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Everything posted by Rugster

  1. Buddy you're a boy make a big noise playing in the street gonna be a big man some day ya gut mud on your face, big disgrace, kickin your can all over the place. Surely one of the best opening lines of all time!
  2. "Go f**k yourself San Diego" Gallery "*gasps*" "Good work team, nice bulletin, sharp."
  3. they've been and they're doing f'k all. Understandable I suppose, the water isn't gushing in, and I wouldn't like to come home and find my door forced open for a leaking washing machine or whatever's causing it. I just wish the fuckers would hurry up and come home, because the dripping noise is doing my f'kin head in! PS - mad dash around the flat to hide all the "backed up " DVDs
  4. Water dripping into my fuckin flat! Where the f**k are the polis???
  5. Queen and Axl Rose - We Will Rock You
  6. Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - The Flower Of Scotland
  7. At the concert, when the rollercoaster line came on, the place was in darkness, and suddenly the big screens came alive with Freddie. Slow mo action packs of him on the beach, on the stage, arguing with John, etc etc. The crowds (as you will hear when I send you the disk ) went bonkers!
  8. You can't turn back the clock, you can't turn back the time - ain't that a shame I like to go back one time, on a roller coaster ride - life is just a game!
  9. Sometimes I get to thinkings, I was back in the old days, long ago.
  10. No!! haha !!! My only friend, through teenage nights!
  11. I sit alone, and watch your light, B)
  12. Here we stand, and here we fall History won't care at all......................
  13. I've got it on mute, but she looks not bad!
  14. Paul Rodgers and Queen: allright now There she stoooooooooooodd
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