the moment but you can’t just keep spending money on players. That quote from Davidson is an interesting one. Suggests that he's still not happy with the squad and I'm not convinced that we're done in the market just yet. That may be blind optimism and dependant on whether we can shift some players out on loan or for good. You've got to assume the likes of Ballantyne would either be the prime candidate to go out, since it's doubtful he'll play now or potentially ever.
  18. Let’s start with the positives. Wee Max was excellent and forward thinking and his use of the ball for someone so young is very promising. He’s played himself into a starting spot for me and he seems the kind of player who’ll grab it. Theo Bair looks like he’s gained confidence and will cause defenders issues with his sheer size alone. Not convinced he’ll ever be the most technical or creative but I think he can score goals if he sticks between the posts. I also thought Carey looked good for someone who hasn’t played a lot recently and Murphy is clearly a clever player. I also thought we improved once MacPherson came on and maybe, just maybe he’s showing signs of improvement. Now the negatives. Parish, that’s all I need to say on that one. Considine to the surprise of nobody looks like he’s absolutely finished and can barely move. Our left hand side will get exposed a lot if he and Montgomery play together. Thirdly, our lack of wingback on the right is criminal right now, time and time again that’s where the space was and yet we’ve got zero to take advantage. I suspect Wright would of helped that, but he’s no doubt injured and still not convinced he’s the answer.
  19. Fucking hell, Clark isn’t resigning what more so folk need. We’re struggling to find a keeper and pining after him isn’t fling to help. Like I said, i can confirm 100% Clark isn’t signing a new at saints no matter what is on the table for him!
  20. Yeah I can 100% confirm the that isn’t happening!
  21. Don’t mind the kit, it’s simple and pretty well done. Agreed that the collar looks a bit weird though, would be much better with a white trim around it, just having a white triangle is an odd one. Still it’s better than the vast majority we’ve had where they’ve added shite details that do nothing.
  22. Sorry boys, that home kit is an absolute stinker. The fact it’s predominantly red is not what you want for a County strip.
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